How To Prepare For FCI Technical Exam Best Analysis 2022

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How To Prepare For FCI Technical Exam

How To Prepare For FCI Technical Exam Analysis

FCI (Food Corporation of India) an exam recruiting body conducting various exam throughout the year. Among all FCI technical exam is one of them. Let us discuss the job profile, education qualification, exam pattern, syllabus and how to prepare in effective way.


  • Assisting the superior while conducting quality test at various godown.
  • Analysing the moisture content of various grain and quality of grain.


  • B.Sc Agriculture from a recognized university. B.Sc in Botany, zoology, food science can apply.
  • in food science, Agriculture are also eligible.

EXAM pattern

FCI technical Grade iii exam will be online mode of test . It will consist 2 phases.

Phase I- 

Consist of 4 section and each carries 25 question. There will be 100 question of time limit 1 HOUR.

Section Question Mark Time (min)
English 25 25 15
Reasoning 25 25 15
Numerical 25 25 15
General studies 25 25 15
Total 100 100 60 Mint

Syllabus For Phase-1

Here we are adding the few instruction in order to guide the students and visualize them about smart teaching choosing smart topic to boost the marks in entrance.

  1. English from English section we have to study majorly –noun, verbs, tense, grammar, at least 150 synonym and antonym, passage looking at the exam syllabus. This can be fruitful to achieve score more than 15 marks.
  2. Reasoning From reasoning we have to give basic focus on number system, seating arrangement, puzzle, blood relation, mirror image, calendar problem, Direction etc. 80 % of the question comes from this Chapter in reasoning.
  3. Numerical In numerical basic chapter we have to cover definitely to score high in exam such are- HCF-LCM, number trick, train problem, milk and water, profit and loss, Average, Simple interest and compound interest, boat and stream Permutation and combination etc. This topic can cover at least 75% question for the exam.
  4. General Studies This is one of the most important topic, where rank decides and student faced difficulty. It includes History, Geography, Economics, and current affairs.
  • History Agriculture student might get panic hearing this. But it is one of the most interesting one- student can go for modern history, medieval history and major event during British period. This can be helpful for the students to attain more marks in less time.
  • Geography from geography students can cover the topic like Indian River system, Mountain ranges, Plateau, National park and energy resources.
  • Current affairs- students can study current affairs from 2021 Jan to 2022 to august. Student can read from different u tube channel and also materials are provided in many platform.

Phase II

Candidate who have cleared the 1st phase successfully are eligible to appear phase 2 exam, it will consist 2 paper on the same day paper 1 and paper 2.

Paper 1:-

Section Question Mark Time (min)
English 25 25 20
Reasoning 25 25 20
Numerical 25 25 20
General studies* 45 45 30
Total 120 120 90 Min

*General studies(History, geography, general science, computer awareness)

Paper 2:-

Technical (Agriculture)
Question Mark Time (min)
60 120 60 min
Each Question 2 Marks

Syllabus of Phase-II

Paper 1:– Same as Phase-I

Paper 2:– There will be 2 group A and B for paper-2

  • Group A consist- Agriculture, Botany, physics. 
  • Group B Consist- Chemistry, zoology, Physics

Among this students need to choose any one

Group A

  • Agriculture Statistics of Indian Agriculture (cereals, pulses), Elementary entomology, Plant protection, Agricultural Economics.
  • Botany Cell division, Tissue and organ System, Ecology, Photosynthesis, Basic of Bio chemistry
  • Physics Measurement, basic physic, light, electricity, Motion etc.

Group B

  • Zoology Animal cell & tissue, organ system, classification of microorganism, insects and rodents.
  • Chemistry Chemical bonding, organic chemistry, alkenes, alkane, alkynes, aldehyde, alcohol etc.
  • Physics Measurement, basic physic, light, electricity, Motion etc.
How To Prepare For FCI Technical Exam

Make sure to crack every exam a strategic preparation and smart work needed, thus above mention suggestion can be really helpful for the aspirant who are passionate and want to hard work.

How To Prepare For FCI Technical Exam

Important Link

How To Prepare For FCI Technical Exam
Recent FCI Notification Open
Quiz For FCI Open
Agriculture Test Series on App Open
Buy Agriculture Books Open

  Frequently Asked Question (FAQ

What kind of job FCI technical is?

It is a central government job where all the facilities are given there.

What is salary range for FCI technical?

Salary can be ranged from 28200- 79200 per month depends upon the position.

What was the cut of previous year?

Previous year the cut off for general men was 66 and female 62. This year we can predict the cut off around 68.

How many phases are there to crack FCI technical?

The recruitment mostly done on 3 phase 1st phase, 2nd phase, 3rd interview/document verification.

Will both paper of phase 2 completed in one day?

Yes 2 paper of exam will be online mode and will completed in same day but in different time slot.

What will be the Promotion procedure?

Assistant Grade 3< Assistant grade 2, <Assistant Grade 1<Manager<Assistant General Manager<Deputy General Manager. This will be the promotion process can start from Assistant grade 2 to Deputy General Manager.

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