Animal Husbandry One Liner Questions

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Animal Husbandry One Liner Questions

Animal Husbandry One Liner Questions

Questions & Answers

  Question Answer
1 Goat is known as? Poor man’s cow
2 Sheep is also known as? Poor man’s mobile bank
3 First clone of adult (sheep) animal? Dolly
4 Sheep are Grazer while goat are? Browser
5 Which sheep breed is famous for pelt production? Karakul
6 The goat breed which is famous for chevon, quality skin & breeding efficiency is? Black Bengal
7 The Saanen breed of goat is known as? Milk queen
8  Which is the tallest breed of goat in India? Jamnapari
9 Cow milk is light yellow or creamy in colour due to? Carotene
10 The buffalo milk is white in colour due to presence of? Casein
11 The carbohydrates or sugar constituent of the milk? lactose
12 Fat globules in the milk are in the form of? Emulsion
13 Protein present in the milk in the form of? Colloidal
14 Lactose and minerals are present in milk in the form of? Solution
15 In Murrah Buffalo what is the age at first calving? 40-42 months

  Question Answer
16 Milk is the poor source of? Iron and Vitanin-C
17 Milk is rich source of Calcium, Phosphorus and excellent source of? Vitamin-A
18 India ranks first in production of? Carpet wool
19 Best crop for silage making is? Maize
20 Hay can be stored if moisture per cent below? 16%
21 Which hormone is responsible for letdown of milk is? Oxytocin Hormone
22 In the cow at the time of parturition which hormone causes contraction of the uterus and help for the expulsion of the foetus? Oxytocin
23 Temperature of artificial vagina? 42°C
24 Which country has  position first in world milk production, total buffaloes, wool production and total cattle production? India
25 In India wool production is maximum in…… followed by Gujarat? Rajasthan
26 The world’s first in vitro fertilized buffalo calfs? Pratham
27 Example of ruminant have four chambers stomach? cattle, sheep, goat, deer
28 Example of ruminant has three chambered rumen? Camel
29 The biggest compartment of ruminant stomach is? Rumen
30 Maximum population of poultry in India is in? Andhra Pradesh

Animal Husbandry One Liner Questions

  Question Answer
1 Maximum fish production state in India is? Andhra Pradesh
2 Maximum marine fish production is in? Gujarat
3 Which contain > 18% crude fiber and Total Digestible Nutrients (TDN) content is less than 60%? Roughage
4 Which contain more than 60% TDN and crude fiber content is less than 18%? Concentrate
5 Cannibalism is seen in poultry due to the deficiency of? Sodium chloride
6 Cracked feet in poultry is caused by Deficiency of? Biotin
7 Degnala and Alkali diseases are caused due to toxicity of? Selenium
8 Crazy chick disease is caused by deficiency of? Vitamin-E
9 Swelling due to the collection of gases in rumen of the animal is called? Bloat
10 The deficiency of manganese in poultry causes? Perosis
11 Parakeratosis is caused by the deficiency of? Zinc
12 The disease in which animal aborts or gives birth to a dead or weak calf is known as? Brucellosis
13 Cattle disease that is communicated to man is? Anthrax
14 Milk fever in cow occurs is due to? Ca deficiency
15 Mastitis is an inflammation of? Udder
16 Pica disease is caused by deficiency of which mineral? Phosphorous
17 Curled toe paralysis in chicken is caused due to the deficiency of?  Iron deiciency
18 The best way to prevent fatal septicemia in young calves is to make sure that they get? Colostroum
19 Dis budding in calf of newborn is done at the age of? 4-10 days

  Question Answer
20 The most commonly used cryoprotectant for freezing of semen is? Glycerol
21 Freshly drawn milk has a pH value of? 6.5-6.7
22 Which is constitute about 80 % of the total protein present in milk? Casein
23 The poultry specially raised for meat production is known as? Broiler
24 Breed of poultry is excellent for broiler purpose? Plymouth rock
25 Hump less cattle belong to group? Bos Taurus
26 The main storage poly saccharide in animal cells is? Glycogen
27 The most variable constituent of milk is? Fat
28 Milk lipid is? lecithin
29 The protein which can’t be digested? Elastin
30 Only essential fatty acid of poultry is? Linolic acid
31 Which is the main proteins of skin/connective tissues? Collagen
32 Hormone which play important role in the maintenance of pregnancy is? Progesterone
33 A pregnant cow doesn’t come in heat due to presence of? Corpus luteum
34 Animal protein factor is known as? Cobalamine (Vit.B12)
35 Protein which is soluble in water and heat coagulate is? Albumin

