NSCL Trainee MATE (Agriculture) Paper

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National Seed Corporation

NSCL Trainee MATE (Agriculture) 2019

NSCL Trainee MATE (Agriculture)

Questions Paper 

NSCL Trainee MATE (Agriculture)


Trainee (Agriculture Stores)


  1. The diameter of clay particle is?

(1) Less than 0.002mm

(2) More than 0.002mm

(3) More than 0.02mm

(4) None of these

(1) Less than 0.002mm


  1. Grain crop most sensitive to soil acidity is?

(1) Wheat

(2) Barley

(3) Oats

(4) Paddy

(2) Barley


  1. Which is the most drought resistant crop?

(1) Sorghum

(2) Wheat

(3) Pearlmillet

(4) Peas

(3) Pearlmillet


  1. What is used for reclamation of usar soil?

(1) Superphosphate

(2) Bone meal

(3) Gypsum

(4) Lime

(3) Gypsum


  1. Islets of Langerhans are found in?

(1) Australia

(2) Pancreas

(3) Ovary

(4) Liver

(2) Pancreas


  1. Antidiuretic hormone (ADH) is?

(1) Gastrin

(2) Pancreozymin

(3) Testosterone

(4) Vassopressin

(4) Vassopressin


  1. Who propounded recapitulation theory?

(1) Lamarck

(2) Haeckel

(3) Miller

(4) Darwin

(2) Haeckel


  1. Most effective fertiliser for acid soil is?

(1) Rock phosphate

(2) DAP

(3) SSP

(4) None of these

(1) Rock phosphate


  1. In what form Zinc is absorbed by plants?

(1) Zn+

(2) Zn++

(3) Zn+++

(4) None of these

(2) Zn++


  1. Body cavity of Hydra is called?

(1) Hydrocoel

(2) Haemocoel

(3) Coelom

(4) Coelenteron

(4) Coelenteron


  1. Anal cerci are found?

(1) Only in male Ascaris

(2) Only in male cockroach

(3) Only in female cockroach

(4) Both in male and female cockroach

(4) Both in male and female cockroach


  1. Ommatidia are found in the eyes of?

(1) Amphibians

(2) insects

(3) Birds

(4) Mammals

(2) insects


  1. Which insect produces wax?

(1) Honey bee

(2) Termite

(3) Lac insect

(4) Locust

(1) Honey bee


  1. Vitamin necessary for blood clotting is?

(1) A

(2) B

(3) C

(4) K

(4) K


  1. The placentation of compositae is?

(1) Marginal

(2) Parietal

(3) Axile

(4) Basal

(4) Basal


  1. A distinct monocot character shown by the flowers of liliaceae is?

(1) Hypogynous flower

(2) Actinomorphic flower

(3) Trimerous flower

(4) Bisexual flower

(3) Trimerous flower

NSCL Trainee MATE (Agriculture)

