Physical Science ICAR JRF 2020
Q.1 K in Darcy’s Law (q =K.∆A/L)is represented by?
1. Flux density
2. Hydraulic conductivity
3. Hydraulic gradient
4. Hydraulic head
Q.2 GPS needs at least_____signals from satellites for providing geographic location?
Q.3 The rate of decomposing organic matter is affected negatively by the presence of?
1. Protein
2. Fat
3. Lignin
4. Water-soluble compounds
Q.4 Stoke’s Law suggests that velocity of fall of particles is directly proportional to the?
1. Density of the medium
2. Square of the density of the medium
3. Radius of the particle
4. Square of the radius of the particle
Q.5 The conversion of a sol to a gel is called?
1. Solation
2. Gelation
3. Filtration
4. Precipitation
Q.6 A surface horizon produced by continuous cropping is known as?
1. Plaggen epipedon
2. Ochric epipedon
3. Umbric epipedon
4. Anthropic epipedon
Q.7 Comparatively stable fraction of the soil organic matter, left after the decomposition of major portion of added plant and animal residues, is called?
1. Podzol
2. Mineralization
3. Humus
4. Immobilization
Q.8 The albedo is the highest in?
1. Water surface
2. Bare soil
3. Cropped area
4. Ice
Q.9 In general, lower the latitude of a place, the?
1. More the solar energy it receives
2. Lesser the solar energy it receives
3. The more windy is the place
4. The climate is cold
Q.10 Match List I with List II?
List I | List II |
A. Thomas Way | I.pH |
B. Thomas Graham | II.PF |
C. Sorenson | III.Colloid |
D. Schofield | IV..CEC |
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
1. A- IV, B – II, C – I, D- Ill
2. A-III, B – IV, C – I, D-II
3. A-III, B- IV,C – II, D – I
4. A-IV, B-III, C – I, D – II
Q.11 The common table sugar is?
1. Glucose
2. Fructose
3. Sucrose
4. Maltose
Q.12 Amount of Boron uptake may be higher in?
1. Organic Soil
2. Acidic Soil
3. Acidic soil of humid region
4. Clayey soil
Q.13 The instrument used for estimating consumptive use of water is?
1. Anemometer
2. Piezometer
3. Lysimeter
4. Hydrometer
Q.14 The formula for Ethane is?
1. CH4
2. CH3 CH3
3. CH3,CH2 CH2 CH3
4. CH3 (CH2)4 CH3
Q15 Orientation of leaves and other parts of the plant towards sunlight is called?
1. Photoperiodism
2. Phototropism
3. Long day plants
4. Short day plants
Q.16 DDT has stable and high persistence in
1. Plants only
2. Soil only
3. Water only
4. Plant, Soil and Water
Q.17 Which one of the following physical processes is responsible for soil heat loss?
1. Infiltration
2. Transpiration
3. Evaporation
4. Condensation
Q.18 The unconsolidated material above the parent material is called?
1. Profile
2. Regolith
3. Solum
4. Pedon
Q.19 The spectral bands used in Greenness Vegetation Index are?
A. Red
B. Blue
C. Green
Choose the correct answer from the options given below
1. A, D, C and E only
2. A, B and C only
3. B, C and D only
4. A, B, C and D only
Q.20 The major factors controlling the leaching loss of nitrate are
A. Concentration of nitrate in soil profile at the time of leaching
B.Quantity of water passing through the soil profile
C. Water holding capacity of soil
Select the correct answer from the options given below
1. A only
2. B only
3. Both A and B
4. Conly
Q.21 Which one of the following organisms is NOT free living?
1. Azotobacter
2. Cyanobacteria
3. Rhodospirillum
4. Frankia
Q.22 Which one of the following is the active factor of soil formation?
1. Climate
2. Relief
3. Topography
4. Time
Q.23 Sodium Adsorption ratio can be expressed as?
Q.24 Which of the following is related with in situ moisture conservation?
1. Fertigation
2. Weeding
3. Mulching
4. Seeding
Q.25 Match List I with List I?
