BHU PG Entrance Question paper 2018
BHU PG Entrance Question paper 2018
Q.1: Nitrate levels in drinking water above.______mg per litre are considered as a human health hazard?
- 5.0
- 10.0
- 20.0
- 15.0
Q.2:A soil is low in available N if the soil organic carbon is in the range of?
- <0.5%
- <0.75%
- 0.5-0.75%
- <1%
Q.3:Mustard crop planted at a spacing of 50 x 20 cm will have plants/ha?
- 75,000
- 1,00,000
- 1,25,000
- 1,50,000
Q.4:Temperature for homogenisation of milk?
- 30°C for 30 minutes
- 65 °C for 30 minutes
- 90 °C for 30 minutes
- 110 °C for 30 minutes
Q.5:The comprehensive system of soil classification is popularly known as?
- 7th Approximation
- 8th Approximation
- 9th Approximation
- 10th Approximation
Q.6:Tungro disease of rice is caused by?
- Bacteria
- Algae
- Actinomycetes
- Virus
Q.7:Button mushroom belongs to the genus?
- Volvariella
- Agaricus
- Amanita
- Pleurotus
Q.8:In Urea N is present in which form?
- Nitrate
- Ammonium
- Amide
- Nitrite
Q.9:Mango variety which is suitable for high density planting?
- Ratna
- Dashehri
- Amrapalli
- Tangra
Q.10:Bhindi yellow vein clearing disease is transmitted by?
- Oligonychus indicus
- Aphis gossypii
- Amrasca devastans
- Bemisia tabaci
Q.11:Two pairs of antennae are present in?
- Insecta
- Crustacea
- Arachnida
- Myriapoda
Q.12:Adopter category is based on?
- Education
- Innovation
- Awareness
- Innovativeness
Q.13:Which of the following is the algal symbiont of Azolla responsible for bio- logical N fixation?
- Anabaena
- Rhizobium
- Azospirillum
- Azotobacter
Q.14:Which one has epigeal type of seed germination?
- Turmeric
- Barley
- Bean
- Sorghum
Q.15:Fruit of Papaya is botanically known as?
- Pome
- Drupe
- Berry
- Hesperidium
Q.16:Which soil type cover the maximum area in India?
- Alluvial soil
- Red soil
- Black soil
- Laterite soil
Q.17:The law of diminishing return was proposed by?
- Mitscherlich
- Wilcox
- Blackman
- Van Liebig
Q.18:Which of the following disease occurs due to deficiency of zinc?
- Bunt of rice
- Pansukh disease
- Blast disease of rice
- Khaira disease of rice
Q.19:Interveinal chlorosis in younger leaves is the characteristics deficiency symp- tom of one of the following?
- Zinc
- Iron
- Boron
- Nitrogen
Q.20:The critical level of nutrient concept was given by?
- Olsen
- Cate and Nelson
- Brady
- Darcy
Q.21:Which disease was responsible for the Great Bengal Famine in 1942-43?
- Rice Blast
- Late Blight of Potato
- Brown Spot of Rice
- Wheat Rust
Q.22:’Black heart’ is a physiological disorder of?
- Chili
- Tomato
- Cabbage
- Potato
Q.23:Jelly in which fruit peels remain suspended is called as?
- Cordial
- Jam
- Candy
- Marmalade
Q.24:’Kranz’ anatomy is found in the leaves of?
- Groundnut
- Potato
- Cauliflower
- Maize
Q.25:Buttoning is the problem in which of the following crops?
- Cauliflower
- Okra
- Chillies
- Melon
Q.26:Protein in milk is called?
- Keratin
- Zein
- Collagen
- Casein
Q.27:Late Blight of Potato is caused by?
- Alternaria solani
- Phytophthora infestans
- Colletotrichum sp.
- Fusarium sp.
Q.28:Iodine is used in milk for detecting adulteration for?
- Water
- Starch
- Cow’s milk in Buffalo’s milk
- Plant fat
Q.29:Egg’s of mango mealy bug are laid in?
- Leaf
- Tree trunk
- Crevices
- Soil
Q.30:Plants of which family are reported to assimilate CO2 in night?
- Leguminoceae (Pea etc.)
- Crassulaceae (Bryophyllum etc.)
- Cucurbitaceae (Bitter gourd etc.)
- Malvaceae (Hibiscus etc.)
Q.31:Breeding value of an individual is?
- Sum of average effect of genes
- Difference of average effect of genes
- Difference of additive and dominance effects of genes
- Sum of additive and dominance effects of genes
Q.32:Which one of these does not obey Mendel’s law?