  1. The coleoptile in grass seedling is?

(1) Radicle

(2) Plumule

(3) Cotyledon

(4) Sheath around emerging leaf

(4) Sheath around emerging leaf


  1. Flagellated larva of Leucosolenia is called?

(1) Planula

(2) Parenchymula

(3) Hydrula

(4) Amphiblastula

(2) Parenchymula


  1. Which one is not a variety of potato?

(1) Kufri Naveen

(2) Kufri Alankar

(3) Kufri Kundan

(4) Kufri Kumar

(4) Kufri Kumar


  1. Tapping and Desuckering is done in?

(1) Cotton

(2) Tobacco

(3) Potato

(4) Gram

(2) Tobacco


  1. Guineng percent in cotton means?

(1) Percentage of cotton fuzz

(2) Percentage of cotton seed

(3) Percentage of cotton fibre

(4) Percentage of thread in cotton fibre

(3) Percentage of cotton fibre


  1. Contour farming means?

(1) Growing crops on levelled strips

(2) Growing crops on land of same elevation

(3) Growing crops across the slope

(4) Growing crops parallel to the slope

(2) Growing crops on land of same elevation


  1. The process of fastening a plough to the yoke is called?

(1) Centering

(2) Joining

(3) Hitching

(4) Connecting

(3) Hitching


  1. Deficiency of what element causes ‘Whip Tail’ disease in cauliflower?

(1) Boron

(2) Iron

(3) Molybdenum

(4) Zinc

(3) Molybdenum


  1. Water requirement of dwarf wheat is?

(1) 10-15 cm/ha

(2) 25-30 cm/ha

(3) 60-70 cm/ha

(4) 70-80 cm/ha

(2) 25-30 cm/ha


  1. Agronomy means?

(1) Crop management

(2) Crop husbandry

(3) Soil & Crop management

(4) Soil management

(3) Soil & Crop management


  1. Maize belongs to the family?
  • Poaceae
  • Brassicaceae
  • Asteraceae
  • Fabaceae



  1. Which crop has maximum production in India?

(1) Rice

(2) Wheat

(3) Jowar

(4) Maize

(1) Rice


  1. Which is mismatched?

(1) Lepidoptera – Butterfly

(2) Hemiptera – Termite

(3) Coleaptera – Beetle

(4) Apteriygata – Lepisma

(2) Hemiptera – Termite


  1. In insects, stomach is a part of?

(1) Fore gut

(2) Mid gut

(3) Hind gut

(4) Proventriculus

(2) Mid gut


  1. The sowing time of pearl millet is?

(1) June

(2) July

(3) August

(4) September

(3) August


  1. The sowing time of berseem is?

(1) August

(2) October

(3) December

(4) February

(2) October

  1. Nipping in gram is done to?

(1) Retard vegetative growth

(2) Induce branching

(3) Encourage early flowering

(4) All of the above

(2) Induce branching


  1. Sprouting of potato under storage conditions is due to?

(1) Auxin

(2) Gibberellin

(3) Ethyline

(4) Cytokinin

(2) Gibberellin


  1. A gene is mainly or entirely made up of?

(1) Protein

(2) DNA

(3) Carbohydrate

(4) Amino acids

(1) Protein

(1) Protein


  1. Some flowers open during the day and close at night. This is known as?

(1) Photolaxy

(2) Photonasty

(3) Phtotropism

(4) Photoperiodism

(2) Photonasty


  1. Study of fishes and fishculture is known as?

(1) Herpetalogy

(2) Helminthology

(3) Ophiology

(4) Icthyology

(4) Icthyology


  1. Wood pecker bird belongs to the order?

(1) Strigiformes

(2) Piciformes

(3) Coraciformes

(4) Falconiformes

(2) Piciformes


  1. Tuber of Solanum tuberosum is——-?

(1) Tap root

(2) Modified stem

(3) Lateral root

(4) Root cap

(2) Modified stem


  1. Inflorescence of mustard plant is ………….?

(1) Solitary

(2) Racemose

(3) Panicle of spikelets

(4) Cymose

(2) Racemose


  1. Cross pollination is done by?

(1) Pollen of the same flower

(2) Pollen of another flower

(3) Pollen of different plant

(4) Without pollen

(3) Pollen of different plant


  1. Radial vascular bundle is found in?

(1) Monocot stem

(2) Dicot stem

(3) Roots

(4) Leaf

(3) Roots


  1. The spines of fruits of trapa are modified?

(1) Sepals

(2) Petals

(3) Stamens

(4) Styles

(1) Sepals


  1. Indentify rainy season Onion variety from the following?

(1) N-53

(2) NP-46

(3) Pusa Rubi

(4) Pusa Kesar

(1) N-53


  1. Identify the common edible part of sweet potato for human consumption?

(1) Leaf

(2) Stem

(3) Root

(4) None of these

(3) Root


  1. Identify the bulb crop in the following?

(1) Onion

(2) Sweet potato

(3) Ginger

(4) Potato

(1) Onion


  1. Identify the cole crop in the following?

(1) Knol-Khol

 (2) Onion

(3) Turnip

(4) Carrot

(1) Knol-Khol

NSCL Trainee MATE (Agriculture)

  1. What is the family of Musk melon?

(1) Cucurbitaceae

(2) Umbeliferae

(3) Liliaceae

(4) Cruciferae

(1) Cucurbitaceae


  1. Using two pairs – tall and dwarf and smooth and wrinkled seeds, the principle of independent assortment of characters is proved by the?

