Horticulture MCQ – 23

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Horticulture MCQ – 23

Horticulture MCQ - 23

MCQ on Agriexam.com

Horticulture MCQ Study


Agriexam Daily Quiz


Q.1: Edible portion in knol-kohl is?

  1. Modified inflorescence
  2. Leaves
  3. Root
  4. Swollen stem

Answer: 4


Q.2: Increase in ethylene production during ripening is a characteristic of?

  1. Non-climactric fruits
  2. Climactric fruits
  3. Both A and B
  4. None of the above

Answer: 2


Q.3: Kt-1 is a variety of capsicum, while Kt-4 is a variety of ___ resistant to bacterial wilt.?

  1. Tomato
  2. Chilli
  3. Pea
  4. Brinjal

Answer: 4


Q.4: An example for biennial vegetable is?

  1. Tomato
  2. Cucumber
  3. Carrot
  4. Peas

Answer: 3


Q.5: Aroma containing compound in potato is?

  1. Dimethyl pyrazine
  2. Dimethyl disulphide
  3. Iso-thiocyanate
  4. Non-adienal

Answer: 1


Q.6: The book HORTI. SCIENCE is written by?

  1. Willium Gadd
  2. Swaminathan
  3. Jennick
  4. Randhawa

Answer: 3


Q.7: The type of fruit in jackfruit is?

  1. Synconus
  2. Sorosis
  3. Capsule
  4. Balausta

Answer: 2


Q.8: Flower colour in Kochia is?

  1. Pink
  2. Red
  3. White
  4. Indistinguishable

Answer: 4


Q.9: Global diversity of vegetable crops consists of about?

  1. 200 spp.
  2. 400 spp.
  3. 300 spp.
  4. 500 spp.

Answer: 2


Q.10: Method of training for kiwi fruit is?

  1. T-bar system
  2. Pergola system
  3. Head system
  4. Kniffin system

Answer: 1

Horticulture MCQ – 23

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