NSCL Senior Trainee Agriculture 2019 Question Paper

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National Seed Corporation

Trainee (Agriculture)

NSCL Senior Trainee Agriculture

Questions Paper 

NSCL Agriculture Trainee Paper


  1. Bread wheat has somatic chromosome number of?

(1) 2n=14

(2) 2n=42

(3) 2n=28

(4) 2n=56

(2) 2n=42
  1. Triple test cross is an extension of?

(1) Top cross scheme

(2) NCD II

(3) Line x tester scheme



  1. HUW-234 is a variety of?

(1) Pea

(2) Rice

(3) Wheat

(4) Arhar

(3) Wheat

  1. When a single cross hybrid is crossed with an open pollinated variety, it is termed as?

(1) Top cross

(2) Test cross

(3) Double top cross

(4) Three-way cross

(3) Double top cross

  1. The simplest form of progeny selection is?

(1) Recurrent selection for gca

(2) Mass selection

(3) Ear-to-row method

(4) Simple recurrent selection

(3) Ear-to-row method

  1. Which of the following three generation system of multiplication is followed for seed production in India?

(1) Breeder seed – foundation seed – certified seed

(2) Nucleus seed – foundation seed – certified seed

(3) Breeder seed – foundation seed – registered seed

(4) Nucleus seed – registered seed – certified seed

(1) Breeder seed – foundation seed – certified seed

  1. Self-pollination increases?

(1) Homozygosity

(2) Heterozygosity

(3) Heterogeneity

(4) Homogeneity

(1) Homozygosity

  1. Complementary gene action gives phenotypic ratio in F2:

(1) 9:3:4

(2) 9:7

(3) 15:1

(4) 12:3:1

(2) 9:7

  1. Germplasm is also called?

(1) Gene pool

 (2) Genetic resource

(3) Gene bank

(4) World collection

(2) Genetic resource

  1. The source of reduced height (rht) genes used in wheat is?

(1) Norin 10

(2) Tom Thumb

(3) Norin 10 and Tom Thumb

(4) Dee-geo-woo-gen

(3) Norin 10 and Tom Thumb

  1. Generally cereals are deficient in?

(1) Methionine

(2) Lysine

(3) Tryptophan

(4) Proline

(2) Lysine

  1. Barley mutant Highproly has?

(1) High protein and high lysine

(2) Low protein and high lysine

(3) High protein and low tryptophan

(4) Low protein and low tryptophan

(1) High protein and high lysine

  1. Pulses are generally deficient in?

(1) Methionine and lysine

(2) Tryptophan and Methionine

(3) Tryptophan

(4) Lysine

(2) Tryptophan and Methionine

  1. In a typical monohybrid cross, genotypic ratio in F2 will be?

(1) 1:1

(2) 3:1

(3) 2:1:1

(4) 1:2:1

(4) 1:2:1

  1. In wheat, Rht3 gene is derived from?

(1) Norin 10

(2) Kalyan Sona

(3) Tom Thumb

(4) Norin 8

(3) Tom Thumb

  1. The chromosome Number (2n) of potato is?

(1) 38

(2) 48

(3) 40

(4) 42

(2) 48

  1. Allopolyploidy is found in?

(1) Banana

(2) Raphanobrassica

(3) Grapes

(4) Sugarbeet

(2) Raphanobrassica

  1. Trisomics are ?

(1) 2n – 1

(2) 2n + 2

(3) 2n + 1

(4) 2n – 2 + 2

(3) 2n + 1

  1. Progeny of a Nucleus seed is?

(1) Certified seed

(2) Foundation seed

(3) Registered seed

(4) Breeder seed

(4) Breeder seed

  1. DNA is a polymer of?

(1) Amino acids

(2) Nucleosides

(3) Nucleotides

(4) None of these

(3) Nucleotides

  1. Nullisomy is represented by?

(1) 2n-1

(2) 2n-1-1

(3) 2n-2

(4) 2n+1

(3) 2n-2

  1. Synaptonemal complex develops during?

(1) Leptotene

(2) Zygotene

(3) Pachytene

(4) Diplotene

(2) Zygotene

  1. The Unit of mutation in a gene is known as?

(1) Hot Spot

(2) Muton

(3) Cistron

(4) Recon

(2) Muton

  1. Ergot is a designated disease of?

(1) Bajra

(2) Wheat

(3) Pigeonpea

(4) Sugarcane

(1) Bajra

  1. In seed Technology “Ear” means?

(1) Type of inflorescence

(2) Type of seed

(3) Vigour testing method

(4) None of these

(1) Type of inflorescence

  1. R–line is used for?

(1) Hybrid seed production

(2) Development of haploid

(3) Breeding insect resistant varieties

(4) Maintenance of male sterility

(1) Hybrid seed production

  1. The dormancy of the seed is due to?