(1) Observation that F1 progeny is tall

(2) Appearance of tall and dwarf in 3?1 ratio and also the appearance of smooth and wrinkle seeded plants in 3?1 ratio in F2

(3) Appearance of tall and dwarf in F2 population

(4) Appearance of smooth and wrinkle seeded plants in F2 population

(2) Appearance of tall and dwarf in 3?1 ratio and also the appearance of smooth and wrinkle seeded plants in 3?1 ratio in F2


  1. Competition for food, light and space is most severe between plants?

(1) Closely related species growing in the same habitat

(2) Closely related species growing in different habitat

(3) Distantly related species occupying the same habitat

(4) Distantly related species occupying different habitats

(1) Closely related species growing in the same habitat


  1. Lysosomes are the store house of?

(1) ATP

(2) Hydrolytic enzymes

(3) Fats

(4) Glycoproteins

(2) Hydrolytic enzymes


  1. The genetic systems in prokaryotes and in eukaryotes?

(1) Are similar and enclosed in nuclei

(2) Are not similar but enclosed in nuclei in both

(3) Differ in one respect that the prokaryotes lack histones which are always found in eukaryots

(4) Differ in Several respects

(3) Differ in one respect that the prokaryotes lack histones which are always found in eukaryots


  1. The presence of DNA in mitochondria and in chloroplasts supports the hypothesis that?

(1) Glycolysis occurs in both mitochondria and chloroplast

(2) Mitochondria and chloroplast both originated as independent free living organism

(3) ATP is produced in both

(4) Mitochondria and chloroplast Undergo meiosis and mitosis, independently

(2) Mitochondria and chloroplast both originated as independent free living organism


  1. The strongest evidence that DNA is the genetic material comes from?

(1) The fact that chromosomes are made of DNA

(2) Studies on the transformation of bacterial cells

(3) The knowledge that DNA is present in nucleus

(4) That DNA has the power to duplicate itself

(2) Studies on the transformation of bacterial cells


  1. Meiosis involves?

(1) One division of nucleus and one division of chromosome

(2) One division of nucleus and two divisions of chromosomes

(3) Two divisions of nucleus and two divisions of chromosomes

(4) Two divisions of nucleus and one division of chromosomes

(4) Two divisions of nucleus and one division of chromosomes


  1. The resin duct of a gymnospermous stem is an example of?

(1) Intercellular space

(2) Schizogenous cavity

(3) Iysogenous cavity

(4) Big vacuole

(2) Schizogenous cavity


  1. A pome fruit is said to be false because?

(1) Its pericarp is inconspicuous

(2) Its endocarp is cartilagenous

(3) Its actual fruit is located within an edible fleshy thalamus

(4) It develops from an inferior ovary

(3) Its actual fruit is located within an edible fleshy thalamus


  1. The three sub families of leguminosae are distinguished mainly on the basis of?

(1) Nature of gynoecium

(2) Nature of corolla and stamens

(3) Nature of habit of the plants

(4) Nature of fruits

(2) Nature of corolla and stamens


  1. If osmotic potential of a cell is “–10 bars” and its pressure potential is +5 bars, its water potential would be?

(1) –5 bars

(2) +5 bars

(3) –10 bars

(4) +15 bars

(1) –5 bars

NSCL Trainee MATE (Agriculture)

