Paddy Crop Best Question in Easy Form

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Paddy Crop Useful For All Agricultural Exams

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Paddy Crop Useful For All Agricultural Exams
  Questions Answer
1 What is the botanical name of paddy? Oryza sativa
2 Family of rice? Graminae (Poaceae)
3 What is the origin of paddy? Indo-Myanmar region (Southeast Asia)
4 What is the seed of paddy? Caryopsis
5 What is the inflorescence of paddy called? Panicle
6 What is the chromosome number in paddy? 2n=24
7 What is the test weight of rice? 25 gram
8 What is the test weight of basmati rice? 21 gram
9 What percentage of protein is in White rice? 6-7%
10 What percentage of protein is in unmilled (brown Rice)? 7.9%
11 What percentage of fat is in rice? 2-2.5%
12 What is the percentage of carbohydrate in rice? 77-79%
13 Which state is the largest producer of paddy? West Bengal
14 Which state is most productive of paddy? Punjab
15 What is the first mutant variety of paddy? Jagannath
16 What is the responsible gene for dwarfness in paddy? Deo-Geo-Woo-Gene
17 Which is the only Paddy’s hybrid variety developed by private institute? PHB-71
18 Golden rice is rich in? β-carotene
19 What are the characteristics of Golden Rice developed at IARI Institute? Excess of vitamin A
20 What is the protein of paddy called? Oryzenin
21 Where was the method of preparing the nursery of paddy was introduced? IRRI Philippines
22 How many days are prepared in the Depog method to transfer the plant from the nursery to the field? 11-14 day (12 days)
23 Sowing time of AUS Paddy? April-May
24 Sowing time of AMAN Paddy?  June-July
25 Sowing time of BORO Paddy? November-December
26 Lodging doesn’t occur in? Japonica rice
27 How much seed rate is kept in the broadcasting method of paddy? 100 kg/ha
28 How much seed rate is kept in paddy “drilling method”? 60 kg/ha
29 How much hybrid paddy seed rate is kept? 15 kg/ha
30 How much is the paddy seed rate kept in “Depong method”? 1.5-3 kg/M²
31 How much paddy seed rate is kept in “SRI method”? 5-8 kg/ha (2kg/acre)
32 The ‘Jaya variety’ of paddy was developed by whom? Dr. Shastri (1968)
33 Which varieties of paddy can be grown in Rabi and Kharif season? Rajeshwari and Hema
34 Which Herbicide is most commonly used in paddy field? Propanil (stom F-34)
35  Hull is combination of? Lemma + Palea together.
36 Rice is a type of plant? Self pollinated & Short day plant
37 What is the full form of SRI ? System of Rice Intensification
38 Who was developed SRI method of rice cultivation in 1983 at Madagascar ? French Jesuit Father Henri de Laulanie
39 Nursery area required in rice for transplanting in one hectare ? 1000 M²
40 Nursery area required in rice for transplanting in one hectare in the Deppog method ? 25-30 M²
41 Hydro-thermal treatment of rice grains before milling called as? Paraboling
42 Paraboling of rice conserve which vitamin ? Vitamin B-12
43 Main objective of Puddling in rice cultivation? Control weeds, Reduce water losses & Increase nutrient availability
44 Main objective of beushening in rice cultivation? Control weeds, Increase soil aeration & Optimise crop standing
45 The gas emitted from rice field is? Methane (CH4)
46 Highest nitrogen losses in rice field by? Denitrification
47 Anaerobic environment in rice soil is responsible for gaseous loss of fertilizer nitrogen by? Denitrification
48 Which nitrogen fertilizer suitable for rice cultivation ? Ammonium Sulphate
49 Suitable biofertilizer for rice field ? Azolla
50 First hybrid variety of rice developed by using cytoplasmic male sterility at ? China (1970)
51 The rice variety called ‘Miracle rice in World’ is? IR-8
52 which rice variety known Miracle rice in India ? Jaya
53 Most critical stage for water in rice cultivation? Booting stage
55 Solar radiation required for better yield of rice? 500-700 cal/cm-²/day
56 Rice crop required how much rainfall for better yield? 100-150cm
57 Root system of rice is? Fibrous root system

