Agronomy One Liner (11) Best For Exam

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Agriculture Question & Answer

Agronomy One Liner

  Question Answer
1 Legumes are sensitive to? Poor aeration
2 Excessive tillage reduces? Infiltration
3 Advance family is called? Compositae (Asteracae)
4 Separation of phloem tissue from xylem tissue
is called?
5 K availability to plants is limited by excessive? Ca
6 Central plant protection training institute? Hyderabad
7 Transport protein? Myglobin, Hemoglobin’s
8 Collagen found in? Muscle protein
9 Sugar found in germination seeds largely? Maltose
10 Kaolin is a type of Antitranspirants? Reflecting type
11 Chemical used for tomato sauce preservation is? Sodium benzoate
12 Higher dose of nitrogen decrease the? Sucrose content
13 Amino acid which is deficient in legumes? Methionine
14 Stress hardening in plants can be activated by? ABA
15 In difference curve approach could be attributed to? Hicks

  Question Answer
16 Sucrose content in cane is? 13-24%
17 Harvesting of Paddy is done at moisture content? 21-23%
18 In the tropical climate _______ plants are more productive? C4 plants
19 Sugarcane is irrigated every _______ days during its growing period? 8 – 12 days
20 Depth of sowing of Soybean seed is? 3 cm
21 Yellow dwarf disease of rice is caused by? MLO (vector- Green leaf hopper)
22 Mass flow is affected by? Transpiration
23 Purple top roll of potato caused by? MLO (vector- Leaf hoppr)
24 “Flared square” symptoms seen in cotton due to the? Spotted boll worm
25 Diara cultivation method is followed in? Cucurbits
26 The irrigation method which is suitable for saline soils is? Flood method
27 Art of giving shape to shrubs resembling to figure is called as? Topiary
28 Bunch terracing is done when the slope is more than? 15%
29 First discovered bacterial causes for plant disease? T.J. burill , 1882, USA
30 Maximum arable land in country is? Australia

Agronomy One Liner

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