Pathology Daily MCQ – 18

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Pathology Daily MCQ – 18

Agronomy Daily MCQ

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Pathology Daily MCQ Study


Agriexam Daily Quiz


Q.1: Basidiospores of wheat black rust germinate on ?

  1. Barbery
  2. Rice
  3. Mustard
  4. Wheat

Answer: 1

Q.2: Post harvest decay of apple is caused by ?

  1. Candida oleopila
  2. Candida saitoana
  3. Phythophthora infestans
  4. Streptomyces scabies

Answer: 2

Q.3: Who discovered Bacteriophage?

  1. David
  2. Hansen
  3. De Herelle
  4. Bawden

Answer: 3

Q.4: Who is regarded as the father of Modern Indian phytopathology?

  1. K.C. Mehta
  2. E.J. Butler
  3. J.F. Dastur
  4. B.B. Mundkar

Answer: 1

Q.5: Citrus tristeza virus is ?

  1. Non persistent
  2. Semi persistent
  3. Persistent circulative
  4. Non propagative

Answer: 2

Q.6: Who discovered Biofilm?

  1. Anton De Bary
  2. E.J. Butler
  3. Anton Van Leeuwehoek
  4. Cragie

Answer: 3

Q.7: Common scab is checked by ?

  1. Wet soil
  2. Dry soil
  3. Both
  4. None of these

Answer: 1

Q.8: Erwinia amylovora enters host tissue through ?

  1. Lenticels
  2. Nectaries
  3. Hydathodes
  4. Wound

Answer: 2

Q.9: Viroids are ?

  1. ss andfilamentous
  2. ds andfilamentous
  3. ss andcircular
  4. ds andfilamentous

Answer: 3

Q.10: Cell wall of oomycetes is composed of ?

  1. Cellulose
  2. Glucose
  3. Glycon
  4. Lipopotein

Answer: 1

Pathology Daily MCQ – 18

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