  1. Post anal tail is not found in?

(1) Amphioxus

(2) Frog

(3) Birds

(4) Cockroach

(4) Cockroach


  1. Which of these hormones stimulates lactation at the time of breast feeding?

(1) Oxytocin

 (2) Relaxin

(3) Prolactin

(4) Progesterone

(1) Oxytocin


  1. Mulching is a process that helps in?

(1) Moisture conservation

(2) Weed control

(3) Soil fertility

(4) Improvement of soil structure

(1) Moisture conservation


  1. Heterophyllous plants are found as?

(1) Free floating hydrophytes

(2) Submerged hydrophytes

(3) Rooted and floating hydrophytes

(4) Halophytes

(3) Rooted and floating hydrophytes


  1. The diatoms do not easily decay like most of the other algae because?

(1) They have highly siliceous wall

(2) They are non-living

(3) They have water proof cells

(4) Their walls are mucilaginous

(1) They have highly siliceous wall


  1. Which of these arteries carries impure blood?

(1) Carotid

 (2) Brachial

(3) Pulmonary

(4) Gonadial

(3) Pulmonary


  1. Which of these has thickest wall?

(1) Left auricle

(2) Left ventricle

(3) Right auricle

(4) Right ventricle

(2) Left ventricle


  1. Intercalated discs are found in?

(1) Cardiac muscles

(2) Skeletal muscles

(3) Smooth muscles

(4) All muscles

(1) Cardiac muscles


  1. Which is not found in birds?

(1) Syrinx

(2) Preen glands

(3) Urinary bladder

(4) Heterocoelous vertebrae

(3) Urinary bladder


  1. Which nephridia of earthworm is exonephric?

(1) Pharyngeal

(2) Integumentary

(3) Septal

(4) None of the above

(2) Integumentary


  1. In plants a common symptom caused by deficiency of P, K, Ca and Mg is?

(1) Bending of leaf tip

(2) Formation of anthocyanin

(3) Poor development of vasculature

(4) Appearance of dead neurotic areas

(1) Bending of leaf tip


  1. Hill reaction is concerned with production of?

(1) Reducing agent like TPNH2 or NADPH2 and oxygen from H2O from chloroplast

(2) Oxygen due to photolysis in chloroplast

(3) Reducing agent and A.T.P. in chloroplast

(4) Reducing agent and A.T.P. in mitochondria

(2) Oxygen due to photolysis in chloroplast

NSCL Trainee MATE (Agriculture)

  1. Edible part of cauliflower is?

(1) Leaf

(2) Head

(3) Curd

(4) Inflorescence

(3) Curd


  1. An appratus commonly used to demonstrate phototropism is?

(1) Heliotropic chamber

(2) Clinostat

(3) Arc auxanometer

(4) Photometer

(1) Heliotropic chamber


  1. The most important growth stage of wheat for irrigation is?

(1) Crown root initiation

(2) Maximum tillesing

(3) Jointing

(4) Boot leaf stage

(1) Crown root initiation


  1. Life originated in?

(1) Precambrian

(2) Coenozoic

(3) Mesozoic

(4) Palaeozoic

(1) Precambrian


  1. Plants differ from animal in?

(1) Having cell membrane

(2) Being autotrophic

(3) Absence of movements

(4) Absence of growth

(2) Being autotrophic


  1. The cell to cell continuity is maintained by?

(1) Middle lamella

(2) Thickening of lignin

(3) Plasmodesmata

(4) Cell membrane

(3) Plasmodesmata


  1. Which of these is the exclusive feature of class mammalia?

(1) Warm blooded

(2) Four chambered heart

(3) Internal fertilization

(4) Muscular diaphragm

(4) Muscular diaphragm

NSCL Trainee MATE (Agriculture)

