Agronomy MCQ 103 Best Question

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Agronomy MCQ 103

Agronomy MCQ 103
Agronomy MCQ 103


Q.1 The value of the solar constant is?

  • 50 cal/cm²/min
  • 1353 watts/m²
  • 94 cal/cm²/min
  • 94 cal/m²/min

Answer: 1353 watts/m²(CGS System)

The solar constant is defined as the energy falling in one minute on a surface area of one square centimeter at the outer boundary of the atmosphere, held normal to the sunlight, at the mean distance of the earth from the sun and its value is 1.94 cal/cm²/min (or) 1353 watts/m²

Q.2 Photosynthesis in green leaves use solar energy in wavelengths ranging from?

  • 400-800nm
  • 400-700nm
  • 700-1100nm
  • 350-750nm

Answer: 400-700nm

Photosynthesis in green plants uses solar energy in wavelengths ranging from 400nm-700nm or 0.4micrometers-0.7micrometers

Q.3 Photosynthetic Active Radiation(PAR) is measured by?

  • Tensiometer
  • Radiation meter
  • Quantum Sensor
  • Solar Sensor

Answer: Quantum sensor

Photosynthetic Active Radiation is measured using Quantum Sensor.

Q.4 Unit for measurement of Solar Radiation is?

  • Einstein
  • Watt/m2
  • Lux
  • All of the above

Answer: All of the above

Solar Radiation units are Einstein, Watt/m2, and Lux. Lux is the oldest unit to measure solar radiation

Q.5 What is meant by dry adiabatic lapse rate?

  • The rate at which the temperature changes as air rises or falls
  • The vertical temperature decrease
  • It’s the ratio between incoming and outgoing radiations.
  • The rate at which the albedo changes as air rises or falls

Answer: The speed at which the temperature changes as air rises or falls.

The rate at which the temperature changes as air rises or falls is called adiabatic lapse rate, The value of a dry adiabatic lapse rate is 10°C/km

Q.6 what is albedo?

  • The rate at which the temperature changes as air rises or falls
  • The vertical temperature decrease
  • It’s the ratio between incoming and outgoing radiations.
  • The rate at which the albedo changes as air rises or falls

Answer: It’s the ratio between incoming and outgoing radiations.

Albedo is the ratio between incoming and outgoing radiations, It is the percentage of the incident solar radiation reflected by a surface. The albedo of the cover is equal to 0.4

Q.7 What Size of Raindrops?

  • >0.5-6mm
  • <0.5-6mm
  • 5mm
  • 6mm

Answer: >0.5-6mm

Rain is a form of precipitation with droplets size greater than 0.5-0.6mm

Q.8 What is relative humidity?

  • Water Vapour Present in the air
  • The ratio of Water vapor present in the air/Water vapor required for saturation X 100
  • The moisture condensed in small drops upon a cool surface X 100
  • The ratio of rain to the total rain in the year X 100

Answer: The ratio of Water vapor present in the air/Water vapor required for saturation X 100

The relative humidity is expressed as a percentage(%)

Q.9 What are Isobars?

  • Lines joining equal elevations.
  • Imaginary lines connecting points of equal atmospheric pressures.
  • The line joins uniform values of any phenomena.
  • Lines connecting points of equal temperature.

Answer: Imaginary lines connecting points of equal atmospheric pressures.

Isobars are the imaginary lines connecting equal points of atmospheric pressure, Contour lines are the Lines joining equal elevations, Isopleths are the Lines joining uniform values of any phenomena, and Isotherms are the lines joining points of equal temperature.

Q.10 Which instrument is used to measure the height of altitude?

  • Anemometer
  • Altimeter
  • Dynamometer
  • Galvanometer

Answer: Altimeter.

The height of the altitudes is measured using Altimeter.

Q.11 Wind Speed is measured using?

  • Windometer
  • Wind wane
  • Anemometer
  • Altimeter

Answer: Anemometer.

Wind speed is measured using Anemometer

Q.12 What is the utility of wind wane?

  • Useful to measure wind speed
  • Useful to measure wind direction
  • Useful to measure atmospheric pressure
  • Useful to measure Temperature

Answer: Used to measure Wind Direction

Wind Wanes are helpful to measure wind direction and an Anemometer for wind speed.

Q.13 Pycnometer is used to measure?

  • Useful to measure Water table depth
  • Useful to measure Specific Gravity of Soil
  • Useful to measure atmospheric pressure
  • Useful to measure Temperature

Answer: Useful to measure the Specific Gravity of Soil

Pycnometer helps in measuring the specific gravity of soil

Q.14 The word monsoon is derived from which of the following languages?

  • Greek
  • Arabic
  • Sanskrit
  • Hindi

Answer: Arabic

The word monsoon comes from the Arabic language which means Season.

 Q.15 When does the southwest monsoon begin in India?

  • June 15th
  • July 15th
  • June 1st
  • May 31st

Answer: June 1st

South West Monsoon reaches South India in Kerala around June 1st of every year.

Q.16 Duration of Short range weather forecasting?

  • Less than 3 days
  • 3 days to 7 days
  • 5 days to 10 days
  • More than 15 days

Answer: Less than 3 days

Short-range weather forecasting is less than 3 days, the Medium range is for 3-10 days, and the Long range is greater than 10 days.

Q.17 What is meant by water logging?

  • A situation where all the pores both macro and micro are filled with water temporarily
  • A situation where all the pores both macro and micro are filled with water temporarily or permanently.
  • The synoptic method of forecasting is used for short-range forecasts.
  • All the above

Answer: A situation where all the pores both macro and micro are filled with water temporarily or permanently.

Water logging is a condition where all the pores both macro and micro are filled with water temporarily or permanently.

Q.18 What Number of long-range weather forecasts issued in a year is?

  • 5
  • 4
  • 3
  • 6

Answer: 3

The long-range forecasts are issued thrice a year and are used for crop planning, choosing cropping patterns

Q.19 What is the critical irrigation stage for the wheat crop?

  • Root Initiation, Flowering
  • Grain filling, Flowering
  • Crown Root Initiation, Jointing, Milking
  • Panicle Initiation

Answer: Crown Root Initiation

Crown Root Initiation in wheat is the most critical stage for irrigation with the highest soil moisture index ratio of 0.9

Q.20 Critical stage of irrigation for Rice crop?

  • Root Initiation, milking
  • Grain filling, tillering
  • Crown Root Initiation
  • Panicle Initiation, Flowering

Answer: Panicle Initiation, Flowering

Panicle Initiation and Flowering are the most critical stage for irrigation with the highest soil moisture index ratio of 1.2 Provide to you Agronomy MCQ 103 for Exams Like IBPS- AFO (Agriculture Field Officer) Iffco, Kribhco, NFL, NSC, ICAR-JRF/SRF/ ARS, IARI, TNAU, RAEO, RHEO, ADO, SADO, DDA,  ADA, MP Vyapam (PEB), FCI, ASRB, ARS, B.Sc. Agriculture Exam, Agriculture Exam, University Exam, KVK Agriculture Supervisor ,Assistant Agriculture Officer, Central Warehouse Corporation , Food Corporation of India, And Other Agricultural Exam.

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