Entomology MCQ – 4

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Entomology MCQ – 4

Horticulture MCQ

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Entomology MCQ Study


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Q.1: Bead like mucron is present in?

  1. Helicotylnchus sp.  
  2. Hirschmaniella sp.
  3. Aphelenchoides sp.
  4. Tylenchulus sp.

Answer: 1


Q.2: Best nematode extraction method for all stage nematode is?

  1. Baermann’s funnel method
  2. Maceration + Baerman’s funnel method
  3. Cobbs sieving and decanting method  
  4. Fenwick can method

Answer: 3


Q.3: Biopesticide ‘Naturalis’ is a formulation of?

  1. Beauveria bassiana  
  2. Metarrhizium anisopliae
  3. Steinernema carpocasae
  4. Heterorhabditis bacteriophora

Answer: 1


Q.4: Black trap is used for?

  1. Stored grain pest
  2. Groundnut leaf miner
  3. Coffee berry borer
  4. Mosquito and flies  

Answer: 4


Q.5: Blood gills are found in?

  1. Chironomids
  2. Trichopterans
  3. Notonecta
  4. Both A and B  

Answer: 4


Q.6: Blue disease of cotton is transmitted by?

  1. Aphids 
  2. Thrips
  3. Jassids
  4. Red cotton bug

Answer: 1


Q.7: Botanical which is harmful to pollinators?

  1. Sabadilla  
  2. Rotenone
  3. Ryanodine
  4. Limeone

Answer: 1


Q.8: Brestan is an antifeedant, which is used against?

  1. Cotton boll weevil
  2. Cut worms  
  3. Grasshopper
  4. Leaf hopper

Answer: 2


Q.9: Broca trap is used for?

  1. Stored grain pest
  2. Groundnut leaf miner
  3. Coffee berry borer  
  4. Mosquito and flies

Answer: 3


Q.10: Bt brinjal contain which cry toxins against Leptinotarsa decimlineata?

  1. Cry 3A  
  2. Cry 3B
  3. Cry 3Aa
  4. Cry 3Ac

Answer: 1

Entomology MCQ – 4

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