Agriculture Soil Science Important Study Table (6)

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Agriculture Soil Science Study Point For Competitive Exam

Agriculture Soil Science Important Study Table (6)

Agriculture Soil Science Study Point For Competitive Exam

 1.Soil Orders (as per Soil Taxonomy) representing different soil groups

Genetic System Soil Taxonomy
Alluvial Soils Entisol, Inceptisol
Black (Cotton) Soils Vertisols
Red Soils Alfisol, Ultisols
Laterite and Lateritic Soils Ultisols
Desert soils Aridisol
Forest and Hill Soils Alfisols
Salt Affected Soils Aridisols, Inceptisols

 2.Six categories were adopted for this system 

Categories Features
Order It is highest category, there are 12 soil order
Sub-order 63 sub order in this classification
Great group > 240
Sub-group > 1000
Series It is most specific and lowest category (> 200 in India)

Note:- The smallest unit of soil classification is the soil series
Soil orders in the 7th approximation and their derivation

 3.12 Soil orders With Characters 

Soil Order Word Derivation Pronun ciation
Entisol Nonsense symbol Recent
Inceptisol Latin Inceptum means begining Inception
Gelisols Greek Gel means ice Frost churning
Histosols Greek Histos means tissue Histology
Spodosols  Greek Spodos means ash /Podzol odd
Andisols Japanese And Ando
Oxisols France Oxide Oxide
Vertisols Latin verto means turn Invert
Aridisols Latin Aridus Arid
Ultisols Latin Ultimus means last Ultimate
Mollisols Latin Mollis means soft Mollify
Alfisols Nonsense symbol Pedalfer
Soil Order Soil Characteristics
Entisol Soils with little horizon development or beginning of soil formation
Ineptisol Soils with altered horizons, but no illuvial horizon containing clay or Fe, Al oxides, may have umbric, ochric or cambic horizon
Gelisols Soils that have permafrost within 100 cm or gelic material with permanent frost within 2 m of the surface
Histosols Soils containing > 30 % organic matter to a depth of 40 cm
Spodosols Soils with spodic horizon with in 2 m.
Andisols Soils that have andic soil properties in 60% or more of the thickness between the soil surface and 60 cm or lithic or paralithic contact
Oxisols Oxide Highly weathered soils of tropical and subtropical regions with oxic horizon
Vertisols Soils with more than 30% clay in all horizons and crack when dry
Aridisols Dry soils, ochric epipedon, some have argillic, nitric or salic horizon
Ultisols Soils in warm humid regions with argillic horizon and low base saturation(<35% at 2 m depth below the surface
Mollisols Dark colored, base rich soils of grass land areas, mollic epipedon, many with argillic, nitric, or calcic horizon.
Alfisols High base status (>35%) soils of the humid and sub humid regions with an ochric epipedon and argillic (or nitric) horizon.

 4.Land Capability Classification 

  • Land capability classification (LCC) may be defined as a system of grouping land in to various classes based on inherent limitations imposed on sustained use by soil attributes, topography, drainage and climate.

The capability classes falls in two groups:-

  1. Suited for cultivation a
  2. Not suited for cultivation.

The subclasses are further divides in to unit based on a specific management practice.

  1. Thus land is classified in to eight land capability classes under two broad groups as:Land suitable for agriculture and other uses which include class I to class IV lands.
  2. Land not suitable for agriculture but very well suited for forestry, grass land and wild life which include class V to class VIII lands.

 5.On map, the capability classes are indicated in different colours 

Land Class Colour
I Green
II Yellow
III Pink
IV Blue
V Dark green
VI Orange
VIII Purple

 6.Detailed characteristics of Land Capability Classes (LCC) 