(1) Genetic factors

(2) Physiological factors

(3) Physical hindrance

(4) All of these

(4) All of these

  1. Maximum genetic purity is found in?

(1) Foundation seed

(2) Certified seed

(3) Breeder seed

(4) Nucleus seed

(4) Nucleus seed

  1. The germination in onion seed is?

(1) Epigeal

(2) Hypogeal

(3) Viviparous

(4) None of these

(1) Epigeal

  1. Genetic purity of the seed is tested by?

(1) Tetrazolium test

(2) Grow out test

(3) Dormancy test

(4) Moisture test

(2) Grow out test

  1. In which of the varieties/hybrids three lines are required?

(1) CSII-1

(2) Aparna

(3) HD 2288

(4) Amber

(1) CSII-1

  1. In one of the following crops fermentation method of seed extraction is followed?

(1) Wheat

(2) Cauliflower

(3) Onion

(4) Brinjal

(4) Brinjal

  1. The ancient method of seed storage at village level was?

(1) Earthen pot

(2) Gunny bags

(3) Bins

(4) Polythene bags

(1) Earthen pot

  1. Tetrazolium test involves?

(1) Physical Action

(2) Chemical action

(3) Biochemical action

(4) All of these

(2) Chemical action

  1. Composite seeds are produced in?

(1) Carrot

(2) Mungbean

(3) Castor

(4) Sugarbeet

(4) Sugarbeet

  1. Bruchids are serious store grain pests of?

(1) Mustard

(2) Sunflower

(3) Pulses

(4) Onion

(3) Pulses

  1. The scutellum is found in one of the following seeds?

(1) Okra

(2) Barley

(3) Mustard

(4) Brinjal

(2) Barley


  1. Sulphuric acid delinting is done in?

(1) Jute

(2) Linseed

(3) Cotton

(4) Mesta

(3) Cotton

  1. Ray florets are found in the family?

(1) Cruciferae

(2) Malvaceae

(3) Compositae

(4) Graminae

(3) Compositae

  1. One of the following seeds is albuminous?

(1) Chickpea

(2) Castor

(3) Wheat

(4) Oats

(3) Wheat

  1. In quality seeds our primary concern is with?

(1) Endosperm

(2) Embryo

(3) Seed coat

(4) All of these

(2) Embryo

  1. Ear cockle disease in wheat is caused by?

(1) Insect

(2) Nematode

(3) Virus

(4) Fungus

(2) Nematode

  1. Maximum hard seeds are found in the family?

(1) Cruciferae

(2) Graminae

(3) Leguminosae

(4) Solanaceae

(3) Leguminosae

  1. Which one of the following is the botanical seed?

(1) Sugarcane set

(2) Potato tubers

(3) Chickpea grain

(4) Napier slips

(3) Chickpea grain

  1. Development of seed without fertilization is called?

(1) Parthenocarpy

(2) Androgenesis

(3) Apomixisis

(4) Apogamy

(3) Apomixisis

  1. Coleorhiza is found in?

(1) Mustard

 (2) Oats

(3) Chickpea

(4) Berseem

(2) Oats

  1. Which of the following is not essential for photosynthesis?

(1) O2

(2) Co2

(3) Light

(4) Chlorophyll

(1) O2

  1. Identify the weed of family Gramineae?

(1) Phalaris minor

(2) Cyperus rotundus

(3) Chenopodium album

(4) Melilotus alba

(1) Phalaris minor

  1. Which of the following fertilizer has highest content of N?

(1) Urea

(2) Diammonium phosphate

(3) Anhydrous ammonia

(4) Ammonium nitrate

(3) Anhydrous ammonia

  1. Identify 2:1 expanding type of clay mineral?

(1) Montmorillonite

(2) Illite

(3) Kaolinite

(4) Vermiculite

(1) Montmorillonite

  1. Which element induces disease tolerance in plants

(1) N

(2) S

(3) Ca

(4) K

(4) K

  1. What is the scientific name of black gram?

(1) Phaseolus aurius

(2) Phaseolus mungo

(3) Pisum sativum

(4) Phaseolus vulgaris

(2) Phaseolus mungo

  1. Potato plant belongs to which family?

(1) Graminae

(2) Compositeae

(3) Solanaceae

(4) Malvaceae

(3) Solanaceae

  1. Which micronutrient is commonly used in rice in India?

(1) Mn

 (2) Zn

(3) B

 (4) Fe

(2) Zn

  1. In which plant, aerenchyma cells are found?

(1) Berseem

(2) Rice

(3) Oats

(4) Cotton

(2) Rice

  1. Which of the following crop yields oil also?

(1) Oat

(2) Barley

(3) Maize

(4) Jowar

(3) Maize

  1. The instrument used to measure humidity of air is?

(1) Hydrometer

(2) Hygrometer

(3) Lysimeter