List I | List II |
A.In situ measurement | I.Textural classification chart |
B.USDA | II.Wilting range |
C.Arrangement of soil particles | III.Soil moisture |
D.Above 15 bar | IV.Soil structure |
Choose the correct answer from the options given below
1. A-I, B- II, C – II, D – IV
2. A-IV, B III, C – II, D -I
3. A – III, B -I, C- IV, D – II
4. A -III, B- IV, C – I, D – II
Q.26 The chemical used to remove organic matter from the soil during mechanical analysis is?
1. Cacl2
2. HCI
4. H2O2
Q.27 Flame photometry is based on the principle of?
1. Absorption spectroscopy
2. Emission spectroscopy
3. ESR spectroscopy
4. IR spectroscopy
Q.28 Which gas is emitted from the soil due to rice cultivation?
2 C2H2
3. CH4
4 SO2
Q.29 The process of enrichment of surface water bodies with nutrients is called?
1. Eutrophication
2. Oligotrophication
3. Putrefaction
4. Nutrification
Q.30 Match List I with List lI
List I | List II |
A. Soil Quality | I.Removal of the fertile layer |
B. Water pollution | II.Point & Non-point source |
C. Soil erosion | III. Agricultural crops |
D. Land capability | IV. Soil health |
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:-
1. A -IV, B – II, C – 1, D – III
2. A-II, B- IV, C – III, D – I
3. A -II, B – IIl, C IV, D -I
4. A -III, B – II, C – IV, D-I
Q.31 The predominant mech anism of gaseous exchange in soil is?
1. Mass flow
2. Contact exchange
3. lon exchange
4. Diffusion
Q.32 The drought-tolerant leguminous green manures are?
1. Crotalaria juncea and Tephrosia purpurea
2. Vigna trilobata and Lens culinaris
3. Trifolium alexandrinum and Cymopsis tetragonaloba
4. Vigna unguiculata and Macrotyloma uniflorum
Q.33 Absence of air in soil limits the activity of?
1. Microorganisms only
2. Mesoorganisms only
3. Micro-organisms and affects oxidation process
4. Pollutants only
Q34 Which master horizon of soil is known as the zone of illuviation?
1.O horizon
2. A horizon
3. B horizon
4. C horizon
Q.35 The number of epipedon commonly found in India is?
Q.36 Match List I with List II
List I | List II |
A.Gleization | I. Desilication |
B.Laterisation | II.Process of decomposition of organic matter |
C.Humification | III. Concretions of Fe &Mn |
D.Podzolisation | IV. Removal of oxides of Fe & Al |
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:-
1. A-III, B-I,C – II, D – IV
2. A-II, B -I,C- IV, D – III
3. A -IV, B-I,C – II, D – III
4. A -I, B-II, C – III, D – IV
Q.37 Infrared thermometer works on the principle of which of the following Radiation Laws?
1. Beer’s Law
2. Stefan Boltzman’s Law
3.Wien’s Law
4. Kirchoff s Law
Q.38 The most abundant element in the earth’s crust is?
1. Oxygen
2 .Silica
3. Aluminium
Q.39 Black cotton soil is commonly represented in order of?
1. Alfisols
2. Vertisols
3. Entrisols
4. Aridisols
Q.40 Which one of the following is an aerobic non-symbiotic nitrogen-fixing bacteria?
1. Azotobacter
2. Clostridium
3. Rhizobium
4. Beizerinkia
Q.41 Working range of tensiometer for determination of soil moisture is?
1.0-15 bar
2.0-0.8 bar
3.0.8 15 bar
4.0-0.3 bar
Q.42 The highest category of soil classification system is?
1. Series
2. Type
3. Great groups
4. Order
Q.43 The first steps in aggregate formation is?
1. Cementation
2. Dispersion
3. Flocculation
4. Compaction
Q.44 Match List I with List II
List I | List II |
A.Robinson | I.Colour Chart |
B.Yoder | II.Consistency limits |
C.Munsell | III.Pipette method |
D.Atterberg | IV.Wet sieving |
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:-
1. A- III, B-IV,C-I, D-II
2. A -III, B- I, C – I, D – IV
3. A-II, B- I ,C – IV, D – Ill
4. A – II, B – IIl, C – I, D – IV
Q.45 Which of the following diagnostic surface horizons is not common in India?
1. Mollic
2. Anthropic
3. Ochric
4. Umbric
Q.46 The most important process of chemical weathering process of rocks is?
