Agri University Exam

Subject:- General Agriculture
Special 30 One Liner Questions
Questions | Answer |
System of Rice Intensification (SRI) was developed from? | Madagascar |
Mycorrhizal fungi help to increasing the availability of? (AgriExam.Com) | Phosphorus |
Highest acidity in which fertilizer? | Ammonium chloride |
Which is Folic acid rich nutrient? | Iron |
Word “Protein” given by? | Jons Jacob berzelius(1838) |
The term Heterosis was coined by? | G.H. Shull |
Concept of PET given by | Thornthwaite |
Indians Soil deficient in which micro-nutrient? (AgriExam.Com) | Zinc |
Which plant nutrient is responsible for Pollen viability? | Boron |
The “Akiochi” disease of rice is due to? | H2S poisoning |
Most important sucking pest of cotton and rice? | Aphis gossypii and Thrips oryzae |
The functional of metabolic nutrient was given by? | DJ Nicholas |
“Farmer first” concept was given by? | Robert chamber |
which weeds is used as a vegetable? | Amaranths viridis |
“Dhiraj” is important variety of ? (AgriExam.Com) | Groundnut |
Agri University Exam
Questions | Answer |
Which elements control the stomatal regulation? | Potassium |
“Water potential” term given by? | Buckingham 1907 |
Density of water is maximum at? | 4°C |
Book “Horse hoeing husbandry” written by? | Jethro Tull |
Dapog method of rice nursery was introduced in India from? | Philippines |
The causes of “Bengal famine” was ? (AgriExam.Com) | Brown spot of Rice |
Which agricultural implement used for sub-soiling in primary tillage operation is? | Chisel plough |
Vertical mulching is generally practiced in which soil? | Black soil |
Blue colour trap attracts which insects? | Thrips |
Best example of catch crop in Rabi season? | Toria |
Typhoon system of irrigation is used in Which crop? (AgriExam.Com) | Sugarcane |
Which practice is commonly used in rainfed areas? | Dust mulching |
Which is the first stage of mineralization of Nitrogen? | Aminization |
Drum culture technique used for measuring component of water requirement of? | Paddy |
The ratio between the irrigated area and the volume of Water used is term? | Duty of water |
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I think word protein is given by Berzelius
Funkhs given word vitamin plzz check it
Thanks for supporting. .,,,,?
Sir your slides so helpful many questions of agronomy , horticulture and animal husbandry come in agriculture supervisor Rajasthan exam
These sldies are even better then acc ,
Thanks sir
Thank u
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Dear sir
Can u please send one liner q and A by pdf format.
Water potential term given by Slatyer and taylor… please update the answer