Horticulture MCQ 80 Best For All Agri Exams

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Horticulture MCQ 80

Horticulture MCQ 80

Horticulture MCQ 80 Helping You in Your Upcoming Exams

Q1.Rutabaga is a cross between?

  • Cauliflower & Cabbage
  • Cauliflower and Turnip
  • Cabbage and Turnip
  • Radish and Turnip

Answer:- Cabbage (Brassica oleracea) and Turnip(Brassica rapa) =Rutabaga  (Brassica napus)

chromosome number 2n = 38 (allopolyploid)

Q2.Coconut seedlings are ready to Transplanted after how much time?

  • 2-5 months
  • 9-12 months
  • 5-8 months
  • 12-15 months

Answer:- 9-12 months

Coconut plant produce their first fruit in six to ten years, taking 15 to 20 years to reach peak production thus it is perennial and monocot plant.

Q3.Epicotyl/Stone grafting is performed on seedling Rootstock of the age?

  • 1 week
  • 2 weeks
  • 3 weeks
  • 4 weeks

Answer:- 2 weeks

Epicotyl/Stone grafting mainly used in mango in south India.

Q4.Floribunda is a cross between?

  • HTx Dwarf Polyanthas
  • Hybrid Perpetual x China Tea Roses
  • HT Floribundas
  • None of these

Answer:- HTx Dwarf Polyanthus

Floribunda roses are hardy hybrids that resulted from crossing hybrid teas with polyanthus.

Q5.which of the following is First Indian who won World food prize was?

  • Vergese kurien
  • S. Swaminathan
  • K. Roy
  • L Chadha
  • None of these

Answer:- M.S. Swaminathan

For developing and introducing of high-yielding wheat and rice varieties into India during the 1960s.

Q6.Grafting in monocots is difficult to perform because?

  • Absence of vascular cambium
  • Scattering of vascular bundles
  • Absence of secondary growth
  • None of the above

Answer:- Absence of vascular cambium

As the vascular cambium is the main growth tissue in the stems and roots of many plants.

Q7.First auxin developed by F. W. Went in the year 1928 was?

  • IAA
  • PAA
  • IBA
  • None of the above

Answer:- IAA Its is also natural auxin whereas other are synthetic auxin

In 1928, the Dutch botanist Frits Warmolt Went showed that a chemical messenger diffuses from coleoptile tips. Went’s experiment identified how a growth promoting chemical causes a coleoptile to grow towards the light.

Q8.Preservation of cells, tissue and organ in liquid, nitrogen is known as?

  • Cryopreservation
  • Cold preservation
  • In-situ preservation
  • None of these

Answer:- Cryopreservation process that preserves organelles, cells, tissues, or any other biological constructs by cooling the samples to very low temperaturesor at sub-freezing temperatures, below −80°C and typically below −140°C.

Q9.Application of chemical fertilizers using modern irrigation techniques is known as?

  • Chemigation
  • Fertigation
  • Foliar Spray
  • None of these

Answer:- Fertigation Mainly through drip irrigation.

Q10.Wind breakers are planted in the direction?

  • South-East
  • South-West
  • North-East
  • North-West

Answer:- North-West

The windbreaks and shelterbelts should be formed in North-West direction. These shall secure the crops and livestock against cold wave also.

Horticulture MCQ 80

3 thoughts on “Horticulture MCQ 80 Best For All Agri Exams”

  1. it is an interesting question it helps for students to develop their reading habit.
    so due to this if it is possible add more clarification .

  2. HORTICULTURE MCQ 80 question no.10-windbreaks are planted in the direction??

    Eska answer syd north-west hona chahiye enternet or hamare coaching wale sir ne bhi North West direction ko hi answer bataya hai

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