NABARD Norms Intensive Fish Culture

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NABARD Norms Intensive Fish Culture

Fish Production

NABARD Norms Intensive Fish Culture


Any perennial fresh water pond/tank retaining water depth of 1.5- 2.0 metres can be used for fish culture purpose. However, the minimum level should not fall below 1.0 metre. Even seasonal ponds can also be utilised for short duration fish culture.

Out of the total inland fish production around 60% is contributed by the aquaculture sector. The average productivity from ponds at present is to the tune of 2160 kg/ha/year.


Fish species involved in intensive fish culture

 Depending on the compatibility and type of feeding habits of the fishes Catla and Rohu have been identified and recommended under intensive fish culture .

Species Feeding habit Feeding zone

  Species Feeding Habits Feeding Zones
Indian Major Carps
a. Catla Zooplankton feeder Surface feeder
b. Rohu Phytoplankton feeder Column feeder

Financial Outlay :-

the capital cost for excavation of 1 Ha pond works out to be Rs 3,02,500/- and the recurring cost as Rs 2,88,075/


Subsidy is available for various items like Pond Development, construction of New Ponds, first year inputs etc. under a centrally sponsored subsidy scheme implemented by majority of the State Governments through FFDA’s for different categories of farmers


 Repayment of bank loan is possible in 8-10 years in equated annual instalments with moratorium on repayment of principal for the first year

Rate of Refinance:-

 NABARD provides refinance assistance for fish culture to commercial banks, cooperative banks and Regional Rural Banks. The rate of refinance is fixed by NABARD from time to time.

Rate of interest:-

 Interest rate to be charged to the ultimate borrowers would be as indicated by bank/RBI/NABARD from time to time depending on quantum of loan amount and the agency providing the loan.

NABARD Norms Intensive Fish Culture

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