Agri Engineering Impportant Study Material Tables-4

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Agri Engineering Important Study Material

Agri Engineering

Agri Engineering

Equipment’s Field capacity
Tractor-drawn Power Harrow (IBPS-AFO 2019) 1.5 ha/day.
Star type weeder, Peg type weeder & Wheel hoe 0.05 ha/day.
Animal drawn sweep cultivator 1.75 to 2.5 ha/day.
Animal drawn Junior hoe 1.5 ha per day.
Engine operated weeder 0.75 – 1.0 ha per day. 
Engine operated rotary tiller 0.75 – 1.0 ha per day
Potato planter (automatic seed dropping) 6000- 14000 potatoes /hr
Potato planter Semi-automatic 0.15-0.35 ha/hr
Application rate of Ultra low volume sprayer 2.5-7.5 litres / ha
Application rate of Hand atomizer 45 to 100 litres /ha.
Application rate of Hand compression sprayer 45 to 100 litres /ha.
Knapsack sprayer (hand operated) 0.5-1.0 ha/day.
Application rate of Knapsack sprayer (hand operated) 500 lit/ha.
Rocker sprayer 1.5 ha/day.
Manual rice planter 0.25 ha/ day
Self propelled paddy transplanter 0.05 to 0.1 hectare per hour
Self propelled paddy harvester 1.5 ha/day
Self-propelled citrus harvester 200 to 400 trees per hour 
Tractor-drawn citrus harvester 100 to 200 trees per hour
Tractor operated turmeric harvester  1.6 ha per day
Power tiller operated potato digger 0.4 ha/day.

Equipment’s Field capacity
How many  kg/cm2 pressure is build to operate the pump by the  hand atomizer sprayer?  0.15-0.3 kg/cm2
What is the coverage of Knapsack sprayer (hand operated)?  0.5-1.0 ha/day.
How many Hp petrol engine is used in Knapsack motorized mist blower cum duster?  1.2- 3.0 hp
What is the coverage of Rocker sprayer?  1.5 ha/day.
What is the time required for cover one hectar earea by the ultra low volume sprayer?  2.5 hour
What is the application rate of the Knapsack sprayer (hand operated)?  500 lit/ha
What is the container capacity of Hand atomizer sprayer? 0.5 to 3.51it
What is the coverage of Foot or pedal operated sprayer? 1.0 ha/day
What is the container capacity of Hand compression sprayer? 10-12 lit 
What is the container capacity of Knapsack sprayer (hand operated)? 10-15 lit 
What is the application rate of the Foot or pedal operated sprayer? 110-135 l/hr
How many  kg/cm2 pressure is build to operate the pump by the Foot or pedal operated sprayer? 17-21 kg/cm2.
How many  kg/cm2 pressure is build to operate the pump by the Hand compression sprayer? 2.0 – 3.5 kg/cm2
How many  kg/cm2 pressure is build to operate the pump by the Knapsack sprayer (hand operated)? 3 to 12 kg/cm2
How many  kg/cm2 pressure is build to operate the pump by the Rocker sprayer? 4-18 kg/cm2
What is the application rate of the hand atomizer sprayer? 45 to 100 litres /ha
What is the application rate of the  Hand compression sprayer? 45 to 100 litres /ha.
What is the application rate of the Rocker sprayer? 70-90 lit/hr
The chemical tank is filed with the volume in Hand compression sprayer? 75-80 % 
What is the capacity of Ultra low volume sprayer? less than 5 litres /ha
What is the capacity of High volume sprayer? more than 400 litres /ha
What is the capacity of low volume sprayer? 5 to 400 litres/ hectare


Equipment’s Efficiency %
Tractor-drawn power tiller operated groundnut digger in groundnut crop?  72-78%
Tractor-drawn High capacity spike tooth type axial flow groundnut thresher for the Cleaning purpose? 96-99%
High capacity spike tooth type axial flow groundnut thresher for the threshing purpose? 97.8 –99.4%.
Tractor-mounted inclined plate planter which sow the three rows of soybean and two rows of pigeonpea? 64.20%
Tractor-drawn ridger seeder/raised bed planter for sowing cotton crop? 71%
Tractor-mounted Six-row inclined plate planter in maize crop? 75%

Equipment’s Developed by
Air sleeve boom sprayer MPUAT
Tractor-operated garlic planter  MPUAT 
Twin auger digger sugarcane planter  PAU
Fail type forage harvester-cum-chopper PAU 
Flail type chopper-cum-spreader  PAU 
 A tractor-mounted rotary furrower /trencher TNAU
A three-row tractor-mounted rotary weeder  TNAU
A tractor-mounted rotary furrower /trencher  TNAU
Power tiller-mounted air-assisted seed drill  TNAU 

Agri Engineering Important Study Material

Equipment’s Field capacity
Twin auger digger sugarcane planter 0.02-0.025 ha/h
Tractor-operated power tiller groundnut digger 0.05 -0.07 ha/h
Tractor-operated Six-row inclined plate planter  0.20 -0.43 ha/h
Tractor-drawn ridger seeder/raised bed planter  0.278 ha/h
Tractor-operated garlic planter 0.35 ha/h
Tractor-operated cutter bar type rice straw chopper cum-spreader 0.35-0.37 ha/h
Tractor-operated Flail type chopper-cum-spreader  0.35-0.38 ha/h
Tractor-mounted inclined plate planter  0.418 ha/h
Tractor-operated Six-row inclined plate planter  0.8 ha/h
Tractor-operated Sugarcane cutter planter 1.2 ha/day
Tractor operated  peg type puddler 1-2 ha/day
Tractor operated  peg type puddler  1-2 ha/day
Oil Palm Harvesting Tool  144 bunches / day
Castor Sheller for shelling and cleaning castor pods? 165 kg /h
Tractor-operated Power tiller-mounted air-assisted seed drill 2 ha/day
Tractor operated  lug wheel puddler  2.5–3 ha/day
Tractor-operated Zero-till-seed drill  4–5 ha/day
What is the effective capacity of Coconut Tree Climber –harvest  the coconuts  trees / day? 50 –60


What is the rpm speed of the rotary unit in a three-row tractor-mounted rotary weeder?  200 rpm
How much horse power required of tractor for the operating of the Tractor Operated Fruit-Shake Harvester? 35-45 hp

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