FCI Entomology Quiz 3
UseFul For All Agricultural Exam FCI, JRF, SRF, NSC, CWC, NABARD, AFO, Cotton Corporation of India,
Q.1 Phorate (Thimet) belongs to insecticide group?
Q.2 Amritodus atkinsoni is a major pest of?
Q.3 Which pesticide is suitable for controlling the white grub?
Q.4 Which of the following pairs is not correct?
Q.5 Completely parasitic order is?
Q.6 Excessive swelling at inter-segment of larvae of silkworm, where larvae looks like bamboo cane with distinct nodes is caused by?
Q.7 Rangi disease of silkworm is caused by?
Q.8 Biopesticide ‘Naturalis’ is a formulation of?
Q.9 Sotto disease of silkworm is caused by ?
Q.10 Which is known as water moth?
FCI Entomology Questions
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