(4) Lactometer

(2) Hygrometer

  1. Which method of soil moisture determination involves larger volume of soil?

(1) Neutrone probe

(2) Tensiometer

(3) Resistance block

(4) Gravimetric

(1) Neutrone probe

  1. Which is the salt tolerant crop?

(1) Peas

(2) Rapeseed

(3) Potato

(4) Cabbage

(2) Rapeseed

  1. Origin place of Bajara is?

(1) Europe

(2) Africa

(3) Japan

(4) China

(2) Africa

  1. IGFRI - 3 is a variety of?

(1) Jowar

 (2) Bajra

(3) Hybrid Napier

(4) Cowpea

(3) Hybrid Napier

  1. Application of gypsum is recommended for cultivation of?

(1) Bajra

(2) Jowar

(3) Groundnut

(4) Wheat

(3) Groundnut

  1. When to irrgiate wheat crop if only one irrigation is available?

(1) 20–25 DAS

(2) 40–45 DAS

(3) 60–70 DAS

(4) 100–110 DAS

(1) 20–25 DAS

  1. The rate of transpiration is measured by?

(1) Ganong’s potometer

(2) Manometer

(3) Tensionmeter

(4) Electron microscope

(1) Ganong’s potometer

  1. Wardan is a variety of?

(1) Lucerne

(2) Guar

(3) Sengi

(4) Berseem

(4) Berseem

  1. White bud' of maize is due to deficiency of?

(1) Fe

 (2) Mn

(3) Zn

 (4) Mo

(3) Zn

  1. Rotation of crops with two or more years of sown pasture is called?

(1) Relay Cropping

(2) Ley Farming

(3) Multiple Cropping

(4) Mixed Farming

(2) Ley Farming

  1. Inter cropping system with trees in association with food crops is called?

(1) Aqua silvicultural system

(2) Agro pastoral system

(3) Agro silvicultural system

(4) Alley cropping

(4) Alley cropping

  1. Which element is maximum in black soil?

(1) Nitrogen

(2) Phosphorus

(3) Potash

 (4) Sulphur

(3) Potash

  1. Which is the following crops is acid sensitive?

(1) Paddy

(2) Oats

(3) Sorghum

(4) Soybean

(1) Paddy


  1. A stone lying at the bottom of a pond appears to be at a higher point than it actually is due to the phenomena of?

(1) Diffraction of light

(2) Scattering of light

(3) Reflection of light

(4) Refraction of light

(4) Refraction of light

  1. Mithali Raj is known in the field of?

(1) Cricket

(2) Shooting

(3) Wrestling

(4) Archery

(1) Cricket

  1. The Great emperor Kanishkha belonged to which dynasty?

(1) Kushana

(2) Gupta

(3) Maurya

(4) Vardhana

(1) Kushana

  1. Who shall be the ex-officio Chairman of Council of States?

(1) The President of India

(2) The Vice President of India

(3) The Council of states shall choose a member of the council to act as chairman

(4) The Speaker of the House of People

(2) The Vice President of India

  1. “Do or Die” is associated with the following movement?

(1) Dandi

(2) Non Cooperation

(3) Khilafat

(4) Quit India

(4) Quit India

  1. Which bone is the largest bone in human body?

(1) Femur

(2) Humerus

(3) Tibia

(4) Radius

(1) Femur

  1. Match the following?   
Name of Unit  Used to Measure
A.Poise  1. Temperature
B.Farad  2. Quantity of Heat
C.Kelvin  3. Viscosity
D.Calorie  4. Electrical capacitance

(1) A3, B4, C1, D2

(2) A4, B3, C2, D1

(3) A3, B4, C2, D1

(4) A1, B2, C3, D4

(1) A3, B4, C1, D2

  1. A fruit seller had some apples. He sells 40% apples and still has 420 apples. Originally, he had?

(1) 588 apples

 (2) 600 apples

(3) 672 apples

(4) 700 apples

(4) 700 apples

  1. The cost price of 20 articles is the same as the selling price of x articles. If the profit is 25%, then the value of x is?

(1) 15

(2) 16

(3) 18

(4) 25

(2) 16

  1. A person crosses a 600 m long street in 5 minutes. What is his speed in km per hour?

(1) 3.6

(2) 7.2

(3) 8.4

(4) 10

(2) 7.2

  1. How much time will it take for an amount of₹450 to yield₹81 as interest at 4.5% per annum of simple interest?

(1) 3.5 years

 (2) 4.5 years

(3) 5 years

(4) 4 years

(4) 4 years

  1. Ram purchased 25 kgs of rice at the rate of ₹45 per kg and 12 kgs of pulses at the rate of ₹28 per kg. What is the total amount that he paid to the shopkeeper?






