Agriculture Economics Study Important Table(2)

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Agriculture Economics Study Important Point

Agriculture Economics Study

Agriculture Economics Study

1. Types of farmer (according to land holding) 

Types of farmer Land Holding
Marginal farmer  Less than 1 ha.
Small farmer  1-2 ha
Semi- medium farmer  2-4 ha
Medium farmer 4-10 ha
Large 10 ha or above

 2. Types of farmer (according to ownership)

Types Of Farmers land
Small Farmers <4 ha.
Medium Farmers 4 to 10 ha.
Large Farmers 10 ha.

 3. Enterprises 

Reward of Land Rent
Reward of Labour  Wages
Reward of Capital  Interest
Reward of Enterprise Profit

 4. Relationship Between MP, TP & AP

What happens to MP, when TP is maximum? MP is equal to zero
When TP is zero, what happens to AP ? AP is zero
When MP is increasing, how does AP behave ? AP also increase
When MP is at its maximum, is TP at the point of inflation? Yes
When AP is at its maximum, is the ratio of output to input maximum? Yes, because MP=AP
When AP is increasing, how does MP behave? MP is greater than AP
When AP is decreasing. What is the position of MP? MP is less than AP
How does TP behave, when MP is rising? TP increases at a increasing rate
How does TP behave, when AP is increasing ? TP is increasing at a decreasing rate after MP at its maximum.

 5. Finance according to period 

Loan Term  Years
Short term/crop loan 1 to 1.5
Medium term 1.5 to 5
Long term  5 to 30 years

6. Agricultural Credit & Purposes 

Loans Purposes
Short term For purchasing seeds, fertilizers and for meeting out family requirements
Medium term To purchase agricultural equipments, animal and for land improvements.
Long term To purchase land and expensive agricultural equipments and for repayment of old loans.

 7. Three R’s of Credit 

 Three R’s of Credit
Returns from investment.
Repayment capacity
Risk bearing ability of the farmer borrower

 8. Five C’s of Credit

 Five C’s of Credit
Common sense

 9. Seven ‘P’s of agricultural credit 

Seven ‘P’s of agricultural credit
Principle of productive purpose
Principle of personality
Principle of productions
Principle of phased disbursement
Principle of proper utilization
Principle of payment
Principle of protection.

10. Difference Between Farm management & production economics

Farm management Production Economics
Micro approach Macro approach
Intrafarm science Interfarm science
Decisions are taken for individual farm Decisions are made for aggregate resources of nation

11. Difference Between Fixed cost & Variable cost

Fixed cost Variable cost
Known as sunk cost Known as cost of variable inputs
It may be cash and non-cash both It is always in cash
It does not change with level of output It vary with level of output

Agriculture Economics Study Important Point

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