Agriculture Process Questions & AnswerAgriculture Process
For All Agricultural Exams
Questions | Answers | |
1 | Which fruit crop is only propagated through seed? | Papaya |
2 | Which is a seedless variety of mango? | Sindhu |
3 | Seedless in banana is due to? |
Vegetative Parthenocarpy |
4 | Which is an example of dioecious crop? | Papaya |
5 | Lalit is an improved variety of? | Guava |
6 | NPK are regarded in plant nutrition as? | Macro nutrient |
7 | The sensitive stage to moisture stress in sorghum is? | Grain filling Flowering |
8 | Sweet orange belongs to the family of? | Rutaceae |
9 | The most popular method for mango planting is? | Square |
10 | Government introduced crop insurance scheme for? | Drought risk |
11 | Fruits and vegetables are rich source of vitamins and minerals and they are called as? | Protective food |
12 | Blossom end rot in tomato is due to deficiency of? | Calcium |
13 | Lalbagh Garden is situated at? | Bangalore |
14 | The arrangement of soil particles is referred to as? | Soil structure |
15 | What is the percentage of nitrogen in urea? |
46% |
Agriculture Process
Questions | Answers | |
16 | What is the organic matter content of soil? | 5% |
17 | What is the main component of survey field book? |
Measurements and descriptions |
18 | What is the use of a compass which is used in surveying? | Measure the direction of a line |
19 | What is the total number of soil orders? | Twelve |
20 | Carrot is a ____ pollinated vegetable.? | Cross |
21 | Oil palm is mainly propagated by? | Seed |
22 | Which tillage is also known as stubble mulch tillage? | Conservation tillage |
23 | Tongue grafting is a modified form of? | Whip grafting |
24 | Chrysanthemum is a? | Cross pollinated crop |
25 | The crops of different heights are grown in______ cropping system.? | Multi storied |
26 | Growing of trees for timber along With crop is known as? | Agri-silviculture |
27 | Striga weed is associated with? | Sorghum |
28 | Sugarcane is a? | Short day plant |
29 | The capacity of soil to produce the yield is called as? | Soil productivity |
30 | Which soil structure is the best for plant growth? |
Granular and Crumb |
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