- Independent assortment
- Linkage
- Dominance
- Purity of gametes
Q.33:Which of the following is a Poverty Alleviation Programme?
Q.34:Meristem tip culture is followed for?
- Elimination of bacteria
- Elimination of fungi
- Elimination of virus
- Elimination of nematodes
Q.35:The non-chitinous layer of insect integument is?
- Endocuticle
- Exocuticle
- Epicuticle
- Epidermis
Q.36:The most effective mutagen for cytoplasmic genesis?
- Sodium Azide
- Ethidium Bromide
Q.37:In saline soil the movement (loss) of water from roots to soil occur through one of the following process?
- Leaching
- Guttation
- Evaporation
- Exo-osmosis
Q.38:Which is not a method used in National Income Accounting?
- Income method
- Output method
- Export method
- Expenditure method
Q.39:The highest category of soil nomenclature is called as?
- Order
- Great group
- Family
- Series
Q.40:The net assimilation rate is expressed in terms of?
- gcm-2 day-1
- gg-1 ha-1
- gg-1 day-1
- gcm2 ha1
Q.41:Onion production is related to?
- Pink revolution
- Silver revolution
- Golden revolution
- Blue revolution
Q.42:In marketing, ‘place utility’ is created through?
- Insurance
- Processing
- Grading
- Transport
Q.43:In cyclorthapous dipterans, the fusion of carpora cardiaca, carpora allata and prothoracic glands is referred to as?
- Simpher’s organ
- Craber’s organ
- Gyroscopic organ
- Weismann’s ring
Q.44:Magnesium is an important constituent of one of the following molecule?
- Chlorophyll
- Phytochrome
- Haem protein
- Xanthophyll
Q.45:The term ‘soilage’ includes?
- Silage
- Green fodder
- Hay
- Concentrate
Q.46:Weed index indicates?
- Yield reduction
- Herbicide efficiency
- Herbicide toxicity
- Herbicide activity
BHU PG Entrance Question paper 2018
Q.47:In which method of planting maximum number of plants per unit area can be accommodated?
- Rectangular
- Square
- Hexagonal
- Quincunx
Q.48:In reduction reaction process what happens?
- Water is lost
- Hydrogen is added
- Hydrogen is lost
- Oxygen is added
Q.49:Which type of clay minerals is dominantly present in Vertisols?
- Kaolinite
- Smectite
- Illite
- Halloysite
Q.50:When demand changes due to increase in its own price it is known as?
- Contraction in demand
- Expansion in demand
- Increase in demand
- Decrease in demand
Q.51:A cropping system where the land is handed over the succeeding crop before the harvest of standing crop is termed as?
- Relay cropping
- Ratoon cropping
- Intercropping
- Sequence cropping
Q.52:______ is an idea, practice or object that is perceived as new by an individual or other unit of adoption?
- Diffusion
- Communication
- Invention
- Innovation
Q.53:The only metallic element present in chlorophyl?
- N
- Mg
- K
- Ca
Q.54:In living plant cell conversion of Pyruvic acid into CO2 and energy is called?
- Photorespiration
- Glycolysis
- Krebs cycle
- Carbon-transformation
Q.55:Chief carbohydrate in milk is called?
- Glucose
- Maltose
- Lactose
- Sucrose
Q.56:Byproduct after cream separation process is?
- Whey
- Butter milk
- Lassi
- Skim milk
Q.57:The law that determines the best uses of limited resources among alternative uses is known as?
- Law of variable proportion
- Law of equi-marginal return
- Law of demand
- Law of supply
Q.58:’Silver shoot’ in rice produced by gall midge is a modification of?
- Leaf sheath
- Leaf tip
- Leaf base
- Stem
Q.59:A farmer can become an entrepreneur by?
- Adopting a new technology
- By considering his farm as business operation
- Learning new method of agriculture
- Developing a new practice
Q.60:The scientists who demonstrated sexuality in bacteria?
- Lederberg and Tatum
- Louis Pasteur and Nicholas
- Leeuwenhock and Kola
- Kircher and Koch
Q.61:Scientist who discovered Transduction in bacteria?
- Zinder and Lederberg
- Lederberg and Tatum
- Leeuwenhoek
- Louis Pasteur and Nicholas
Q.62:Casein is obtained from?
- Milk
- Wheat
- Maize
- Barley
Q.63:Fruit setting is done through parthenocarpy process in one of the following?