1. Solution
2. Hydration
3. Hydrolysis
4. Oxidation
Q.47 Process of intermixing of soil horizons by external factor is called?
1. Argillation
2. Horizonation
3. Gleization
4. Pedoturbation
Q.48 If the soil temperature at 5 cm depth is 20°c then what will be its value in degree Farenheit?
1. 52’F
2. 86’F
3. 68°F
Q.49 The potential difference between the fived part and freely mobile portion of the solution side of double layer in soil colloids is known as?
1. Total Water Potential
2. Theta Potential
3. Gravitational Potential
4. Zeta Potential
Q.50 RADAR works in which of the following EMR bands?
1. Visible
2. Radiowave
3. Microwave
4. Infrared
Q.51 What is the C:N ratio of normal soil?
1. 5:1
2. 10:1
4. .20:1
Q.52 The correct order of wind erosion processes is?
1. Surface creep, Saltation, Suspension
2. Saltation, Surface creep, Suspension
3. Suspension, Surface creep, Saltation
4. Saltation, Suspension, Surface creep
Q.53 Which one of the following is the soil order for old alluvial soils?
1. Inceptisols
2. Entisols
3. Histosols
4. Molisols
Q.54 The potentially renewable resource is?
1. Petroleum
2. Fossil fuel
3. Fertile soil
4. Coal
Q.55 The make up of soil according to proportion of sand, silt and clay is known as?
1. Soil texture
2. Soil structure
3. Soil horizon
4. Soil health
Q.56 Shale on metamorphosis changes to?
1. Quartizite
2. Marble
3. Slate
4. Basalt
Q.57 The ratio of the total mass of soil solids to the total volume of soil solids is called?
1. Bulk density
2. Porosity
3. Particle density
4. Plasticity
Q.58 Soils of these textured class have minimum water holding capacity?
1. Sandy soil
2. Clay soil
3. Loam soil
4. Clay loam soil
Q.59 The K bearing mineral dominated in soil is?
1. Olivine
2. Hornblende
3. Micas
4. Zircon
Q.60 Available water for plant indicates water held in?
1.0.33 15 bar
2. 0.1-0.2 bar
3. Above 15 bar
4. Below 0.1 bar
Q.61 The consumption of water containing high levels of nitrate-N can lead to?
1. Methemoglobinemia in infants
2. Night blindness
3. Colour blindness
4. Scurvy disease
Q.62 Which of the following best represents the pH range of sodic soils?
2. <8.5
3. >8.5
4. 6.0 8.0
Q.63 Soil heat flux is upward during?
1. Noon
2. Afternoon
3. Forenoon
4. Midnight
Q.64 Total nitrogen in soil is measured by?
1. Kjeldahl method
2. Walkley & Black method
3. Colorimeter method
4. Hydrometer method
Q.65 The Resource Conservation Technologies include
A. Zero (or) Minimum Tillage
B. Direct Seeding
C. Bed Planting with residue mulch
Choose the correct answer from the options given below;-
1. All A, B and C
2. Both A and B
3. A only
4. Both B and C
Q.66 According to Ministry of Water Resources, the waterlogged areas are the land areas having?
1. Water-table within 2 m from land surface
2. Water-table between 2-3 m from land surface
3. Water-table below 3 m from land surface
4. Standing water column
Q.67 Lime is required for the reclamation of?
1. Saline soil
2. Sodic soil
3. Acid soil
4. Acid sulfate soil
Q.68 Geohydrological unit of land which drains through a common point is called?
1. Pond
2. Water body
3. Watershed
4. Rain shed
Q.69 Water requirement of Rice crop?
1. 25 cm
2. 50 cm
3. 120 cm
4. 200 cm
Q.70 Phosphate availability is maximum in the pH ranges of?
2. 5.5 6.5
3. 7.5-8.5
4. 8.5 9.5
Q.71 Chroma variables in determination of soil colour is represented by?
1. Spectral region of the colour
2. Whiteness of the colour
3. Relative brightness of the colour
4. Relative purity of the colour
Q.72 Environmental Protection Act was enacted in the year?
