FCI Entomology Quiz-10
UseFul For All Agricultural Exam FCI, JRF, SRF, NSC, CWC, NABARD, AFO, Cotton Corporation of India,
Q.1 An important object of the ICZN is to provide?
Q.2 Structurally and functionally evolved order is?
Q.3 Ctenidia is found in the order?
Q.4 Immatures of Neuroptera can be classified as?
Q.5 The insects which are both forward and back ward running habit ?
Q.6 The synonym of hemiptera?
Q.7 The tarsal formula for meloidae is?
Q.8 Homomorphism is seen in?
Q.9 Sexual trimorphism is seen in?
Q.10 Smoky membranous wing with R thickened is found in?
FCI Entomology Questions
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