Agricultural Engineering Important Study Table (3)

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Agricultural Engineering Important Study Table

Agricultural Engineering Important Study Table

Agricultural Engineering Study Material For All Competitive Exam

 Human power 

Human Power
A Strong man’s power equal to? 0.1 hp (75 watts).
Average Male power equal to? 0.06 Kw (60 watts)
Average Female power equal to? 0.048 kw (48 watts)
Average Children power equal to? 0.030 kW (30 watts)

Note:- 1 hp = 0.75 KW / 750 watts

 Animal power 

Animal Power
Average pair of bullocks equal to 1 hp.
Animal power according to their body weight
Bullocks 10% of body weight.
Buffaloes 12% of body weight.
Camel 18 % of body weight
Donkey 32 % of body weight.

 Animal classified On basis of body weight

Animal Weight
heavy Animal > 500 kg
large Animal 400 – 500 kg
Medium Animal 300 – 400 kg
Small Animal 200 – 300 kg

Average command area

Machinery Command area
One pair of drought animal 2 ha
Power tillers 5 ha
Tractor 15 ha

Means 2000 ha of cultivated land, the bullocks, power tiller and tractor and generally Required as follows –

  • 1000 pairs of bullocks
  • 400 power tillers
  • 134 tractors

Mechanical Power

Question Answer
The thermal efficiency of diesel engine? 32 to 38%
The thermal efficiency of petrol engine? 25 to 32%
A power tiller (7.46 kw) can command about? 5 ha land.
A tractor (26.1 kw) can command about? 15 ha land.
Inflation pressure of rear wheel of tractor? 0.8-1.5 kg/cm2
Inflation pressure of front wheel of tractor? 1.5 – 2.5 kg/cm2
Highest tractor production in which country? India ( with 44% share)



  • The stroke in an engine is the distance covered by the piston from top dead center to the bottom dead center.
  • In simple words, stroke is the distance of cylinder between piston moves.

Two stroke engine:- If a piston moves 2 times in the cylinder, that means, engine is known as two stroke engine

Four stroke engine:- If a piston moves moves 4 times in the cylinder, that means, engine is known as four stroke engine.

  • The crankshaft rotates one time between 2 strokes.
  • The basic and main difference between two stroke and four stroke engine is that the crankshaft complete one revolution in one power stroke in 2 stroke engine
  • Complete two revolution in one power stroke in four stroke engine.
  • So the 2 stroke engine give high power compare to 4 stroke engine but the 4 stroke engine is more fuel efficient.

Difference b/w two stroke and four stroke engine 

4 stroke engine 2 stroke engine
Two revolution of crankshaft between one power strokes. One revolution of crankshaft within one power stroke.
‘used valve to inlet and outlet of fuel Used port to inlet and outlet of fuel
less power than 2 stroke at same cylinder volume 1.5 times more power than 4 stroke at same cylinder volume
Requires heavy flywheel because it generates unbalance force due to two revolutions for one power stroke. Engines require lighter flywheel compare to other engines because it generates more balanced force due to one revolution for one power stroke.
Four stroke engines are more efficient and generate less Smoke Two stroke engines are less efficient and generate more smoke.
Little fuel consumption High fuel consumption (15 % more than 4 stroke).
Fuel is fully consumed. Fuel is not fully consumed.
Cost for construction is Expensive Cost for construction is Cheap
Engine comparatively heavier than 2 stroke Engines are generally lighter
Engine mostly used in car, truck, and other automobiles Engines are mostly used in ships, scooters etc.
Comparatively less lubricating oil requires. More lubricating oil requires because some oil burns with fuel
All types of speed are possible (high and low). Only high speed possible
High rpm (with high flywheel) Low rpm (with small fly wheal)

Question Answer
The first tractor to India was brought in which year? 1914
In which year pump-sets were introduced in the country? 1930
In which year high horsepower crawler tractors were imported under the aegis of Central Tractor Organization (CTO) mainly for land development and to eradicate obnoxious weed kans grass? 1940
In which year the first degree programme in Agricultural Engineering was started at Allahabad Agriculture Institute? 1942
The first Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) at Kharagpur was established in which year? 1951
In IIT agricultural engineering programme started in which year? 1952

Production of Machinery in India in descending order

S.No. Machinery
1 Pumping sets
2 Sprayers and dusters
3 Tractors
4 Power Tiller
5 Combine harvester

Seed bed preparation:- Seed bed preparation takes about 10 -25% of energy used in field operation

Selected Equipment for Seedbed Preparations

Name of the Implement
(animal operated)
Size (mm) Work Capacity
ha/h h/ha
M. B. plough 150 0.024 40-42
Disc harrow (4-8 disc) 600 – 1200 10.18 – 0.22 5-6
Cultivator (3 tynes) 300-400 0.08 12 – 14
Bhakhar 500 0.06 16-18
Helical Puddler 500 0.06 16-18
Harrow patela 1500-1200 0.2-0.25 4-5

Selected Equipment for Seedbed Preparations

Name of the Implement
(tractor operated)
Size (mm) Work Capacity
ha/h h/ha
M. B. plough 2 x 350 0.20-.025 4-5
3 x 350 0.30-0.35 3-4
Disc harrow (4-8 disc) 2 x 350 0.20-.025 4-5
3 x 350 0.30-0.35 3-4
Cultivator (3 tynes) 2000 0.40 -0.50 2 – 2.5
Bhakhar 2500 0.40 -0.50 2
Helical Puddler 1500 0.2 2.5
Harrow patela 5 x 500 0.35 3- 3.5

Selected Equipment for Seedbed Preparations

Name of the Implement
(power tiller operated)
Size (mm) Work Capacity
ha/h h/ha
Rotavator 500 – 600 0.07 -0.09 11 – 13

Agricultural Engineering Important Study Point

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