Agronomy Important One Liner Questions
Agronomy Important One Liner Questions
Question | Answer | |
1 | In sugarcane upper 1/3 part is used for sowing due to? | High nitrogenous substance & glucose for better germination |
2 | Brix reading should be for proper maturity? | 16-18% (Refractometer) |
3 | Noble cane is? | Saccharum officinarium |
4 | Nitrogen percentage in Ground nut cake? | 7.3% |
5 | Botanical name of bunchy type Ground nut? | Archis hypogaea sub spp. Fastiglata |
6 | Major pest of Ground nut? | White grub (Holotrichia consaguinea) |
7 | Fruit type of tomato is? | Berry |
8 | Tomato is also known as? | Wolf apple |
9 | Indian institue of maize research is situated? | Ludhuiana (punjab) |
10 | Two lines different for a single locus called? | Iso genic line |
11 | Change in the genome with reference to individual chromosomes called as? | Aneuloidy |
12 | Tift 60 is an important source of male sterility in? | Sorghum |
13 | NBPGR established in? | New Delhi ,1976 |
14 | For the regular cultivation the land capability classes used are? | I, II & III classes |
15 | Father of Agronomy? | Peter Dearesenzi |
Question | Answer | |
16 | The cropping system in which the yields of both crop are higher than of their pure crops on unit area basis called as? | Synergetic cropping |
17 | P.M.A. is a type of antitranspirants? | Stomata closing type |
18 | Family of Jute? | Tiliaceae |
19 | Semi root parasite? | Striga |
20 | Soil moisture tension directly measured by? | Tensiometer |
21 | Cuscuta is associated with? | Lucern crop |
22 | Central institute of fisheries technology (CIFT) in? | Cochin (kerala) |
23 | Central institute of agriculture engineering (CIAE) in? | Bhopal (m.p.) , 1976 |
24 | Root system of gram, grape & cotton is? | Tap root system |
25 | Time of nipping operation is? | 30-40 days after sowing |
26 | Arrowing stage arrives on? | 300-350 days after planting |
27 | The term parthogenesis was coined by? | Owen |
28 | C4 (hatch Black pathway) found in _______ plants? | Sorghum, Maize, Sugarcane |
29 | Sugar which is sweetest among all sugars is? | Fructose (ketose sugar) |
30 | Most abundant protein in the world? | Rubisco |
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