- Banana
- Apple
- Mango
- Guava
Q.64:Winter Banana is a variety of?
- Pear
- Banana
- Mango
- Apple
Q.65:Which holds good at Break Even Point?
- Total Return =Total Cost
- Marginal Return =Marginal Cost
- Marginal Return > Marginal Cost
- Total Return > Total Cost
Q.66:Cell wall of Gram bacteria has a larger component of?
- Phospholipids
- Lipoproteins
- Methylamine
- Peptidoglycan
Q.67:Colostrum is?
- First milk drawn after parturition
- Milk of first parturition
- Milk after two weeks of parturition
- Only Buffaloes milk
Q.68:Which of the following is an example of 1:1 type clay mineral?
- Kaolinite
- Vermicullite
- Montmorillonite
- Talc
Q.69:Powdery Mildew of fungi belongs to order?
- Perenosporales
- Erisiphales
- Mucorales
- Uredinales
Q.70:The term mutation breeding was given by?
- Jones
- Hugo de Vries
- Muller
- Nilson-Ehle
Q.71:Milk of cow is yellowish due to?
- Vitamin A
- Xanthene
- Natural pigment
- Carotene
Q.72:Rice plants prefer absorption of N fertilizer in form of?
- NO3–
- NO2–
- NH4+
- NH3
Q.73:Communication is?
- Telling something
- Verbal process
- Non verbal process
- Both verbal and non verbal process
Q.74:Cellular telecommunication market in India is an example of?
- Monopoly market
- Duopoly market
- Oligopoly market
- Perfectly competitive market
Q.75:The reinforcement of an innovation decision making occurs at?
- Knowledge stage
- Decision stage
- Persuasion stage
- Confirmation stage
Q.76:Iron in milk is?
- Rich
- Balanced
- Poor
- Absent
Q.77:Which of the following is a method of indirect measurement of soil moisture?
- Neutron moisture meter
- Electron moisture meter
- Positron moisture meter
- Proton moisture meter
Q.78:Which one is Amino acid among the following?
- Carbonic acid
- Oxalic acid
- Proline
- Malic acid
Q.79:Hardy-Weinberg law is applicable for maintenance of genetic purity of?
- Open Pollinated Variety
- Inbred lines
- Pureline
- Hybrids
Q.80:Dense webbing of rice grain in storage results due to?
- Angoumois grain moth
- Rice moth
- Red flour beetle
- Rice weevil
Q.81:Lowest fat is found in the milk of?
- Sahiwal
- Jersey
- Red Sindhi
- Holstein Fresian
Q.82:The unconsolidated debris overlying the hard, unweathered bedrock is called as?
- Pedosphere
- Lithosphere
- Regolith
- Stratosphere
Q.83:Specific gravity of milk on addition of water?
- Increases
- Decreases
- Remains unchanged
- Sometime decreases sometime increases
Q.84:Soil surrounding living root is known as?
- Rhizoplane
- Rhizosphere
- Rhizomorph
- Rhizoids
Q.85:Which one of the following is C4 plant?
- Mango
- Sugarcane
- Rice
- Wheat
Q.86:Most economic method of irrigation in orchard under water scarcity condition is?
- Drip system
- Sprinkler system
- Ring system
- Flooding system
Q.87:Genetic material in tobacco mosaic Virus is?
- DNA or RNA
- DNA and RNA both
Q.88:Edible part of Knol-Khol is?
- Stem
- Leaf
- Root
- Flower
Q.89:Luxury consumption is observed in which of the following nutrients?
- N
- P
- S
- K
Q.90:The essentiality criteria of nutrients was given by?
- Barber
- Arnon and Stout
- Schoefield
- Cate and Nelson
BHU PG Entrance Question paper 2018
Q.91:Where does India rank in production of fruits in the world?
- Fourth
- Third
- Second
- First
Q.92:In artificial insemination?
- Embryo is transferred
- Ovum is transferred
- Semen is harvested
- In vitro fertilisation
Q.93:Number of segments present in insect head is?
- Four
- Six
- Seven
Q.94:Origin of Sahiwal breed of cow is from?
- India
- Pakistan
- Sri Lanka
- Vietnam
Q.95:Epiricania melanoleuca, an ectoparasitoid is effective an?
- Sugarcane pyrilla
- Sugarcane mealybug
- Sugarcane white fly
- Sugarcane scale
Q.96:Which of the following is not true of DNA?
