Integrated Rural Development Program (IRDP)
Launched by the Government of India during 1978 and implemented during 1980. The Integrated Rural Development Program (IRDP) aims to improve the living conditions of the poor by providing them employment opportunities and chances to improve their skill set.
Subsidies provided to these people are small farmers (25%), marginal farmers, agricultural labourers and marginal farmers (33.33%), SC/ST families and differently abled people (50%). The programme was implemented in all the blocks in the country as a centrally sponsored scheme funded on 50:50 basis by the Centre and State. The Scheme is merged with Swarnajayanti Gram Swarojgar Yojana (SGSY) since 1 April 1999.
Objectives of the Integrated Rural Development Program (IRDP)
The main objectives of the Integrated Rural Development Program are listed below
- To help families who lie below the poverty line and to enhance their state of living
- To empower the poor by helping them develop at every level.
- By providing productive assets and inputs to its target groups is the helpful work done by the program.
- The assets provided in the program could be in the primary, secondary or tertiary sector.
- A kind of financial assistance to these families in the form of government subsidies as well as loans or credit from financial institutions are encouraged by the program.
Beneficiaries of the Integrated Rural Development Program
The beneficiaries of this program are listed below:
- Rural artisans
- Labourers
- Marginal Farmers
- Scheduled castes and scheduled tribes
- Economically backward classes with an annual income of less than Rs 11,000
This program has helped many families and communities. The skills and talents of these people are showcased and a small business development ideas are given to them by the government.
Integrated Rural Development Program (IRDP)