Agriculture Objective Question General Agriculture One Liner 35

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Agriculture ObjectiveAgriculture Objective Question General Agriculture One Liner 35Agriculture Objective Question in One liner Form

Agriculture Objective Question For ICAR-JRF, SRF, ARS/NET, SAU, PhD, BANK-AFO, BHU, ADO, IFFCO, NFL, AAO, Agriculture supervisor, National seed Corporation and Others Competitive Exam
  Questions Answers
1 Nitrogen content in calcium Ammonium Nitrate? 26%
2 Flex is a fibre of? AgriExam.Com Linseed
3 Maximum edible oil is contributed by? Groundnut
4 Argon was discovered by? Arnon
5 Essentiality of Boron is postulated by? Warrington
6 The main advantage of Nano fertilizer is? High surface area
7 Which chemical control Aphids effectively? Metasystox
8 In Remote Sensing which type of rays are used? Infrared
9 Brinjal is a native of? India
10 Pearcing and sucking type of mouth parts are present in? Mosquitoes
11 The great Irish famine was happening in? 1845
12 The severe form of water erosion is? Gully
13 Monsoon is a word of ? Arabic
14 The population variance can be calculated by? F-test
15 Nutrient that is mobile in plant but immobile in soil is? P

Agriculture Objective Question

  Questions Answers
16 Gypsum equivalent in iron sulphate is? 1.42
17 Which crop takes nitrogen in Ammonia form?
18 The carbohydrate translocation in germinating seed is due to? Gibberellic Acid
19 The availability of zinc is decreased by the application of which element? P
20 In organic matter contains the highest amount of? Carbon
21 Afra disease Mainly occurs in Which crop? AgriExam.Com Paddy
22 Intensive grossing is practised in which land capability class? V (5th)
23 Which chemical is generally used for the safe storage of onion? MH
24 Chromosome number of inguina tritici is? 19
25 Calcium is needed for the synthesis of? Cell wall
26 Which Soil area maximum in the India? Alluvial soil
27 Respiration takes place only in presence of? Oxygen
28 Pink bollworm is a common insect of? Cotton
29 If the price of a commodity increases then its demand will?
30 Which body responsible for development work at village level? Gram Panchayat

Agriculture Objective Question Provide to you Agriculture Objective Question for Exams Like IBPS- AFO (Agriculture Field Officer) IFFCO, KRIBHCO, NFL, NSC, ICAR-JRF/SRF/ ARS, IARI, TNAU, RAEO, RHEO, ADO, SADO, DDA, ADA, MP Vyapam (PEB), FCI, ASRB, ARS, B.Sc. Agriculture Exam, M.Sc. Agriculture Exam, University Exam, KVK Agriculture Supervisor ,Assistant Agriculture Officer, Central Warehouse Corporation , Food Corporation of India, And Other Agricultural Exam .

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