General Agriculture One Liner 1 Best For Exams

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 General Agriculture One Liner 1

General Agriculture One Liner 1

Life has two rules: 1) Never quit. 2) Always remember Rule #1

General Agriculture One Liner 1

  Question Answer
1 Most dangerous disease of potato? Late blight (Phytophthora infestans).
2 1st Hybrid variety of Pearl millet?  HB-1 in 1965
3 1st Hybrid variety of sorghum? CSH-1 (released in 1965
4 Which are the most common Gastropod pests? Slugs & Snails.
5 Which are cucurbits used for treatment of Diabetis? Bitter gourd & Coccinia.
6 In India the seeds act was enacted in the year by the parliament? 1966
7 National Seed Corporation (NSC) was registered in? 1963
8  World Food Day is observed on?  16th October 1945
9 The Optimum spacing for wheat is? 22.5 cm (line to line).
10 % of moisture is ideal for certified seeds of Rice? 13%
11 Is the world’s leading exporter of flowers? Netherland
12 Nucleus was discovered by? Robert Brown (1983).
13 A + B horizon is called? Solum
14 A crop that can be successfully cultivated in Acid-saline soil? Paddy
15 Which are the substances used for artificial rain simulation? Silver iodide & Dry ice.
16 Shelling percentage of pea?  49%
17 Which are structures used to harden plants in a agricultural nursery? Greenhouses & Mist chambers.
18 Mechanical measures are adopted only where land slope is? >2%.
19 A crop suitable for acid soil? Rice
20 Which are two mechanisms that control the exchange of gases between the soil and the atmosphere? Mass flow & Diffusion.
21 Which are vegetables of Indian origin? Brinjal & Snake gourd.
22 (A x B) x (C x D) are? Double cross hybrid
23 A fruit juice normally contains 25% juice and 40% TSS? Squash
24 A fruit or vegetable impregnated with the cane sugar or glucose syrup? Candied fruit or vegetable.
25 A fruit plant propagated by vegetative method is? Banana

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 General Agriculture One Liner 1
  Question Answer
26 A fruit plant which can be layered easily is? Litchi
27 A fruit rich in fat content? Avocado (77 % fat)
28 A fruit rich in Vitamin-A content? Mango
29 A fruit ripen only after harvest is? Avocado
30 Soft mildew, brown plaster mould, green mould, bubble disease etc a fungal disease of? Mushroom
31 A crop, grown for direct sale rather than for livestock feed or a crop grown by a farmer primarily for sale to others rather than for his or her own use?  Cash Crops
32 A fertilized ovule consisting of intact embryo, stored food and seed-coat which is viable and has got the capacity to germinate? Seed
33 A disease that results in the collapse and death of seedlings before or after they emerge from the soil is known as?  Damping off
34 2, 4-D, Simazine, Atrazine and Fluchloralin belongs to the selectivity group? Selective herbicides
35 2, 4-D belongs to the chemical group? Chloro phenoxy compound
36 1st enzyme which was discovered by yeast?  Zymase 1897 (Eduard buchner)
37 Which are the vectors of yellow vein mosaic disease of Okra? White fly & Leaf hopper.
38 1 bale of cotton is equal to? 170 kg
39 14 commercial banks were nationalization on? 19th July, 1969
40 1st Intergeneric hybrid was? Raphino brassica (Radish x Cabbage)
41 2,4-D controls only? Broadleaf weeds
42 A certain part of energy received from the sun, is reflected back to space by the earth known as? Albedo
43 A family consists of husband, wife and their children known as Nuclear family
44 A condition in which either pollen is absent or non functional in flowering plants? Male Sterility
45 A cucurbit used in confectionary?  Ash Gourd
46 Which are main components of cattle feed stuffs? Concentrates & Roughages.
47 A cropping system where the land is hands over the succeeding crop before the harvest of standing crop?  Relay or overlapping cropping
48 A farmer having an area of <1 ha?  Marginal farmer
49 A forest system which promote commercial tree growing by farmers on their own land?  Farm Forestry
50 An art of growing trees or woody plants shaped as trees in containers? Bonsai

 Some people dream of accomplishing great things. Others stay awake and make it happen.

 General Agriculture One Liner 1

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