Pathology Daily MCQ – 6

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Pathology Daily MCQ – 6

Agronomy Daily MCQ

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Pathology Daily MCQ Study


Agriexam Daily Quiz


Q.1: Causal organism of potato scab is ?

  1. Synchytrium endobioticum
  2. Spongospora scabies
  3. Streptomyces scabies
  4. Ralstonia solonacearum

Answer: 3


Q.2: Which group of fungi have single posterior flagella?

  1. Myxomycelis
  2. Oomycetes
  3. Plasmodiophoromycetes
  4. Chytridiomycetes

Answer: 4


Q.3: Which of the following is a fungicide with apoplastic movement?

  1. Carboxin
  2. Fosetyl-Al
  3. Metalaxyl
  4. All of these

Answer: 1


Q.4: Tent toxin is produced by which of the following fungus?

  1. Synchytrium endobioticum
  2. Alternaria alternata
  3. Talaromyces sps
  4. Pseudomonas syringe

Answer: 2


Q.5: When all the five stages are present in the life cycle of rust, it is known as?

  1. Cuform
  2. Macrocyclic
  3. Both A andB
  4. Microcyclic

Answer: 3


Q.6: Cell wall of Chytridimycetes class of fungi is composed of ?

  1. Peptidoglycon
  2. Cellulose
  3. Glucans + Cellulose
  4. Glucan + Chitin

Answer: 4


Q.7: What is the average size of a bacteria?

  1. 0.5 × 1.0-1.5µ
  2. 0.5 × 100µ
  3. 0.2 × 1.6 µ
  4. 0.01 × 0.1µ

Answer: 1


Q.8: Gram negative bacteria are included under ?

  1. Firmicutes
  2. Gracilicutes
  3. Tenericutes
  4. Both A andB

Answer: 2


Q.9: The stage-I of a rust pathogen consists of ?

  1. Pycniospores
  2. Aeciospores
  3. Basidiospores
  4. Urediniospores

Answer: 3


Q.10: Stage-II of rust fungi is marked by ?

  1. Pycniospores
  2. Aeciospores
  3. Basidiospores
  4. Urediniospores

Answer: 4

Pathology Daily MCQ – 6

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