General Agriculture One Liner 2 Best For Exams

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 General Agriculture One Liner 2

 General Agriculture One Liner 2

Life has two rules: 1) Never quit. 2) Always remember Rule #1

General Agriculture One Liner 2

  Question Answer
1 Fungicides like PMA & Atrazine at low concentration act as which type of antitranspirants? Stomatal closing
2 -40°C is equal to? -40°F
3 70s type ribosome is found in? Mitochondria and Chloroplast
4 75% of rainfall is received by? S-W monsoon period ( June-Sept)
5 A building with glass walls and roof for the cultivation and exhibition of plants under controlled conditions is known as? Greenhouse
6 A branch of agricultural science which deals with principles and practices of soil, water and crop management? Agronomy
7 A biological indicator plant of Molybdenum deficiency? Cabbage
8 A biochemical process or reaction taking place in a test tube (in lab)? In vitro
9 A belt of trees and or shrubs maintained for the purpose of shelter from wind, sun, snow drift, etc.? Shelterbelts
10 A bacterium used in genetic engineering?  E-coli (Agrobacterium tumefaciens).
11 80 per cent phosphorus in bajra grains stored in the form of? Phytate
12 A cabbage disease which is known to be more severe in acidic soils is? Black rot
13 A chemical effective in controlling alternate bearing in mango is? TIBA
14 A central feature of a garden provides? Focal Point
15 A chemical with more herbicidal activity is? MCPA
16 A chemical used to test the viability of seeds? 2,3,5 triphenyl tetrazolium chloride
17 A chemical inducing parthenocarpy in fruits is? 2,4,5-T
18 A chemical inducing abscission in plants? ABA
19 A funnel shaped cloud extending downwards is a characteristic feature of? Tornado
20 Is the process of subjecting seeds to both cold and moist conditions to promote germination? Stratification
21 A good quality Coconut seedling should have a collar girth of? 10-12cm
22 A cool season flower crop?. Carnation
23 A deep rooted crop is?  Sweet potato
24 A close-growing crop, grown primarily to improve and protect the soil from erosion through their ground covering foliage and/or rootmats between periods of regular crop production?  Cover Crops
25 A condition of atmosphere at a given place at a given time? Weather

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General Agriculture One Liner 2
  Question Answer
26 A comprehensive scheme to alleviate mass poverty in rural India is? IRDP
27 A garden set below the level of the ground surrounding it is called?  Sunken garden
28 A garden component making it larger is? Lawn
29 A DNA element which has the ability to move from one chromosomal position to another? Jumping gene
30 An agricultural practice of breeding and raising domestic rabbits? Cuniculture
31 A specialized garden for the cultivation and display of fern? Fernery
32 A decision to continue full use of an innovation? Adoption
33 A culture of isolated mature or immature embryos?  Embryo culture
34 A demonstration practice used to compare two technologies i.e. old and new?  Result demonstration
35 A diffusive process by which liquid water in the form of vapor is lost in the atmosphere? Evaporation
36 A disease caused by methyl mercury (MeHg) poisoning of water at Japan in 1956? Minamata
37 Is the second most expensive spice after saffron? Vanilla
38 Preethi is variety of?  Bitter gourd
39 A fruit crop producing the highest tonnage per unit area is? Pineapple
40 An art of creating miniature landscapes? Saikei
41 A drought tolerant vegetable? Chekkurmanis
42 A field soil sample weighing 60 g, lost12 g on over dying. What is the moisture percent on dry weight basis?  25%
43 A dwarfing root stock of apple is?  M-9
44 A disease due to virus in rice? Tungro
45 Are a class of plant hormones that promote cell division in plant roots and shoots? Cytokinin
46 A hardening structure where in plants root after taken out from the in vitro media?  Mist chamber
47 A plant hormone used to promote stem elongation& seed germination? Gibberellin
48 A fodder grass suitable for intercropping in coconut plantation?  Guinea grass
49 An ancient Chinese art of growing trees and plants kept small similar to Bonsai? Penjing
50 Is the most commonly used medium in plant tissue culture experiments?  Murashige and Skoog medium (MS)

 Some people dream of accomplishing great things. Others stay awake and make it happen.

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