Animal Husbandry One Liner Questions

  Question Answer
1 Glucose+ Glucose= Maltose
2 Glucose + Fructose= Sucrose
3 Glucose + Galactose = Lactose (Milk sugar)
3 The milk Sugar is? Disaccharide
4 Oxidation of fat is called? Beta-oxidation
5 Scientific castration is done by using an instrument known as? Burdizzo castrator
6 Clipping of the wool or hairs around the penis and belly region is known as? Ringing
7 Which is used for treatment of oxalate poisoning? CaCo3
8 Quality of egg can be judged by ? Candling
9 Phosphatase Test used to detect ? Incomplete pasteurization
10 Bovin Phosphate used as monitor in ? Pasteurization of milk
11 Test is used for detecting animal is in pregnant or not. ? Barium chloride
12 Test is the rapid platform test applied to determine suitability of milk for neat processing? Clot-on-boiling (COB)
13 The process of dehorning is accomplished by applying? Caustic potash (KOH)
14 Adjustnent of fat and SNF percent to desired level as per the PFA standard? Standardization
15 Breed of poultry which is famous for fighting sports is? Aseel
16 Aseel, breed of poultry is native of? Uttar Pradesh
17 Animal age can be judged by? Number of teeth or Horn rings
18 The famous small goat for meat is? Black Bengal
19 Sulphur containing amino acids are?   Cystine, Cysteine & Methionine
20 Sulphur containing vitamins are? Thiamine and Biotin

  Question Answer
1 The length of normal estrous cycle ranges between? 19-22 days
2 The broilers should not be kept for more than ? 10 weeks
3 Growth rate of broiler decreases after the age? 10 week 
4 Normal dry period of cow is? 60-65 days
5 A cow should be given pregnancy ration after? 7 months
6 Average fertile life of an egg is? 12-14 hrs.
7 Productive life of sheep and goat is? 4-5 years
8 9-10 months old male and female weaned lambs are known as? Hogget
9 Longest lactation period of Mehsana breed of buffalo is? 325 days
10 Longest lactation period of cow breed in the world is? Jersey (365 days)
11 Egg production starts in poultry at the age of ? 18-20 weeks
12 For breeding of sheep, a ram can be used after attaining the age of? 18 months
13 The butter melts completely at  _____temperature during ghee making? 64°C
14 Mesophilic bacteria can grow at? 20 to 40°C
15 Best method of milking is? Full hand /fisting
16 The boiling point of milk is? 100.17 °C (212.3°F)
17 Net charge on protein is O when heated at? 4.7°C

  Question Answer
18 Urea can be used safely up to… in ruminants ration? 10%
19 By urea treatment, the dry matter intake of straw is increased by? 30%
20 Urea treated straw is used for feeding after …… days of urea application? 21
21 Calves below ….. of age must not be fed with urea treated straw? 6 months
22 For improving quality of the roughage the spraying of the urea solution is done at the rate of _______ to 100 kg straw? 4 kg urea
23 Best dairy breed of cow in India is? Sahiwal
24 Breed of cattle mainly used for physical work is known as? Draught
25 Best draught breed of cattle is? Amritmahal
26 Best draught breed of cattle in Maharashtra is? Khillar
27 Indian breed of sheep that produces good quantity of milk is? Sonadi
28 The exotic breed of cattle that produces maximum quantity of milk is (5000-6000 liter/year)? Holstein Friesian 
29 Best dual purpose breed of cattle? Haryana
30 Biggest, majestic and dairy type breed of goat in India is? Jamunapari
31 Dual purpose breed of sheep is? Mandya
32 Highest milk yielded breed of buffalo is? Murrah
33 Frieswal (Holstein x Sahiwal), the highest milk yielding breed yielded?  14 liter/day

Animal Husbandry One Liner

  Question Answer
1 Goat like sheep is? Nellore
2 Hellikar is a breed of? Cattle
3 First domestic ruminant animal was? Goat
4 Indian breed of cattle having longest lactation period? Gir (365 days)
5 Most popular breed of goat for stall feeding is? Barbari
6 Most popular fine wool breed of world is? Merino
7 Mechanism of heat tolerance is not found in? Buffalo
8 Tallest breed of sheep in India? Nellore
9 The breed of goat known as Jersey cow of the goat world? Alpine
10 The breed of buffalo that has copper colour body is? Bhadawari
11 Mechanism of heat tolerance is not found in? Buffalo
12 Meat colour of Kadaknath poultry breed is? Black
13 Lactometer is the instrument used for measuring? purity of milk
14 “Operation flood” is related to? Milk
15 For breeding, the number of ewes per ram is? 40

  Question Answer
16 Colour of egg yolk is due to the pigment? Xanthophyll
17 Milk protein is known as? Casein
18 Hormone responsible for milk synthesis is? Prolactin
19 The stage when animal comes in heat is? Proestrus
20 Colostrum coagulates on heating because it contains more? Albumin and globulin
21 Over run in ice-cream is due to the incorporation of? Air
22 Annato is used in butter for giving?  Yellow colour
23 Which is only Animal origin vitamin found in Intestine of animals? Vitamin K
24 Removal of tail in sheep is called as? Docking
25 Removal of ovaries in female is known as? Spaying
26 Mating of the non-descript females to the pure-bred males Over several generations is known as?  Grading up
27 Selection of one character at a time until it is improved by grading is? Tandem method
28 Vaccum pasteurization in cream is known as? Vacreation
29 Milk exposed in U.V. rays for increasing vit D content is called? Irrodicated milk
30 Addition of vitamins in the milk is called fortification of such milk is called as? Fortified milk

