Agronomy Important Table Part-1

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Agronomy Important Table

 Agronomy Important Table Part-1

Subject:- Agronomy

1.Special Purpose Crops

Type Crop
Truck crops Potato, Onion
Cover crops Groundnut, Methi
Nurse crops Sannhemp in Sugarcane, Guar in Suran(Elephant yam.)
Silage crops Maize, Sorghum
Catch crops Toria, Sunflower, Radish, Semi-rabi Sesame.
Soiling crop Berseem
Pasture crops Zinzvo
Row crop Cotton
Support crops Castor, Shevri
Mixed crops Cowpea, Tur
Companion crop Maize in Cowpea
Inter crop Jowar in Fruit crop
Green manure crops Sunnhemp, Cluster bean
Trap crops French marigold around Tobacco, Castor around Sugarcane
Cash crops Cotton, Sugarcane, Castor

2.Optimum Temperature and Water Requirement of Crops

Crop Optimum temperature (°C) Water requirement (mm)
Rice 30-32 900-2500
Wheat 25 450-650
Tobacco 28 500
Sugarcane 32-37 1500-2500
Sorghum 32-35 450-650
Maize 32-37 500-800
Cotton 20-30 700-1300
Groundnut 20-25 750-850

3.Critical stage & IW/CPE ratio of different crops

Climatologically approach or IW/CPE approach:-

  • Known as soil moisture index approach.
  • The ratio IW/CPE serve as soil moisture stress index.
  • Lower the ratio will be more stress.
  • It is scientific approach but not practical utility.

Critical stage approach:-The stage of growth when plants are most sensitive to shortage of water and most responsive to correction of deficiency

Crops Critical stage IW/CPE ratio
Rice Booting, Panicle initiation, flowering 1.2 (Highest)
Wheat C.R.I, jointing, milking 0.9
Maize Tasseling, silking 0.9
Cotton Flowering, boll formation 0.7
Gram Pre-flowering, pod development 0.6
Groundnut Flowering, Pegging, pod filling 0.6
Pigeon pea Flower initiation, pod formation 0.6
Safflower Flower initiation 0.4 (Lowest)

4.Water use efficiency (WUE):-

  • It is the yield of a marketable crop produced per unit of water used in evapo-transpiration. OR
  • WUE- the dry matter produced per unit of water used and it expressed as kg/ha-mm

Water use efficiency are of two types:-

i. Crop water use efficiency:- It is the ratio of crop yield (y) to the amount of water depleted by the crop in the process of evapo-transpiration (ET).
WUE (Crop)=Y/ET

ii. Field water use efficiency:- It is the ratio of crop yield (y) to the total amount of water used in the field (WR).
WUE (Field)=Y/WR

Water use efficiency of major field crops:-

Crops WUE (kg/ha mm)
Finger millet 13.4
Wheat 12.6
Groundnut 9.2
Sorghum 9.0
Pearl millet, Maize 8.0
Rice 3.7

5.Classification of Crops According To Root Depth, Rooting Characteristic:-

Shallow rooted Moderately deep rooted Deep rooted Very Deep rooted
Rice Wheat Maize Sugarcane
Potato Castor Cotton Citrus
Caulifower Groundnut Sorghum Coffee
Cabbage Pea Bajra Apple
Lettuce Barley Soybean Grapevine
Onion Chilli Sugar beet Safflower
Tobacco Tomato Lucerne

6.Plants and their conditions

Plants Condition
Halophytes Plants prefer saline conditions
Sciophytes Plants prefer shady condition
Lithophytes  Plants grows on rock surface
Psammophytes Plant prefer sandy soils
Calciphytes Plant requires large quantity of Ca
Xerophytes Plant grow under desert condition
Acidophiles Plant grow well under acidic condition
Hydrophytes Water loving plants

Agronomy Important Table

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