Crop Protection Daily One Liner Question-3

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Entomology Daily One Liner Crop Protection( Plant protection)
  Questions Answer
1 The majority of phyto pathogenic fungi belong to ? Ascomytes & Basidiomycetes
2 Causal agent of blast of rice and gray leaf spot in turfgrasses? Magnaporthe grisea
3 Causal agent of soybean rust?
Phakospora pachyrhizi
4 Most bacteria that are associated with plants are actually? Saprotrophic
5 Most plant pathogenic bacteria are? Rodshaped (bacilli)
6 Plant viruses must be transmitted from plant to plant by a? Vector
7 Bacteria leaf blight of rice caused by? Xanthomonas oryzae
8 The disease caused by Leptosphaeria sacchari in sugarcane is? Ring spot
9 Loose smut of wheat is? Internally seed borne
10 The Karnal bunt of wheat is caused by? Neovossia indica
11 Sugarcane rust is caused by? Puccinia eriathi
12 Leaf blight of wheat is caused by? Alternaria trictinia
13 Stem rot of rice is caused by? Sclerotium oryzae
14 Tungro disease of rice is spread by? Nephotettix virescens
15 Ufra disease of rice is caused by? Ditylenchus
16 Whip smut of sugarcane is caused by? Ustilago sciteminae
17 Red rot of sugarcane is caused by? Collectorichum falcatum
18 Sugarcane mosaic disease is transmitted by? Rhopalosiphum maidis
19 Disease also known as “Killer Disease of Wheat” is? Black/ Stem rust
20 Akiochi disease is due to? Sulphur toxicity
21 White rust of crucifers is caused by? Albugo candida
22 Crop showing maximum resistance to nematode is? Marigold
23 Iris famine in 1845, was caused due to? Phytophothora infestance

Crop Protection

  Questions Answer
24 Father of Indian Pathology is?  E.J.Butler
25 Bengal famine 1943/brown spot of rice is caused by? Helmintho sporium oryzae
26 Life cycle of wheat rust is given by?  K. C. Mehta
27 The pathogen associated with the discovery of Bordeaux mixture is? Plasmosphora viticola
28  First bacterial disease known as fire blight of pear was reported for first time from USA by? T. J . Burill
29 Udabatta disease of rice is due to? Ephelis oryzae
30 Ring rust of Aonla is caused by? Ravenellia emblica var. fructoidae
31 Frog eye leaf spot of tobacco is caused by? Cercospora nicotianae (Fungus)
32 Leaf blight of cotton is caused by? Alternaria macrospora
33 Father of Microbiology is? Louis Pasteur
34 Bacterium was discovered by? Anton Leewenhock
35 Father of Modern Plant Pathology is? Anton de Berry
36 Bordeaux mixture was developed by? P.M.A. Millardet
37 Central Plant Protection Training Institute is situated at? Hyderabad (A.P.)
38 Integrated pest control ( IPM) term was coined by? Bartlett (1956)
39 The term “Pest Management” was given by? Geier (1970)
40 Father of Insect Physiology is? Wiggelworth
41 DDT was discovered by? Paul Hermann Muller
42 First insecticide discovered was? DDT
43 Plant Protection and Quarantine Act was passed in the year? 1912
44 Insecticide Act was passed in? 1968

Crop Protection

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