Entomology MCQ 31 Best Questions

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Entomology MCQ 31

Entomology MCQ 31

Entomology MCQ 31

Q1.In sprayer, container is called ‘Tank’. The equivalent part of a duster is called?

  • Hopper
  • Pressure chamber
  • Pump
  • Nozzle

Answer: Hopper

Explanation: Hopper-helps for discharge of spray contents in the form Dust/powder form. Pressure chamber helps for continuous spraying. Pump displaces a volume by physical or mechanical action. Nozzle is a device that facilitates dispersion of liquid into a spray.

Q2.Haltere is a modified wing in?

  • Dermapteran
  • Hemipteran
  • Neuropteran
  • Dipteran

Answer: Dipteran

Explanation: Dipterans contain Halters act as a Gyroscopic (Balancing organs). Whereas Dermapteran have Tagmina wings and Hemipteran have Hemelytra wings while Neuropterans contain Membranous wings.

Q3.Which of the following crops is used as trap crop against tomato fruit borer?

  • Maize
  • African Marigold
  • Okra
  • Mustard

Answer: African Marigold

Explanation: African Marigold acts as a trap crop against tomato fruit borer (Tomato & Marigold -16:1 ratio). Maize acts as a border crop in Chilli for trapping the sucking pests. Okra is used as a trap crop for Spotted bollworm Earias spp.  Mustard is used as a trap crop for Diamondback moth (DBM), Plutella xylostella

Q4.Which of the following is safest for managing storage insect-pests?

  • Malathion
  • Monocrotophos
  • Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt)
  • Chlorpyriphos

Answer: Malathion

Explanation: Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) is a Bio-pesticide (Stomach poison). Monocrotophos is an OP compound banned its use for vegetables and fruits (Systemic insecticide). Chlorpyriphos also an OP compound (Contact insecticide). Malathion is an OP compound, act as insecticide / acaricide, with contact action.

Q5.Smallest size of honey bee comb is produced by?

  • Apis mellifera
  • Apis florae
  • Apis indica
  • Apis dorsata

Answer: Apis florae

Explanation: Apis florae is also called as little bee and produces the sweetest honey. Apis mellifera – Italian/European bee, equal to Indian bee size, Produce maximum honey. Apis indica – Indian bee, Smaller than the rock bee bigger than the Italian bee. Apis dorsata – Rock bee, largest among all, Most of the honey & bee wax available in market is from this bee only.

Entomology MCQ 31

Q6.National Bureau of Agricultural Insect Resources(NBAIR) is located at?

  • Bangalore
  • New Delhi
  • Baramati
  • Srinagar

Answer: Bengaluru

Explanation: Indian institute of Horticulture Research (IIHR) also located at Bengaluru. New Delhi- National Centre for Integrated Pest Management (NCIPM). Baramati- National Institute of Abiotic Stress Management (NIASM). Srinagar- Central Institute of Temperate Horticulture (CITH).

Q7.Ecdysone hormone is produced by?

  • Corpora allata
  • Corpora cardiac
  • Neurosecretory cells
  • Prothoracic glands

Answer: Prothoracic glands

Explanation: Corpora allata-Produce the Juvenile hormone which helps insects to remain in Juvenile stage. Corpora cardiaca- act as a neurohemal organ. Neurosecretory cells- Produce the brain hormones (PTTH & Bursicon).

Q8.First transgenic crop plant developed is?

  • Soybean
  • Maize
  • Cotton
  • Tobbaco

Answer: Tobacco

Explanation: Tobacco contains Herbicide resistance genes. Soybean contains highest area under Genetically modified crops. Maize occupies 2nd largest area under GM crops. Cotton- In India only one Bt crop allowed for commercial cultivation.

Q9.Typical leg type found in mole crickets is?

  • Fossorial legs
  • Natatorial legs
  • Natatorial legs
  • Clinging legs

Answer: Fossorial legs

Explanation:  Fossorial also called as Digging type, Front legs are modified. Natatorial legs also called as Swimming type, present in hind legs of Water bugs & Water beetles. Clasping legs-Holding type. Clinging legs also called as Scansorial, present in Head louse.

Q10.Leaves drying and developing chlorotic spots which coalesce into pale or silvery patches followed by webbing is due to serious feeding by?

  • Aceria jasmine
  • Aceria cajani
  • Tetranychus cinnabarinus
  • Oligonychus indicus

Answer: Tetranychus cinnabarinus

Explanation: Aceria jasmine transmits Erineum streak virus while Aceria cajani-Transmit the Redgram sterility mosaic virus. Tetranychus cinnabarinus– carmine spider mite. Oligonychus indicus– Sorghum & Sugarcane leaf mite.

 Entomology MCQ 31

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