Pathology Daily MCQ – 19

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Pathology Daily MCQ – 19

Agronomy Daily MCQ

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Pathology Daily MCQ Study


Agriexam Daily Quiz


Q.1: Who discovered satellite virus?

  1. Beijernick
  2. Kassanis
  3. Virschaw
  4. Johnson

Answer: 2


Q.2: Who is regarded as the father of Epidemiology?

  1. De Herelle
  2. Hansen
  3. Vander Plank
  4. Bawden

Answer: 3


Q.3: Who is regarded as the Father of virology?

  1. M.W. Beijetnick
  2. D.I. vanovsky
  3. F.C. Bawden
  4. Adolf Mayer

Answer: 1


Q.4: Cell of bacteria is made up of ?

  1. Chitin
  2. Mucopeptide
  3. Lipoprotein
  4. Cellulose

Answer: 2


Q.5: Erwinia is ?

  1. Monotrichous
  2. Amphitrichous
  3. Peritrichous
  4. Cephalotrichous

Answer: 3


Q.6: Phytoplasmas are sensitive to ?

  1. Tetracycline
  2. Penicillin
  3. Both A andB
  4. None of these

Answer: 1


Q.7: The term “Virus” means ?

  1. Toxin
  2. Poison
  3. Minute
  4. Animalcules

Answer: 2


Q.8: Phages attach themselves to the host tissue through ?

  1. Base
  2. Head end
  3. Tail end
  4. Protein coat

Answer: 3


Q.9: Which of these is a unicellular fungi?

  1. Saccharomyces
  2. Erysiphe
  3. Hypocrea
  4. Diatom

Answer: 1


Q.10: Pinwheel inclusion bodies are ?

  1. Comovirus
  2. Potyvirus
  3. Potexvirus
  4. Bromovirus

Answer: 2

Pathology Daily MCQ – 19

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