Agriculture Census

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Agriculture Census
Agriculture Census
Categorisation of Farmers
In agriculture Census, the operational holdings are categorised in five size classes as follows
  Category Size-Class
1. Marginal Below 1.00 hectare
2. Small 1.00-2.00 hectare
3. Semi- Medium 2.00-4.00 hectare
4. Medium 4.00-10.00 hectare
5. Large 10.00 hectare and above

State wise Average size of holdings for all Social Groups as per results of Agriculture Census 2015-16

  States/UTs Average size of holdings (in Hectare)
1 A & N Islands 1.78
2 Andhra Pradesh 0.94
3 Arunachal Pradesh 3.35
4 Assam 1.09
5 Bihar 0.39
6 Chandigarh 1.21
7 Chhattisgath 1.25
8 D & N Haveli 138
9 Daman & Diu 0.35
10 Delhi 1.39
11 Goa 0.81
12 Gujarat 1.88
13 Haryana 2.22.
14 Himachal Pradesh 0.95
15 Jammu & Kashmir 0.59
16 Jharkhand 1.17
17 Karnataka 1.35
18 Kerala 0.18
19 Laiohadweep 0.26
20 Madhya Pradesh 1.57
21 Maharashtra 1.35
22 Manipur 1.14
23 Meghalaya 1.29
24 Mizoram 1.25
25 Nagaland 5.06
26 Odisha 0.95
27 Puducherry 0.62
28 Puniab 3.62
29 Rajasthan 2.73
30 Sikkim 1.13
31 Tamil Nadu 0.75
32 Telangana 1.00
33 Tripura 0.49
34 Uttar Pradesh 0.73
35 Uttarakhand 0.95
36 west Bengal 0.76
Ail India 1.08

Agriculture Census

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