Animal Husbandry One Liner

  Question Answer
1 The milk fat content of butter oil is? 99.5-99.8 %.
2 As per BIS standard minimum milk fat content in ice-cream is?  12%
3 As per BIS standard minimum milk fat content in cream is? 25%.
4 Solubility of spray dried milk powder is? 98.5 %
5 Fat content in WMP (Whole Milk Powder) is? 26 -28.5%
6 Fat content in  SMP (Skimmed Milk Powder) is?  0.5.0-8%
7 In preparation of shrikhand the sugar is added at the rate of ? 35-45 %.
8 Double toned milk contains fat? 1.5 %
9 Double toned milk contains SNF(Solid Not Fat)? 9 %
10 Standardized milk contains fat and  SNF respectively? 4.5 % & 8.5 %
11 In Bactofugation which percent of bacteria in milk are removed? 99 %
12 Protein content in colostrum of cow is? 17.8%
13 Protein content in colostrum of buffalo is? 21.4%
14 Legal standard for solid not fat (SNF) in cow milk is? 8.5 %
15 Buffalo share in total milk production in India is?  >50 %
16 Merino wool’s share in world? 80 %
17 Carbohydrates % in skim milk powder is? 51.0 %
18 Protein content in Khoa? 18.5%
19 Biological value of cattle meat is? 75%
20 Biological value of Buffalo meat is? 65%
21 Biological value highest in Butter is? 82%
22 The wool contains Nitrogen percentage? 16-17%

  Question Answer
23 Specific heat …..  calories at 15°C?  0.938
24 Specific heat …… calories at 40″C ? 0.930
25 Specific heat ….  calories at 20°C? 0.920
26 Energy Value of Milk fat is about? 9.3 Kcal/gm
27 Energy Value of Milk protein is about? 4.1 Kcal/gm
28 Energy Value of Milk sugar is about? 41 Kcal/gm
29 Milk is approximately ….. times more viscous than water? 1.5 to 1.7
30 Surface Tension of milk is? 43.58 – 49.36 Dyne
31 Butter flavour should not be? > 4 ppm.
32 Fat globule having size ….. micron in normal milk? 1-15
33 1 Mol of Beta – carotine =  …. of vit. A? 2 mol.
34 1 mot of Alpha- carotine = …. of vitA.? 1 mole
35 Casein is precipitated from milk at pH ? 4.6
36 Price Policy of milk suggest by N.D. D.B Anand are two axis? Fat & SNF
37 Removal of short fibre from longer one is called as? Combing

Animal Husbandry One Liner

  Question Answer
1 Cow milk get …… percent Khoa? 17-19 %
2 Buffalo milk get …. percent Khoa? 21-33 %
3 Cow milk khoa get ….. percent Fat? 25.7%
4 Buffalo milk khoa get ….  percent Fat? 37.1 
5 1 lit milk produce  how many liter Dahi? 1 lit
6 Acidity percentage in dahi is about? 0.7- 1% acidity.
7 Steer is a castrated male of? Cattle
8 Cattle meat is? Beef (Calf- Veal)
9 Teaser bull is used mainly for? Detection of heat
10 In pasturization, Micobacterium tuberculosis is considered as Index organism.
11 Recombined milk is prepared from …… combination? SMP, butter oil and water
12 For silage making, fodder should be reach in? Carbohydrate
13 Salty flavor of the milk is due to? Low lactose and high chloride content
14 Desirable flavour in milk products is due to? Diacetyl compound
15 Conversion of large fat globules into Small fat globule (< 2 micron) is known as? Homogenization

  Question Answer
16 Starter culture in dahi is? Steptococus lactis
17 Lactobacillus bulgaricus and Streptococcus thermophillus bacterial cultures are used? Yoghurt
18 Casein is present in the form of ? calcium caseinate Phosphate.
19 Milk taste is? slightly sweet
20 Egg shell is made up of? CaCO3
21 Fine leather prepared from goat skin is? Morocco
22 National Dairy development Board  is located in? Anand (G.J.) : 1970
23 Central Goat Research Institute is located in? Makhdum (Mathura U.P.)
24 All India Co-ordinate Research Project on Cattle is started in the year? 1968-69
25 Central Institute for Research on Buffaloes is located in? Hissar
26 High security Animal disease Laboratory is located in? Bhopal(M.P.)
27 Central Training institute for Poultry Production and Management is located in? Hesaraghatta
28 international Livestock Reserch Institute is located in? Nairobi
29 Central Sheep and Wool Research Institute is located at? Avikanagar (Raj.)

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Animal Husbandry One Liner Questions

10 thoughts on “Animal Husbandry One Liner Questions”

  1. boiling point of milk is 100.17 degree C or 109.17 pls update becoz is daily test asn is 100.17 and in one liner it is 109.17

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