Animal Husbandry Daily MCQ – 2

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Animal Husbandry Daily MCQ – 2

Animal Husbandry Daily MCQ

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Animal Husbandry Daily MCQ Study


Agriexam Daily Quiz


Q.1: India’s rank in livestock population?

  1. I
  2. II
  3. III
  4. IV

Answer: 1


Q.2: Paneer is a?

  1. Concentrated milk product
  2. Fermented milk product
  3. Coagulated milk product
  4. Dried milk product

Answer: 3


Q.3: Dual purpose breed of goat?

  1. Barbari
  2. Jamnapari
  3. Marwari
  4. Beetul

Answer: 2


Q.4: The stage when animal comes in heat?

  1. Proestrus
  2. Estrus
  3. Metestrus
  4. Diestrus

Answer: 1


Q.5: ‘Operation flood’ is related to?

  1. Opium
  2. Cotton
  3. Rice
  4. Milk

Answer: 4


Q.6: Horse is a?

  1. Ruminant hoofed
  2. Non ruminant hoofed
  3. Even toed hoofed
  4. Odd toed hoofed

Answer: 2


Q.7: Stomach of camel has how many parts?

  1. 3.0
  2. 2.0
  3. 4.0
  4. 1.0

Answer: 1


Q.8: Which animal have single stomach with large caecum, unable to ruminate ?

  1. Sheep
  2. Camel
  3. Buffalo
  4. Donkey

Answer: 4


Q.9: Incubation period (days) in chicken (Gallus gallus) is?

  1. 11
  2. 21
  3. 24
  4. 28

Answer: 2


Q.10: ……..refers to the undescended condition of the testes into the scrotal sac?

  1. Cryptorchidism
  2. Scrotal hernia
  3. Free martin
  4. White heifer disease

Answer: 1

Animal Husbandry Daily MCQ – 2

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