  1. The perimeter of an isosceles triangle is 42 cm and its base is 211 times each of the equal sides. Find the length of each side of triangle?

(1) 12 cm, 12 cm, 18 cm

(2) 6 cm, 6 cm, 9 cm

(3) 18 cm, 18 cm, 24 cm

(4) None of these

(1) 12 cm, 12 cm, 18 cm

  1. How many cubes of 3 cm. edge can be cut out of a cube of 18 cm. edge?

(1) 216

(2) 516

(3) 36

(4) None of these

(1) 216

DIRECTIONS? In this question, the first word has got some relation with second word using some logic. Apply the same logic and find out the correct word from amongst the alternatives in place of question mark.







  1. What should come in place of question mark (?) in the following series?

1, 3, 9, 27, 81, ?

(1) 243

(2) 247

(3) 249

(4) 162

(1) 243

  1. In a family there are husband wife, two sons and two daughters. All the ladies had gone for a feast. Both sons went out to play. Husband did not return from office. Who was at home?

(1) Only wife was at home

(2) All ladies were at home

(3) Only sons were at home

(4) No body was at home

(4) No body was at home

  1. Find the odd one out.

(1) Bear

(2) Deer

(3) Lion

(4) Parrot

(4) Parrot

NSCL Senior Trainee Agriculture

  1. In the given dice, which number is opposite of number 6?

NSCL Senior Trainee Agriculture

(1) 2

(2) 3

(3) 1

(4) 5

(3) 1

NSCL Senior Trainee Agriculture

Answer Figure

NSCL Senior Trainee Agriculture

(3) (B)

DIRECTIONS: Complete the Series in the following figures.

  1. In a certain code language, ‘Water’ is coded as ‘Paani’, ‘Paani’ is coded as ‘Meetha’, ‘Meetha’ is coded as ‘Namkeen’ and ‘Namkeen’ is coded as ‘Tasty’. Then how will ‘Namkeen Paani’ be coded in that language?

(1) Tasty Meetha

(2) Meetha Tasty

(3) Water Tasty

(4) Meetha Water

(1) Tasty Meetha

  1. Computer does mathematical tasks in?

(1) ROM

(2) RAM


(4) Registers

(4) Registers

  1. The operating system of a computer serves as a software interface between user and?

(1) Hardware

(2) Peripheral

(3) Memory

(4) Screen

(1) Hardware


DIRECTIONS? Choose the word opposite in meaning in the given word and mark in the answer sheet.

  1. Opposite of “CONVICT”

(1) Accused

 (2) Guilty

(3) Acquit

(4) Criminal

(3) Acquit

DIRECTIONS? In the question fill in the blank in the sentence with correct option.

  1. They still think that women are inferior ........ men?

(1) To

(2) Than

(3) From

 (4) By

(1) To

DIRECTIONS? In the following question there are incomplete sentence. Beneath each sentence there are four words or phrases. Choose the one word or Phrase that best completes the sentence.

  1. He is ……. tennis?

(1) Fond to play

(2) Fond of playing

(3) Fond in playing

(4) Fond at playing

(2) Fond of playing

NSCL Senior Trainee Agriculture

  1. Match the following sentences with the kind of adverbs being used in it?


Sentences Kind of adverbs
A) He comes here daily.  1. Adverbs of place
B) He frequently comes unprepared 2. Adverbs of manner
C) The Horse galloped away  3. Adverbs of frequency
D) The child slept soundly.    4. Adverbs of time


(1) A3, B4, C1, D2

(2) A4, B3, C2, D1

(3) A4, B3, C1, D2

(4) A3, B2, C1, D4

(3) A4, B3, C1, D2

  1. Find wrongly spelt word.

(1) Deviation

(2) Difference

(3) Servent

(4) Poet

(3) Servent

DIRECTIONS? In the following question, a sentence has been given in Direct/Indirect. Out of the four alternatives suggested, select the one which best expresses the same sentence in Direct/ Indirect.

  1. The caretaker said, “ I will put the key here”.

(1) The caretaker says that he would put the key there.

(2) The caretaker said that he will put the key there.

(3) The caretaker said that he would put the key there.

(4) The caretaker says that he would put the key here.

(3) The caretaker said that he would put the key there.

DIRECTIONS? In the following question a sentence has been given in active/ passive voice. Out of the four alternatives suggested, select the one which best expresses the same sentence in passive/ active voice.

  1. Can we reply him?

(1) Can he be relied on ?

(2) Can we be relied by him?

(3) Can he be relied by us?

(4) Can we be relied on by him?

(1) Can he be relied on?

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