1. 1988
2. 1987
3. 1986
4. 1985
Q.73 Soil heat flux is equal to
Q.74 Illuviation is the process of?
1. Accumulation
2. Leaching9
3. Transportation
4. Weathering
Q.75 Which one of the following is 2:1 non-expanding clay mineral?
1. Kaolinite
2. Vermiculite
3. Montmorillonite
4. Illite
Q.76 Transformed Vegetation Index is expressed as?
- (NDVRI)2
- √GVI
- √0.5+NDVRI
Q.77 Clay particles in soil have the diameter of?
1. <0.002 mm
2. 0.02-0.002 mm
3.0.02-0.2 mm
4. 2.0-0.20 mm
<0.002 mm[/bg_collapse]
Q.78 Regur is used to identify which of the following soils?
1. Lateritic soil
2. Red soil
3. Black soil
4. Acid soil
Q.79.In general, longer the plant is in contact with nitrate, there would be?
1. Constant accumulation of nitrate reserve
2. Greater nitrogen fixation
3. No effect on nitrate accumulation
4. Reduced denitrification
Q.80 Soil pH is measured by making soil: water suspension in the ratio of?
Q.81 The building units for oligosaccharides and polysaccharides are?
1. Monosaccharides
2. Glyceraldehyde
3. Dihydroxyacetone
4. Trioses
Q.82 Decomposition of algae and macrophytes?
1. Leads to reduced nitrogen content
2. Increases dissolved oxygen
3. Enriches water quality
4. Reduces dissolved oxygen, leads to fish mortality and impairs water quality
Q.83 Biological control of wind erosion is?
1. Strip cropping
2. Contour bunding
3. Graded bunding
4. Ridge and furrow system
Q.84 Which nutrient element imparts indirect drought resistance?
1. K
2. Ca
3. Mg
4. S
Q.85 Ifa satellite completes revolution in orbit two times a day, then angular velocity is?
1. 180° /day
2. 360° /day
Q.86 Which software is used for spatial data analysis?
1. GIS
2. GPS
3. IRS
4. GSM
Q.87 Specific agricultural practices used to slow down the water run-off include?
A. Contour tillage
B. Strip Cropping
C. Terracing
1. Both A and B
2. Both B and C
3. All A, B and C
4. Both A and C
Q.88 The parent material constituted by the windblown transported material consisting of silt particles is known as?
1. Alluvium
2. Colluvium
3 Loess
4. Dune
Q.89 Hydrometer is used in soil analysis to determine?
1. Soil moisture content
2. Soil hydraulic conductivity
3. Soil structure
4. Soil texture
Q.90 Phosphorous in DAP is?
2. 60%
3. 18%
4. 46%
Q.91 Soil temperature at 5 cm depth is higher in?
1. Crop field
2. Bare field
3. Wet field
4. Ploughed field
Q.92 The On-Farm Development (OFD) activities undertaken under Command Area Development include
A. Construction of field channels and drains
B. Reclamation of waterlogged areas
C.Renovation and rehabilitation of minor irrigation tanks
Choose the correct answer from the options given below
1. A only
2. Both B and C
3. Conly
4. All A, B and C
Q.93 The essentiality of Molybdenum was discovered by?
1. AL Sommer and C P Lipman
2. D I Arnon and P R Stout
3. C Sprengle
4. G Gris and P H Brown
Q.94 Deficiency of Vitamin A causes?
1. Night blindness
2. Scurvy disease
3. Anaemia
4. Beri-Beri
Q.95 Under saturated condition, the soil water potential is?
1. Always negative
2. Either positive and negative
3. Always positive
4. May be zero or negative
Q.96 Which of the following is NOT a suborder of entisols?
1. Aqualfs
2. Fluvents
3. Orthents
4. Arents
Q.97 Rhizosphere is closely related to?
1. Soil structure
2. Soil texture
3. Plant root system
4. Wilting range
Q.98 Natural aggregates of soil are called?
1. Clods
2. Peds
3. Clusters
4. Floccules
Q.99 For the restoration of highly degraded areas, plantation of which of the following is recommended?
1. Tree seedlings
2. Grasses
3. Fast-growing tree seedlings
4. Nitrogen-fixing tree seedlings
Q.100 The critical stages in rice with respect to irrigation are?