  Questions Answer
58  Indica (Sub species of Oryza sativa) rice is grown in? India
59 Japonica (Sub species of Oryza sativa) rice is grown in? Japan
60 Javanica (sub species of Oryza sativa) wild species grow in? Indonesia
61 Which rice variety suitable for waterlogged condition? Jalmagna
62 Salinity tolerant variety of rice is? Lunishree & IR-8
63 Which variety of rice best for direct Sowing? Bala & kaveri
64 Fertilizer required for rice field? N:P:K:Z (Zinc) 120:60:40:25
65 Akiochi disease of rice due to? H2S Toxicity
66 Paira and Utera cropping system is closely related to? Rice
67 Which are killer disease of rice? Bacterial blight & Tungro virus
68 Khaira disease(mainly in nursery) of rice due to deficiency of?(first reported by Y l Nene 1966 Pantnagar) Zinc (IR-8)
69 “White eye” of rice is due to deficiency of? Iron 
71 Lunishree is a variety of? Super Rice
Paddy Crop Important Points
  Questions Answer
72 The crop which prefer Ammonical form of N? Rice
73 Widely used nitrogenous fertilizer in rice?  Ammonium Sulphate
74 The nitrogen fixing bacterium found on root surface of rice? Azospirillum
75 Oldest N fertilizer, best for top dressing in rice?  Ammonium sulphate (20.6%N and 24.2%S)
76 The best fertilizer for top dressing in rice?  Ammonium sulphate
77 Gas emitted from rice field is?  CH4 (Methan)
78 In rice ‘Dapong seedlings’ are ready for transplanting? 11-14 DAS
79 Under SRI method, rice plant is transplanted at? 10-12 DAS (Days After Sowing)
80 Seedling ready for transplanting in Dapong method? 12th day
81 Normally rice plant is transplanted at?  21-25 days after sowing

  Questions Answer
82 Nitrogen use efficiency in rice is around?  30-40%
83 Polish percentage of rice is? 2%
84 Hulling percentage of rice is? 65-70%
85 How much % rice grown out of Asia? Only 10%
86 The nursery area required for providing seedlings for transplanting 1 ha rice field? 1000 M2 (1/10 ha)
87 Isolation distance for self pollinated crops i.e. rice, wheat?  3 m
88 In low land rice, fertilizer is applied in? Reduced zone only
89 Cardinal temperature for good rice crop growth is?  30-32ºC
90 Best pH for cultivation of rice is? 4-6 pH
91 Puddler & puddling is related to? Rice
92 Acid tolerant crop is? Rice
93 Most prominent cropping pattern of rice in India?  Rice-Wheat
94 Dapog method is most commonly prevalent in? Philippines
95 The tillage implement, most suitable for rice cultivation is? Power tiller
96 The best system of rice culture is? Transplanting
97 The normal ratio of rice/paddy is?  2/3
98 Chasmogamy was found in?  Rice, Moong and Oat
99 Nursery area required for seedling of rice for one hectare field is? 0.10 ha.
100 C3 pathway found in?  Rice, Wheat, Pea, Soybean
101 Nitrogen fixation in rice field is carried out by which blue green algae?  Azolla
102 The cultivated spp. of paddy?  Oryza sativa & Oryza glaberima
103 Sowing of paddy in April-May and harvesting in August-Sept. is called as? Aus/Autumn /Pre kharif paddy
104 Sowing of paddy in June-July and harvesting in October is called as? Aman/Kharif/ Aghani
105 Sowing of paddy in January-Feb and harvesting in April-May is called as? Boro/Summer/ Spring
106 Tip burn of rice? O2 deficiency and excess of Zinc
107 SRI denotes?  System of Rice Intensification
108 For correction of iron chlorosis in rice, following spray is recommended?  1% Solution of ferrous Sulphate
109 The most important critical stage of rice for irrigation? Tillering to flowering stage
110 Aroma in rice is due to presence of? Di-acetyl 1 propaline” chemical
111 Weed caused relatively more loss in rice productivity, when it is? Direct seeded
112 Mimicry weeds of rice is? Wild rice
113 What is the Critical Period of Crop-Weed Competition for Upland rice condition?  Entire period of crop growth
114 Most dominated weed species in rice field is? Echinochloa spp.
115 What is the Critical Period of Crop-Weed Competition for transplanted rice?  30-45 DAS
116 Common herbicide used in rice crop field?  Anilophos and Butachlor
117 In waterlogged rice field, atmospheric nitrogen can be fixed to the soil by? BGA
118 The most prominent and adopted cropping pattern in India?  Rice – Wheat
119 Irrigation method suitable for lowland rice and jute? Flooding

