Agronomy Daily MCQ – 101 Best Question

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Agronomy Daily MCQ – 101

Agronomy Daily MCQ - 101 Best Question

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Agronomy Daily MCQ – 101 Study

1.The word agronomy is derived from which Language?

  • Greek
  • Latin
  • American
  • Arabic


The term agronomy is derived from two Greek words Agros=Field, Nomos= To Manage

2.Who is considered as Father of Agronomy?

  • Jethrotull
  • Louis Pasteur
  • Ms.Swaminathan
  • De Cresenzi

Answer:-De Cresenzi.

Peter De Cresenzi Collected a lot of literatures in the field of agronomy mentioned in his book “Opus Rural/Urn Kamo Durum” for the first time. So he was regarded as father of agronomy

3.Who  concluded that water is the main principle of Vegetation on Earth?

  • Albert Einstein
  • N.Borlaug
  • Van Helmont
  • Watson

Answer:-Van Helmont(c).

Van Helmont was the first person to conclude that water is the major principle for plant growth.

4.Who is the father of Weed Science?

  • DeCresenzi
  • Liebeg
  • Jethrotull
  • Adam Smith


Jethrotull published a book ‘Horse Hoeing Husbandry’ and the words ‘weeds’ and ‘Zero Tillage’ given for the first time by him. He is considered as the father of Weed Science.

5.Pot Culture Experiments was conducted by?

  • Watson
  • Dokuchaiv
  • Donald
  • Aurthor Young

Answer:-Aurthor Young.

Aurthor Young Conducted pot culture experiments inorder to increase the yield of crops by applying several materials like poultry dung,litter, gunpowder etc. He published his work in 46 volumes in ‘Annals of Agriculture’

Agronomy Daily MCQ – 101

6.Cropping Intensity is?

  • Ratio of No. of crops grown in an area in a year to Total no. of crops can be grown
  • Biological yield x Economical Yield
  • Harvest index x Number of Crops grown
  • Total Cropping Area/Net Cultivated Area X 100

Answer:-Total Cropping Area/Net Cultivated Area X 100

Crop Intensity is calculated by Total Cropping Area/Net Cultivated Area X 100. Cropping Intensity of India is nearly 155% in 2021-22

7.Crop Rotation Intensity is?

  • Biological yield x Economical Yield
  • Total Cropping Area/Net Cultivated Area X 100
  • No.of Crops in Crop Rotation/No. of Year in Crop Rotation X 100
  • No.of years in Crop Rotation/No. of crops in Crop Rotation X 100

Answer:-No.of Crops in Crop Rotation/No. of Year in Crop Rotation X 100.

For example crop rotation for 1 year Rice-Pea is 200%

8.What is meant by dry farming?

  • Cultivation of crops in areas where annual rainfall is less than 600mm
  • Cultivation of crops in areas where annual rainfall is more than 750mm
  • Cultivation of crops in areas where annual rainfall is less than 1100mm
  • Cultivation of crops in areas where annual rainfall is less than 750mm

Answer:-Cultivation of crops in areas where annual rainfall is less than 750mm is called dry farming

9.What is meant by dry land farming?

  • Cultivation of crops in areas where annual rainfall is less than 600mm
  • Cultivation of crops in areas where annual rainfall is more than 750mm but less than 1150mm
  • Cultivation of crops in areas where annual rainfall is less than 1100mm
  • Cultivation of crops in areas where annual rainfall is less than 750mm

Answer:-Cultivation of crops in areas where annual rainfall is more than 750mm but less than 1150mm is called dry land farming.

10.What is meant by Rainfed farming?

  • Cultivation of crops in areas where annual rainfall is less than 600mm
  • Cultivation of crops in areas where annual rainfall is more than 750mm but less than 1150mm
  • Cultivation of crops in areas where annual rainfall is more than 1150mm
  • Cultivation of crops in areas where annual rainfall is less than 750mm

Answer:-Cultivation of crops in areas where annual rainfall is more than 1150mm is called Rain fed Farming

Agronomy Daily MCQ – 101 Provide to you Agronomy MCQs for Exams Like IBPS- AFO (Agriculture Field Officer) Iffco, Kribhco, NFL, NSC, ICAR-JRF/SRF/ ARS, IARI, TNAU, RAEO, RHEO, ADO, SADO, DDA,  ADA, MP Vyapam (PEB), FCI, ASRB, ARS, B.Sc. Agriculture Exam, Agriculture Exam, University Exam, KVK Agriculture Supervisor ,Assistant Agriculture Officer, Central Warehouse Corporation , Food Corporation of India, And Other Agricultural Exam.

Agronomy Daily MCQ – 101

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