Agriculture Study Materials General Agriculture Table 2

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Agriculture Study Materials

Agriculture Study Materials Point

Subject:- General Agriculture

Trap crop:- Grow trap crops around the main crop to attract the pest of main crop and then easily destroyed through spraying any effective pesticides.

 1.Use of trap crop AgriExam.Com  

Trap crop Used in crop Pest control
Okra Cotton Red cotton bug, Boll worms
Marigold Cotton and Tomato Helicoverpa armigera
Castor Soybean Spodoptera litura
Tomato Citrus Fruit borer
Mustard Cabbage Diamond back moth
Chilli Onion Thrips

Watershed:- Watershed can be defined as a unit of area covers all the land which contributes runoff to a common point or outlet surrounded by a ridge line.

 2.Classification of watershed AgriExam.Com 

Type of watershed Area covered
Mini watershed 10-100 ha
Micro watershed 100-1000 ha
Milli watershed 1000-10,000 ha
Sub-macro watershed 10,000-50,000 ha
Macro watershed >50,000

 3.Type of Inflorescence In Vegetable Crops AgriExam.Com  

Type of inflorescence CROPS
Raceme Cucurbits, radish
Cyme Tomato, brinjal, chilli, potato, spinach, sweet
potato, broccoli, cauliflower
Cat ken cabbage
Panicle Moringa, palak
Spike Beet root
Compound Umbel Carrot, Coriander
Capitulum Lettuce 

 4.Classification of Spray Volumes AgriExam.Com 

Sprayer Quantity 
 High Volume Spray > 400 lit/ha of spray liquid (AFO 2018)
Low volume Spray 5-400 lit/ha
 Normal aerial dose 15-75 lit/ha,
Normal ground dose 100-200 lit/ha
Ultra-low volume or Low Volume concentration Spray <5 lit/ha.

 5.Methods of raising AgriExam.Com  

Methods of raising Vegetable Crops
Direct sown crops Okra, Carrot, Radish, Beans, Peas, Garlic.
Transplanted crops Tomato, Brinjal, Chillies, Cabbage, Cauliflower.
Vines and cuttings Sweet potato, Cassava, Pointed gourd.
Bits of tubers and corms  Potato, Yams.

 6.Deficiency, their effects and major source of vitamins 

Effect/deficiency Rich Source AgriExam.Com 
Vitamin A (Retinol)
Night blindness, growth failure , Xerophthalmia Milk, carrot, papaya, mango.
Vitamin B1, (Thiamine)
Beri-beri (disturbance in digestive system), muscular weakness, neuritis Cashew nut, almond, walnut, Rice polishing, leafy Veg.
Vitamin B2, (Riboflavin) AgriExam.Com 
Photophobia, inflamed lips, cracks on skin ariboflavinosis Bael, papaya, pulses
Vitamin B5 (Niacin or Nicotinamide /Pantothenic acid )
Pellagral, black tongue Mushrooms, avocados, sunflower seeds, sweet potatoes, and lentils
Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine)
Degeneration of nerves, depression, lack of energy Soybeans, Yeast, wheat germ, legumes
Vitamin B12 (Cobalomine)
Pernicious anemia fish, meat, poultry, eggs, milk, and milk products. Vitamin B12 is generally not present in plant foods
Vitamin C (Ascorbic acid)
Scurvy (soft tissues around the Joints become swollen and painful) Aonla, guava, citrus, barbedos cherry
Vitamin D (Calciferol) AgriExam.Com 
Rickets (bone deformation), Pigeon chest in children & Osteomalacia in adult Sun light, fish & liver oil
Vitamin E (Tocopherol)
Sterility (reproductive failure) Outer layer of grains, nut
Vitamin H (Biotin)
Dermatitis, hair loss Egg yolk, Sweet potato, avocado
Vitamin K (Phylloquinone)
Delayed clotting Cauliflower, liver, soybean
Vitamin Folic acid
Anaemia Palak, karonda, green leafy veg.

Vitamin term is coined by “Casimir Funk in 1912”

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