Agronomy Question and Answer
Agronomy Question and Answer Agronomy
Subject:- Agronomy
Special 30 One Liner Questions
Question | Answer | |
1 | What is easily digestable? | Black gram (Vigna mungo) |
2 | What is the chemical formula of slaked lime? | Ca(OH)2 |
3 | What is the hybrid of Pusa Giant Napier? | Napier x Bajra |
4 | What is the optimum plant population for Bt-cotton? | 10,000 plants/ha (1-1.5kg/ha) |
5 | What will be CPE Value if cm irrigation is applied at IW/CPE ratio? | 50 mm |
6 | Which Agricultural University in India was established first? | GBPUAT, Pant Nagar, UP. (1960) |
7 | Which among the crop is having the highest oil content? | Sesamum (46-52%) |
8 | Which among the following is most salt tolerant fruit crop? | Date palm |
9 | Which clay is tetramorphic? | Montmorillonite |
10 | Which crop has the highest cultivated area in the world? | Wheat (Triticum aestivum) |
11 | Which crop is have the highest protein content? | Soybean (Glycin max) |
12 | Which crops contribute the maximum to the production of vegetable oil in the country? | Groundnut (26% protein, 45% Oil) |
13 | Which degradation plays a major role in the persistence and behavior of herbicides in soil? | Chemical |
14 | Which design is suitable when fertility gradient is in two directions? | Latin Square Design |
15 | Which fertilizer is fire hazardous? | Ammonium nitrate (33% N) |
Question | Answer | |
16 | Which growth stage of Pigeon pea need bright sunshine for higher yield? | Pod development |
17 | Which is an example of Nitro positive crop? | Pearl millet |
18 | Highest water use efficiency in which crop? | Finger millet( 13.4 kg/ha-mm) |
19 | Which of the operation is specially followed in Castor ? | Nipping of auxillary racemes. |
20 | Which of the operation is specially followed in chickpea? | Nipping |
21 | Which one of the following river basin has maximum utilizable flow? | Ganga |
22 | Which part of the leaf is present in wheat but not in the grassy weeds such as Phalaris minor, wild oats? | Ligule |
23 | Which type of maize is early maturing one? | Pop corn (Zea maize everta) |
24 | Which year is called International year of soil? | 2015 |
25 | White bud of maize symptom is due to the deficiency of? | Zn |
26 | Who is the present Chairman of Protection of Plant Varieties and Farmers’ Right Authority (PPV&FRA)? | Kumble Vinod Prabhu |
27 | Who was the first Director General of the recognized ICAR in ? | Dr. B.P. Pal (1965) |
28 | Wind direction is measured by? | Wind vanes |
29 | Word Remote sensing coined by? | Mather |
30 | Zero competition seen in? | Parallel cropping |
Agronomy Question and Answer Agronomy
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Very helpful 🙏
Thank You
Nitropositive crop- bajra
Fertility in two direction -LSD
Thank you sir
Sir 26 – Dr.K.v prabhu
Wind direction measured by wind vane anemometer are used to measure wind velocity