Horticulture MCQ – 37

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Horticulture MCQ – 37

Horticulture MCQ - 37

MCQ on Agriexam.com

Horticulture MCQ Study


Agriexam Daily Quiz


Q.1: Onion and garlic are peeled by which method?

  1. Flame peeling
  2. Steam peeling
  3. Mechanical peeling
  4. Lye peeling

Answer: 1


Q.2: Freedom-II is a virus resistant transgenic variety of?

  1. Brinjal
  2. Tomato
  3. Squash
  4. Potato

Answer: 3


Q.3: Hybrid produced by crossing Dashehari and Neelum is?

  1. Manjira
  2. Amrapali
  3. Ratna
  4. Sindhu

Answer: 2


Q.4: Fruit of potato is called?

  1. Pepo
  2. Seed ball
  3. Capsule
  4. Berry

Answer: 4


Q.5: Hill soils are deficient in?

  1. Potassium
  2. Nitrogen
  3. Phosphorus
  4. Calcium

Answer: 2


Q.6: Early season variety of apple is?

  1. Iirish peach
  2. Aambri
  3. Granny smith
  4. Red delicious

Answer: 1


Q.7: Nin slip stage variety of muskmelon is?

  1. Pusa Shandar
  2. Arka Rajhans
  3. Hara Madhu
  4. Kashi Madhu

Answer: 3


Q.8: International Institute of Horticulture is situated in?

  1. Brazil
  2. USA
  3. Italy
  4. Canada

Answer: 1


Q.9: Generally, how many methods of classification are followed for vegetables?

  1. 2
  2. 3
  3. 4
  4. 5

Answer: 3


Q.10: Seed production method followed in cabbage for higher seed yield is?

  1. Head intact method
  2. Stump method
  3. Core intact method
  4. Any of the above

Answer: 2

Horticulture MCQ – 37

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