  1. Archaeopteryx is the connecting link between?

(1) Amphibia and Reptilia

(2) Reptilia and Aves

(3) Reptilia and Mammalia

(4) Aves and Mammalia

(2) Reptilia and Aves


  1. Juvenile hormone or neotenin is secreted by?

(1) Corpora allata

(2) Corpora cardiaca

(3) Prothoracic gland

(4) Neurosecretory cells

(1) Corpora allata


  1. Rhabdome is found in the eyes of?

(1) Mollusc

(2) Frog

(3) Rabbit

(4) Insects

(4) Insects


  1. Which is the main feature of axis vertebra?

(1) Sigmoid notch

(2) Olecranon fossa

(3) Odontoid process

(4) Vertebraterial canal

(3) Odontoid process


  1. Identify the vegetable which is richest in iron?

(1) Fenugreek leaf

(2) Spinach leaf

(3) Onion leaf

(4) Coriander leaf

(1) Fenugreek leaf


  1. Which one in the following fruit and vegetable is the richest source of Vitamin A?

(1) Carrot

(2) Pumpkin

(3) Pea

(4) Apple

(1) Carrot


  1. Black heart in Cauliflower is caused by deficiency of?

(1) Boron

(2) Zinc

(3) Copper

(4) Molybdenum

(1) Boron


  1. Legume vegetables are known for their richness in?

(1) Protein

(2) Carbohydrates

(3) Fat

(4) Water contents

(1) Protein


  1. Which of the following vegetable needs very low temperature/snow fall for its seed production?

(1) All varieties of cauliflower

(2) All varieties of cabbage

(3) All varieties of carrot

(4) All varieties of spinach

(2) All varieties of cabbage


  1. The following implement is suitable for pulverizing the soil before sowing?

(1) Disk plough

(2) Mouldboard plough

(3) Roller

(4) Disk harrow

(4) Disk harrow


  1. Which of the following is an exotic breed of goat?

(1) Alpine

(2) Pashmina

(3) Black Bengal

(4) Malabari

(1) Alpine


  1. Which of the following is best source of phosphorus to the animals?

(1) Barley grain

(2) Til cake

(3) Mollasses

(4) Wheat bran

(4) Wheat bran


  1. Which of the following is a best source of carbohydrate?

(1) Ammonium Sulphate

(2) Urea

(3) Biuret

(4) Molasses

(4) Molasses


  1. Body part which is not found in buffalo?

(1) Brisket

(2) Udder

(3) Dewlap

 (4) Naval flap

(3) Dewlap


  1. The hypodermis in moncot stem is?

(1) Parenchymatous

(2) Chlorenchymatous

(3) Collenchymatous

(4) Sclerenchymatous

(4) Sclerenchymatous


  1. In which of the following tree there is no differentiation of bark, sapwood and heart wood?

(1) Ashok

(2) Neem

(3) Mango

(4) Datepalm

(4) Datepalm


  1. An aquatic plant with floating leaf have?

(1) Stomata

(2) Stomata on petiole only

(3) Stomata on upper surface

(4) Stomata on lower surface

(3) Stomata on upper surface


  1. Mustard family is?

(1) Graminae

(2) Malvaceae

(3) Cruciferae

(4) Leguminaceae

(3) Cruciferae


  1. Five out of twenty plants obtained by selfing a red flower plant were having white flower, this is an indication that the plant is?

(1) Homozygous

(2) Heterozygous

(3) Homogenous

(4) Heterogenous

(2) Heterozygous


  1. If a heterozygous tall plant is crossed with homozygous dwarf plant, the proportion of dwarf progeny would be?

(1) 50%

(2) 25%

(3) 75%

(4) 10%

(1) 50%


  1. Soil particles arranged in order of increasing size are?

(1) Sand-Silt-Clay

(2) Clay-Sand-Silt

(3) Silt-Clay-Sand

(4) Clay-Silt-Sand

(4) Clay-Silt-Sand


  1. The layer of cells between endodermis and vascular bundle is known as?

(1) Pericycle

(2) Cortex

(3) Pith

(4) Epidermis

(1) Pericycle


NSCL Trainee MATE (Agriculture)

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