1. Crown Root Initiation (CRI) and Flowering Sprouting and Panicle initiation
2. sprouting and panicle initiation
3. Early littering and Flowering
4. Ripening and Maturity
Q.101 The equation to estimate soil loss by wind erosion is E = IRKFCWDB, in which K stands for?
1. Soil textured class factor
2. Surface roughness factor
3. Surface cover factor
4. Wind barrier factor
Q.102 Match List I with List I
List I | List II |
A.Splash erosion | I.Wind Erosion |
B.Saltation | II.Rainfall factor |
C.Erosivity | III.Impact force required to detach soil particles |
D.Dispersion ratio | IV.Impact of falling raindrops |
Choose the correct answer from the options given below
1. A-I, B-II, C – IV, D – I
2. A-IV, B-I,C -II, D- Ill
3. A-II, B- III, C – IV, D-I
4. A-III, B – IV, C – I, D -I
Q.103 Which instrument is used for the determination of K content in soil?
1. UV-VIS spectrophotometer
2. Atomic absorption spectrophotometer
3. Flame photometer
4. Colorimeter
Q.104 Which of the following is NOT associated with podzolization?
1. Removal of Fe & Al
2. Removal of Silica
3. Removal of humus
4. Acidic condition
Q.105 The WHO standard of drinking water is?
1. 20 mg NO3¯ -N/L
2. 10 mg NO3¯ – N/L
3. 30 mg NO3¯ -N/L
4. 50 mg NO3¯ -N/L
Q.106 Biotite is the example of which type of rock-forming mineral?
1. Orthosilicate
2. lososilicate
3. Tectosilicate
4. Phyllosilicate
Q.107 Weight of one ha furrow slice of root zone depth soil is about?
1. 2.2 x 106 kg
2. 1.5 x 106 kg
3. 20 x 106 kg
4.15 x 106 kg
Q.108 Which of the following is a man-made epipedon?
1. Albic
2. Ochric
3. Anthropic
4. Mollic
Q.109 Soil moisture characteristics curve represents the relationship between?
1. Soil texture and soil moisture content
2. Soil structure and soil moisture content
3. Available soil moisture and soil moisture content
4. Soil moisture tension and soil moisture content
Q.110 Bench terrace sloping outwards are effective only in?
1. High rainfall area
2. Low rainfall area
3. Medium rainfall area
4. Heavy rainfall area
Q.111 Biofertilizers are?
1. Organic manure
2. Gree manure
3. FYM
4. Culture of micro-organisms
Q.112 Most limiting factor for crop cultivation in desert areas is?
1. Water only
2. Temperature only
3. Water and Temperature
4. Solar-radiation
Q.113 Instrumental method of analysis of pesticide residue include chromatographic techniques such?
1. Both A and B
2. All A B and C
4. Both B and C
Q.114 The enzymes which catalyse the interconversion of aldose and ketose sugars are?
1. Isomerases
2. Epimerases
3. Carboxylases
4. Transferases
Q.115 Emissivity of black body is?
3. 1.00
4 . 0.75
Q.116 Water erosion permitting crop is?
1. Red gram
2. Black gram
3. Soyabean
4. Cow pea
Q.117 If the mean annual soil temperature is 8-15°C and the difference between mean annual summer and mean annual winter temperature is < 5°C, then the soil temperature regime is known as?
1. Mesic
2. Isomesic
3. Thermic
4. Isothermic
Q.118 Keen’s box is used to determine which of the following properties?
1. Water holding capacity
2. Soil temperature
3. Soil permeability
4. Soil moisture tension
Q.119 Match List I with List lI
List I | List II |
A. Spectral resolution | I. 22 Days |
B. Spatial resolution | II.8 bits |
C.Radiometric resolution | III 110 nm |
D. Temporal resolution | IV 36 m |
Choose the correct answer from the options given below
1. A-IV, B-I1, C – III, D – I
2. A-III, B – IV, C – II, D -I
3. A -II, B- IV, C – I, D – II
4. A – III, B- II, C – I, D – IV
Q.120 Under what condition, denitrification is a major mechanism of nitrogen loss from the soil?
1. Well-drained soil
2. Fallow soils
3. Submerged soil
4. Pastured land soil
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