Paddy Crop Important Points

  Questions Answer
120 The Blast resistance varieties of rice is?  Tulsi, IR-64
121 The deep water rice are? Punkaj, Jagannath
122 Rice varieties suitable for Saline-alkaline soil are? CSR-10, CSR-13, CSR-27
123 The rice variety which has no seed dormancy? I.R.-50
124 Hybrid variety of rice is developed by using? GMS and CGMS line
125 First intervarietal cross variety of rice?  Jaya (TN-1 × T-141)
126 The Gall midge resistance varieties of rice is? Phalguna, Surekha, Suraksha
127 First rice variety introduced in India? IR – 8 (1966)
128 First developed rice variety? T.N. – 1
129 The world’s first high yielding variety (dwarf) of rice has been developed by IARI? Pusa Basmati
130 Oil content in parboiled rice bran? 20-28%
131 Oil content in Raw rice bran? 12-18%
132 Oil content in Deoiled rice bran? 1-3%
133 Bulk density due to puddling? increase
134 How much increase Bulk density due to puddling? 1.4 to 1.7 g/cc
135 How much % silica content in rice husk? 15-18%
136 Harvesting index of rice? 0.40
137 How much water depth should be at the time of puddling? 2.5 cm
138 Optimum age for transplanting? 4th leaf stage
139 How much Nitrogen requirement reduce by use of Biological nitrogen? 25-30% N
140 How many days Short duration Varieties? upto 120 days
141 How many days Medium duration Varieties? 120-150
142 How many days Long duration Varieties? >150 days
143 Gobindbhog, Tulaipanji  variety mainly grow in? West Bengal
144 Joha rice is the largest cultivator in? Assam
145 How many days after sowing Rice transplanting in Dry land area/rabi season? 30-35 DAS
146 How many days after sowing Rice transplanting in Kharif? 21-25 DAS
147 Average temperature? 21-37°C
148 Temperature For blooming? 26.5-29.5°C
149 Temperature For Ripening stage? 20-25°C
150 Basmati rice has a flavor caused by which aroma compound? 2-Acetyl-1 Pyroline
151 Basmati rice grain contains of aromatic chemical? 0.09 ppm
152 Basmati rice has aromatic compound than non-basmati rice? 10-12 times more
153 Rice Protein is rich in? Lysine (4%)
154 How much water consume to produce 1 kg of  rice? 5000 litter
  Disease Pathogen
1 Blast (Rotten neck) Pyricularia oryzae
2 Bacterial leaf blight (BLB) / Bacterial leaf streak Xanthomonas compestris pv. oryzicola
3 Brown leaf spot Helminthosporium oryzae
4 Khaira disease Zinc deficiency
5 Bakanae / Foot rot / Fusarium blight / disease Gibberella fujikuroi
6 Pan Sukh Dry physiological disease
7 Sheath blight Rhizoctonia solani
8 Tungro disease Rice Tungro virus (Caused by GLH)
9 Grassy stunt Viral disease (Caused by BPH)
10 Udbatta disease Due to Fungi ‘Ephelis oryzae’
11 Ufra disease Ditylenchus angustus(Nematode)
12 Mantek disease Rice root nematode
13 Stem rot Sclerotium oryzae
14 Sheath rot Sarocladium oryzae
15 False / Green smut Ustilaginoidea virens
16 Stackburn disease Trichoconis padwickii
17 Bunt / Kernal smut/Black smut Tilletia barcylayana
18 Yellow dwarf Mycoplasma-like organism (MLO)
  Name of insect Scientific name
1  Yellow Stem Borer? Scirphophaga incertulas
2 Rice Gall Midge?  Orseolia oryzae
3 Green Leaf hopper (GLH)? Nephotetrix nigropictus
4 White-backed Plant-hopper (WBPH)?  Sogatella furcifera
5 Brown Plant hopper (BPH)? Nilaparvata lugens
6 Rice Case worm Nymphula depunctalis
7 Rice Hispa Diclodispa armigera
8 Rice thrips Stenochaetothrips biformis
9 Rice grasshopper Hieroglyphus banian
10 Rice leaf roller Cnaphalocrocis medinalis
1 National Rice Research Institute (NRRI) Cuttack (1946)
2 Indian Institute of Rice Research (IIRR) Hyderabad
3 IRRI South Asia Regional Center (ISARC) Varanasi (2018)
4 International Rice Research Institute(IRRI) Los Banos (Philippines) (1960)
  • The Central Rice Research Institute (CRRI) in Cuttack, now known as National Rice Research Institute (NRRI)
  • The Directorate of Rice Research (DRR) in Hyderabad, now known as Indian Institute of Rice Research (IIRR)
  Questions Answer
1 Golden rice Dr. Ingo Potrykus
2 Hybrid rice Yuan Long Ping
3 Super Rice Dr. G.H. Khush
4 Dapog seedling Rice seedling


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25 thoughts on “Paddy Crop Best Question in Easy Form”

  1. Thanks sir ji …..very nyce ….
    Bahut bahut dhanyavad ….🌺🌷🌻💐🌻🌺🌷💐🌷🌺🌻🌻🙏🙏

  2. Very comfortable to read… Need some corrections in spellings and some mistakes are there. GOOD WORK.

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