LCC Characteristics
Land Suitable for Cultivation
I Very good cultivable, deep, nearly level productive land with almost no limitation or very slight hazard. Soils in this class are suited for a variety of crops, including wheat, barely, cotton, maize, tomato and bean. Need no special practices for cultivation
II Good cultivable land on almost level plain or on gentle slopes, moderate depth, subject to occasional overland flow, may require drainage, moderate risk of damage when cultivated, use crop rotations, water control system or special tillage practices to control erosion
III Soils are of moderate fertility on moderate steep slopes subject to more sever erosion and severe risk of damage but can be used for crops provided adequate plant cover is maintained, hay or other sod crops should be grown instead of row crops.
IV These are good soils on steep slopes, subject to severe erosion, with severe risk of damage but may be cultivated occasionally if handled with great care, keep in hay or pasture but a grain crop may be grown once in 5 or 6 years.
Land unsuitable for cultivation but suitable for permanent vegetation
V Land is too wet or stony which make it unsuitable for cultivation of crops, subject to only slight erosion if properly managed, should be used for pasture or forestry but grazing should be regulated to prevent cover from being destroyed.
VI These are shallow soils on steep slopes, used for grazing and forestry; grazing should be regulated to preserve plant cover; if the plant cover is destroyed, use should be restricted until cover is re-established.
VII These are steep, rough, eroded lands with shallow soils, also includes droughtly and swampy land, severe risk of damage even when used for pasture or forestry, strict grazing or forest management must be applied.
VIII Very rough land, not suitable even for woodland or grazing, reserve for wild life, recreation or wasteland consideration.

7.Composition Of Sand Silt & Clay Related To Textural Class

Textural Class Ranges of soil separates (%)
Sand Silt Clay
Sand 85 – 100 0 – 15 0 – 10
Loamy sand 70 – 90 0 – 30 0 – 15
Sandy loam 40 – 80 0 – 50 0 – 20
Loam 23 – 52 28-50 7-27
Silt loam 0-50 50-88 0-27
Silt 0-20 80-100 0-12
Sandy clay loam 45-80 0-28 20-35
Clay loam 20-45 15-53 27-40
Silty clay loam 0-20 40-73 27-40
Sandy clay 45-65 0-20 35-45
Silty clay 0-20 40-60 40-60
Clay 0-45 0-40 40-100

Soil Texture:-
Soil texture refers to relative proportion of mechanical / soil separates below 2 mm in diameter (viz. sand, silt and clay).
Three size classes are particularly important:

  1. Sand (size as in beach sand)
  2. Silt (size like talc/talcum powder)
  3. Clay (small particles which stick together, like modeling clay).

Soil Structure and Consistency:-

  • The term soil structure refers to the arrangement of primary and secondary particles in to a certain structural pattern.
  • The primary particles are sand, silt and clay whereas the secondary particles are the cluster of the primary particles which are called aggregates and peds.
  • Structure can be modified by cultivation and tillage operations while texture is an inherent property of soil and cannot be modified within short period of time.

Soil structure is most usefully described in terms of:-

  1. Type of aggregates (form),
  2. Class (average size) and
  3. Grade (degree of aggregation)

Types of Soil Structure:-
Based on the shape and arrangement of peds or aggregates, soil structure is classified into four principle type –plate like, prism like, block like and spheroidal structure.

1. Plate like:-

  • In this type, the aggregates are arranged in relatively thin horizontal plates or leaflets. The horizontal axis or dimensions are larger than the vertical axis
  • It is commonly found in forest soils, in part of the A- horizon, and in claypan soils. When the units/ layers are thick they are called “ platy” and when they are thin then it is “ laminar”.

2. Prism-like:

  • In prism like structure, the vertical axis is more developed than horizontal, giving a pillar like shape. They are commonly found in the subsurface horizons of semiarid and arid regions.
  • The prisms having rounded tops are called columnar and mostly occur in subsoils of salt-affected soils. When the tops are flat or level the structure is termed as “ prismatic”.

3. Block like:-

  • The structure is blocky when soil particles cling together in nearly square or angular blocks having more or less sharp edges.
  • The peds have sizes varying from 1 cm to 10 cm. There are two types- angular blocky and sub-angular blocky.
  •  They are commonly found in the B-horizon where clay has accumulated.

4. Spheroidal:-

  • Here the individual particles of sand, silt and clay are grouped together in small, nearly spherical grains.
  • When the peds or aggregates are relatively non-porous, they are called granules and porous granules are termed as crumbs.
  • They are commonly found in the A-horizon of the soil profile.

Agriculture Soil Science Study Point

Agriculture Soil Science Important Table – 1 Cl;ick
Agriculture Soil Science Important Table – 2 Cl;ick
Agriculture  Soil Science Important Table – 3 Cl;ick
Agriculture  Soil Science Important Table – 5 Cl;ick


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