Agricultural Soil Science Important Points (2)

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Agricultural Soil Science 

Agricultural Soil Science Important Point

1.Classification of Soil Particle Size

Classification Diameter (mm) (AgriExam.Com)
Gravel >2.0 >2.0
Coarse Sand 0.2 – 2.0 0.5 – 1.0
Fine Sand 0.02 – 0.2 0.1 – 0.25
Silt 0.002 – 0.02 0.002 – 0.05
Clay <0.002 <0.002

2.Soil Classification Based on pH

Soil type (AgriExam.Com) pH range
Extremely acidic <4.5
Moderately acidic 4.5-5.5
Slightly acidic 5.5-6.5
Neutral 6.5-7.5
Slightly alkaline 7.5-8.5
Moderately alkaline 8.5-9.5
Extremely alkaline >9.5

Agricultural Soil Science Important Points

3.Density of Different Soil

Soil Particle density (cm/cc) Bulk density (cm/cc)
Normal Soil 2.65 1-1.6
Sandy Soil 2.6 1.6
Silty Soil 2.7 1.3
Clay Soil 2.8 1.1

4.Total pore space of soil

Soil Pore space
Sandy 20-30%
Loamy 30-50%
Clay 50-60%

5.Specific heat

Material Specific heat (Cal./gm)
Water 1
Organic matter 0.462
Clay soil 0.22
Air 24
Humus 0.4
Ice 0.5

6.Heat Capacity

Material Heat Capacity (Cal./cm3)
Organic matter 0.60
Water 1
Air 0.003

7.Cation Exchange Capacity (CEC) of Soils

Soil texture CEC (meq/100 gm)
Sand (light colour) 3-5
Sand (dark colour) 10-20
Loam 10-15
Silt loam 15-25
Clay and clay loam 20-50
Organic soil 50-100

8.Conversion factors

Conversion factors (AgriExam.Com)
N Nox 0.22
No N x 4.54
P P2O5 x 0.44
P2O5 P x 2.27
K K2O x 0.83
K2O K x 1.20
Ca CaO x 0.71
CaO Ca x 1.40
Mg MgO x 0.61
MgO Mg x 1.63
OM OC x 1.724
OC OM x 0.58

OM= Organic matter

OC = Organic carbon

9.Soil Test Rating Chart for Available Nutrients

Nutrient Low level Medium level High level
N <250 kg/ha 250-500 kg/ha >500 kg/ha
P <20 kg/ha 20-50 kg/ha >50 kg/ha
K <125 kg/ha 125-300 kg/ha >300 kg/ha
Zn/Cu <0.5 ppm 0.5-1.0 ppm >1.0 ppm
Mn <1.0 ppm 1.0-3.0 ppm >3.0 ppm
B <0.33 ppm 0.33-0.67 ppm >0.67 ppm
OC <0.5% 0.5-0.75% >0.75%

Agricultural Soil Science Important Points

10.Soil colour

It is found out by using Munsell Colour Chart. Three variable are used to denote soil colour.

Component of Soil Colour (AgriExam.Com)
HUE Denotes the dominant spectral colour (Yellow, red blue, brown etc.)
VALUE Denotes the lightness and darkness of colour
CHROMA Denotes purity of colour

11.Antagonistic Effect

Excess of nutrient (AgriExam.Com) Causes deficiency
Ca P
Ca, Mg K
K, NH4 Mg
Fe, SO4 Mo
P Zn
N, P, K Cu
NO3 Fe
Zn, Al Cu
N, K, Ca B

12.Different nutrient test method in soil

Nutrient Determination  Analyzing Process
Total Nitrogen in soil Kzeldahl Process
Available N  Alkaline Permanganate method
Phosphursus in acid condition Bray No.1
Phosphursus in neutral and alkaline condition  Olsen’s Method
K & Na Flame photometer
Sulphate sulphure (SO4)  Terbimatric Method
Organic carbon a)Walke & Black method
b)Rapid Oxidation process (KMnO4)
c)Morgan’s method
Available K (Potash) Ammonium Acetate


Important Table – 1 Cl;ick
Important Table – 2 Cl;ick
One Liner Cl;ick
Fertilizers classification Cl;ick


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