Animal Husbandry Daily MCQ – 6 Best

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Animal Husbandry Daily MCQ – 6

Animal Husbandry Daily MCQ

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Animal Husbandry Daily MCQ Study

Agriexam Daily Quiz


Q.1: Temperature for LTLT pasteurization?

  1. 61 – 63 °C
  2. 42 – 49°C
  3. 62 – 65°C
  4. 51 – 65 °C

Answer: 1


Q.2: Nutrient conversion efficiency for goat?

  1. 38%
  2. 42%
  3. 45 – 71%
  4. 40 – 45 %

Answer: 3


Q.3: Mammary glands originate from?

  1. Endoderm
  2. Ectoderm
  3. Mesoderm
  4. All of these

Answer: 2


Q.4: Castration done at the age of…… in goat?

  1. 2 – 4 weeks
  2. 3 – 5 weeks
  3. 4 – 6 weeks
  4. 3 – 4 weeks

Answer: 1


Q.5: The egg should be candled on…. day of incubation?

  1. 2nd
  2. 4th
  3. 3rd
  4. 5th

Answer: 3


Q.6: Most variable of all constituent present in milk is?

  1. Protein
  2. Fat
  3. Carbohydrate
  4. Minerals

Answer: 2


Q.7: Lactic acid content in fresh milk is?

  1. 0.10%
  2. 0.15%
  3. 0.20%
  4. None of these

Answer: 1


Q.8: Rhode Island Red is native of?

  1. Italy
  2. England
  3. France
  4. USA

Answer: 4


Q.9: Egg shell made up of?

  1. Ca(OH)2
  2. Ca3(PO4)2
  3. CaCO3
  4. CaO

Answer: 3


Q.10: An adult female sheep is called?

  1. Heifer
  2. Ram
  3. Ewe
  4. Grimmer

Answer: 3

An adult female sheep is called a ewe. An adult male sheep is called a ram. A sheep that is less than 1 year of age is called a lamb.

Animal Husbandry Daily MCQ – 6

In Agriculture MCQ Study for Exams Like IBPS- AFO (Agriculture Field Officer) Iffco, Kribhco, NFL, NSC, ICAR-JRF/SRF/ ARS, IARI, TNAU, RAEO, RHEO, ADO, SADO, DDA,  ADA, MP Vyapam (PEB), FCI, ASRB, ARS, B.Sc. Agriculture Exam, M.Sc. Agriculture Exam, University Exam, KVK Agriculture Supervisor ,Assistant Agriculture Officer, Central Warehouse Corporation , Food Corporation of India, And Other Agricultural Exam.

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