- ‘A’ pairs with T and ‘G’ pairs with C
- Nitrogen bases are 0.34 nm apart on a DNA strand
- The double helix is 2.0 nm wide
- The double helix is 3.4 nm wide
Q.97:In India, hybrid rice seed production is done through?
- Two line system
- One line system
- Three line system
- All of these
Q.98: Cuscuta sp. is a?
- Partial root parasite
- Total root parasite
- Total stem parasite
- Partial stem parasite
Q.99: Gibberellin enhances especially, one of the following process when sprayed on plants?
- Rooting
- Stunting
- Transpiration
- Elongation
Q.100:Which one of the following is quickest method of establishing a lawn?
- Dibbling
- Seeding
- Turf plastering
- Turfing
Q.101: PBR-322 is a?
- Degradation plasmid
- Toxin producing plasmid
- Walking plasmid
- Reconstructed plasmid
Q.102:The irrigation requirement (IR) is equal to___?
- WR-(ER-S)
- WR – (ER+S)
- WR +(ER-S)
- WR+ (ERS)
If You Know The Answer of Remaining Questions Please Write in Comment Box
Q.103:Universal antidote is the mixture of activated charcoal : tannic acid : MgO in the ratio of?
- 2:1:1
- 1:2:1
- 1:1:2
- 2:6:2
Q.104:In a DNA sequence, if ‘A’ and ‘T comprise of 60%, the percentage of C will be?
- 15%
- 30%
- 45%
- 20%
Q.105:For production function Y = 3×2 – 6x + 15, what is the value of elasticity of production at X= 5?
- 0.5
- 1.0
- 2.0
- 24.0
Q.106:If NNP = 110; Total Subsidy =25 and Total Indirect Tax = 15; then NNPfc is?
- 110
- 140
- 120
- 105
Q.107:As compared to main bacterial chromosome, the size of an episome is?
- 1/30
- 1/20
- 1/10
- 1/40
Q.108:A social process through cultural difference between two or more societies disappear and develop a common culture is called?
- Assimilation
- Accommodation
- Sanskritisation
- Diffusion
Q.109:All the following curves are Ushaped except?
- AVC curve
- AFC curve
- MC curve
- ATC curve
Q.110:Vasiform orifice is a characteristic feature of?
- Delphacidae
- Aleyrodidae
- Cercopidae
- Membracidae
Q.111:According to Barnard, a leader performs the following functions?
- Determination of objectives
- Manipulation of means
- Control of instrumentality of action
- All of the above
Q.112:What distinguish an economic good from a free good?
- Equality in supply and demand
- Magnitude in utility
- Value in use
- Value in exchange
Q.113:Bee’s wax contains?
- Hydroxy methyl furfural rt
- Myrisyl palmitate
- n-acetyl glucose amine
- Lauryl acetate
Q.114:Individual who takes the responsibility of creating innovation of any kind from within the organization?
- Intrapreneur
- Ultrapreneur
- Pseudopreneur
- Entrepreneur
Q.115:The persons who leave the ventures as soon as venture is created?
- Managerial entrepreneurs
- Mobile entrepreneurs
- Empire builders
- Intonative entrepreneurs
Q.116:Setting a price below that of the competition is called?
- Price skimming
- Psychological pricing
- Penetration pricing
- Competitive pricing
Q.117:Innovators have a salient feature associated with them. It is?
- Respectable
- Venturesome
- Deliberate
- Skeptical
Q.118:Communication involves three phases, expression, interpretation and?
- Response
- Reception
- Transmission
- Reselection
Q.119:In Aonla, intervarietal plantation is done due to?
- Shy bearing nature of Aonla
- Self incompatibility
- Presence of male sterility
- Cross incompatibility
Q.120:The essence of Engel’s law is that as family incomes rise?
- The savings rate increases
- The proportion of income spent on food declines
- Expenditure on food declines
- Proportion of income spent on luxuries declines
BHU PG Entrance Question paper 2018
104. 4 20%
Q. 103 Universal antidote is mixture of charcoal:tanic acid: MgO
Ans: 2:1:1 (7.5 gm charcoal, 3.5 gm tanic acid, 3.5 gm MgO)
Q. 106
Ans 120 [NNPfc = NNP + Subsidies – Indirect tax]
Q. 107
Ans. 1/10
Can you send me pdf of this question pepae .. i want to print them
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107- 1/40
Question 113:- 3 (n glucosa amine)
117 :- 2 ( inovators are also called venturesome in other words) , early adapter = localities, early majority deliberate, and late majority skeptical
118 :- 1 (response)