Social Science MCQ – 33

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Social Science MCQ – 33

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Social Science MCQ Study


Agriexam Daily Quiz


Q.1: The law regarding ‘Supply creates its own demand’ is popularly known as?

  1. Say’s Law
  2. Greham’s Law
  3. Murphy’s Law
  4. Newton’s Law

Answer: 1

Q.2: The least inflationary government’s investment expenditure is ?

  1. Taxation
  2. Deficit financing
  3. Foreign aid
  4. Public borrowing

Answer: 1

Q.3: The Lespeyers index measures in the cost of purchasing of?

  1. Period/ quantities at period/ prices relative to base period prices
  2. Base period quantities at period/ prices relative to base period prices
  3. Base period quantities at base period prices
  4. Period/ quantities at period prices

Answer: 2

Q.4: The major capital forming source in India has been?

  1. Public sector savings
  2. Government revenue surpluses
  3. Household savings
  4. Corporate savings

Answer: 3

Q.5: The marginal productivity requires the assumption of competition as?

  1. Imperfect
  2. Elastic
  3. Perfect
  4. Monopolistic

Answer: 2

Q.6: The method of sale in which there is verbal understanding between seller and buyer regarding transaction of farm produce is?

  1. Open auction
  2. Dara Sale
  3. Morghum Sale
  4. Hatha System

Answer: 3

Q.7: The method of seggregating a large group into much smaller groups, in which a topic is discussed within a stipulated period of time is?

  1. Syndicate method
  2. In-basket exercise
  3. Fish bowl exercise
  4. Buzz session

Answer: 4

Q.8: The most appropriate way to institutionalise ethics is?

  1. Code of ethics
  2. Using formally appointed ethics committee
  3. Management development programme
  4. All of the above

Answer: 1

Q.9: The most suitable way for a bank with a view to avoid loss is ?

  1. Give only short-term loans
  2. Accept sound collateral
  3. Lend only to individuals known to the bank
  4. Lend only to bank’s old customers

Answer: 2

Q.10: The objective of self-reliance and zero net foreign aid was declared in?

  1. Fourth 5-Yr Plan
  2. Third 5-Yr Plan
  3. Second 5-Yr Plan
  4. Fifth 5-Yr Plan

Answer: 1

Social Science MCQ – 33

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