Horticulture MCQ – 41

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Horticulture MCQ – 41

Horticulture MCQ - 41

MCQ on Agriexam.com

Horticulture MCQ Study


Agriexam Daily Quiz


Q.1: Potato Witches Broom is caused by?

  1. MLOs
  2. Bacteria
  3. Fungus
  4. Virus

Answer: 1


Q.2: Which of the following was originated from our country?

  1. Pea
  2. Cowpea
  3. Cluster bean
  4. French bean

Answer: 3


Q.3: Copper sulphate is sprayed in roses for?

  1. Root pruning
  2. Defoliation
  3. Bud bursting
  4. All of the above

Answer: 2


Q.4: Important factor affecting the condition to cut flowers during transportation is?

  1. Hydrotropism
  2. Physiotropism
  3. Paleotropism
  4. Geotropism

Answer: 4


Q.5: The attack of pea stem fly is maximum in the month of ___ .?

  1. October
  2. January
  3. November
  4. February

Answer: 2


Q.6: Arka Pink star is a variety of?

  1. Chrysanthemum
  2. Gladiolus
  3. China aster
  4. Rose

Answer: 1


Q.7: High forskolin Yielding variety released from UAS, Bangalore is?

  1. K-8
  2. Arka Sanjeevini
  3. Aisiri
  4. None of the above

Answer: 3


Q.8: Colour of Pusa Sweti variety of turnip is?

  1. White
  2. Red
  3. Golden
  4. None of the above

Answer: 1


Q.9: Type of fruit in Citrus spp. is?

  1. Pome
  2. Pepo
  3. Berry
  4. Hesperidium

Answer: 4


Q.10: Shading structure used in betel vine cultivation is called?

  1. Bower
  2. Bareja
  3. Pendal
  4. Pergola

Answer: 2

Horticulture MCQ – 41

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