Entomology MCQ – 14

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Entomology MCQ – 14

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Entomology MCQ Study


Agriexam Daily Quiz


Q.1: In which disease of silkworm skin becomes rubbery and dull in appearance?

  1. Flacherie
  2. Grasserie
  3. Muscardine
  4. Pebrine 

Answer: 4


Q.2: In which insect family wing venation is reduced to a single anterior vein?

  1. Eulophidae
  2. Bethylidae
  3. Chalcididae  
  4. Braconidae

Answer: 3


Q.3: In which insect lipid absorption occurs through crop?

  1. Wax moth
  2. Termites
  3. Cockroach  
  4. Bed bug

Answer: 3


Q.4: In which insects vas deferens is a long coiled tube called as epididymis?

  1. Hemiptera
  2. Orthoptera
  3. Coleoptera  
  4. Hymenoptera

Answer: 3


Q.5: Insect used for microbioassay studies is?

  1. Housefly maggots
  2. Mosquitoes
  3. Drosophila

Answer: 3


Q.6: Intercalary veins and numerous cross veins present in case of?

  1. Plecoptera       
  2. Thysanura
  3. Thysanoptera
  4. Ephemeroptera

Answer: 4


Q.7: Intestine in this genus overlaps oesophageal glands in a long lobe?

  1. Aphelenchus      
  2. Aphelenchoides
  3. Bursaphelenchus
  4. Rhadinaphelenchus

Answer: 4


Q.8: Island theory of biological control was given by?

  1. Howard and Fiske
  2. Smith  
  3. Claussen
  4. Imms

Answer: 2


Q.9: Journal ENTOMON is published from?

  1. Hisar
  2. Kerala  
  3. Bengaluru
  4. Coimbatore

Answer: 2


Q.10: Kdr gene in housefly is present in chromosome no?

  1. 3  
  2. 2
  3. 5
  4. None of the above

Answer: 1

Entomology MCQ – 14

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