Plant Disease List Pathogen

4.7/5 - (7 votes)
Bacterial diseases
Citrus canker
Bacterial blight of rice
Greening disease of citrus- (vector- Citrus Psyllia Diphorina citri)
Scab disease of potato
Yellow vine of cucurbits (vector Sqash bug, Anasa tritis)
Ratoon stunting disease of sugarcane (RSD)(vector Mechanical transmission)
Black rot of crucifers
Angular leaf spot/black arm of cotton
Fire blight of apple/pear
Red stripe of sugarcane
Corn stunt (Dalbulas maidis)
Mycoplasma disease 
Name of disease Host plant Vector
Yellow dwarf disease Rice GLH
Phyllody Sesame Leaf hopper
Little leaf Brinjal Leaf hopper
Grassy shoot Sugarcane Aphids
Purple top roll Potato Leaf hopper
Sandal spike disease Cardamom Leaf hopper
Viral disease
Host plant Viral disease Vector
Wheat Streak mosaic Eriophyid mite
Maize Mosaic Sorghum bug
Rice Tungro disease GLH
Rice Grassy stunt BPH
Groundnut Rosette virus Aphid
Groundnut Bud necrosis Thrips
Pigeon pea Sterility mosaic Eriophyid mite
Bhindi Yellow vein mosaic White fly
Tomato Leaf curl White fly
Chilli Leaf curl Thrips
Chilli Mosaic White fly
Potato Potato leaf roll Aphid
Banana Bunchy top Aphid
Citrus Tristeza Aphid
Papaya Mosaic Aphid
Cardamom Kattee/Foorkey Aphid
Cotton Leaf curl White fly
Tobacco Leaf curl White fly
Soybean Mosaic White fly
Papaya Leaf curl White fly
Cow pea Mosaic Aphid
Mango Malformation Bud mite
Disease Pathogen
1 Blast (Rotten neck) Pyricularia oryzae
2 Bacterial leaf blight (BLB) / Bacterial leaf streak Xanthomonas compestris pv. oryzicola
3 Brown leaf spot Helminthosporium oryzae
4 Khaira disease Zinc deficiency
5 Bakanae / Foot rot / Fusarium blight / disease Gibberella fujikuroi
6 Pan Sukh Dry physiological disease
7 Sheath blight Rhizoctonia solani
8 Tungro disease Rice Tungro virus
9 Grassy stunt Viral disease
10 Udbatta disease Due to Fungi ‘Ephelis oryzae’
11 Ufra disease Ditylenchus angustus(Nematode)
12 Mantek disease Rice root nematode
13 Stem rot Sclerotium oryzae
14 Sheath rot Sarocladium oryzae
15 False / Green smut Ustilaginoidea virens
16 Stackburn disease Trichoconis padwickii
17 Bunt / Kernal smut/Black smut Tilletia barcylayana
18 Yellow dwarf Mycoplasma-like organism (MLO)
Disease Pathogen
1 Brown / Orange/leaf rusts  Puccinia recondita tritici
2 Yellow or stripe rust Puccinia striiformis
3 Black / stem rust (Killer disease) Puccinia graminis tritici
4 Karnal bunt (Cancer) Neovossia indica
5 Loose smut Ustilago nuda tritici
6 Powdery mildew Erysiphe graminis tritici
7 Tundu disease / sehu / yellow ear rot disease Corynebacterium tritici+Anguina tritici
8 Flag smut Urocystis gamines/tritici
9 Hill bunt Tilletia foetida
10 Ear-cockle Anguina tritici
11 Molya disease Heterodera avcnae
12 Stinking smut Tilletia caries
13 Foot rot Pythium graminicolum
14 Leaf blight Alternaria triticina
15 Leaf blotch Septoria tritici
Pearl Millet / Bajra 
Disease Pathogen
1 Downy mildew / green ear disease Sclerospora graminicola
2 Ergot Claviceps fusiformis
3 Smut Tolyposporium penicillariae
4 Rust Puccinia penniseti

Disease Pathogen
1 White bud of maize Zn deficiency
2 Charcoal rot Macrophomina phaseoli
3 Seed Rot / Seedling Blight Pythium aphanidermatum
4 Smut Ustilago Maydis
5 Brown spot Physoderma maydis
6 Rust Puccinia sorghi
7 Leaf blight Helminthosporium maydis
8 Downy mildew Peronosclerospora sorghi
Disease Pathogen
1 Covered smut Ustilago hordei
2 Loose smut Ustilago nuda
3 Powdery mildew Erysiphe graminis var. hardei

Disease Pathogen
1 Downy mildew Sclerospora soghi
2 Grain / Covered / kernal smut Sphacelotheca sorghi
3 Leaf rust Puccinia purpurea
4 Head smut Sphacelotheca reiliana
5 Long smut Tolyposporium ehrenbergii
6 Leaf spot Cercospora sorghi
7 Anthracnose Colletotrichum graminicolum
8 Leaf blight Helminthosporium turcicum
9 Loose Sphacelotheca cruenta
10 Charcoal-rot Macrophomina phaeseolina
11 Ergot sugary disease Sphacelia sorghi
12 Phenerogamics parasite Striga asiatica

Plant Disease List Pathogen

Disease Pathogen
1 Fusarium wilt Fusarium Oxysporium f.v.cicri
2 Ascochyta blight Ascochyta rabiei 

Disease Pathogen
1 Fusarium wilt Fusarium oxysporumf. sp. udum
2 Sterility mosaic Sterility mosaic

Disease Pathogen
1 Yellow mosaic Mungbean Yellow mosaic virus
2 Anthracnose/Pod blight Colletotrichum truncatum

Disease Pathogen
   Fungal Diseases
 1 Earty leaf spota (Tikka disease) Cercospora arachidicola
 2 Late leaf spot (Tikka disease) Phaeoisariopsis personata
 3 Rust Puccinia arachidis
 4 Collar rot /Seedling blight /Crown rot Aspergillus niger and Aspergillus pulverulentum
 5 Root rot Macrophomina phaseolina
 6 Stem rot Corticium rolfsii
7 Wilt Fusarium oxysporum
 8 Anthracnose Colletotrichum dematium
 9 Grey mould Botrytis cinerea
 10 Yellow Mould Aspergillus flavus
   Bacterial Disease
1 Bacterial wilt Pseudomonas solanacearum
Viral Diseases
1 Rosette virus
2 Peanut spotted wilt /Bud Necrosis /Groundnut ring mosaic /Tomato spotted wilt virus
Disease Pathogen
1 White rust/blister Albugo candida
2 Alternaria blight Alternaria brassicae
3 Downy mildew Peronospora brassicae

Disease Pathogen
Fungal Diseases
1 Red Rot Colletotrichum falcatum
2 Smut Ustilago scitaminea
3 Sett rot (or) Pineapple disease Ceratocystis paradoxa
4 Wilt Cephalosporium sacchari
5 Rust Puccinia erianthi
6 Damping off Pythium aphanidermatum
7 Downy Mildew Peronosclerospora sacchari
8 Eye spot Helminthosporium sacchari
9 Ringspot Leptosphaeria sacchari
Bacterial Diseases
1 Leaf Scald  Xanthomonas albilineans
2 Gummosis Xanthomonas campesris pv. vasculorum
3 Red Stripe Pseudomonas rubrilineans
Viral Diseases
1 Mosaic Sugarcane mosaic virus
2 Spike
M.L.O. Diseases
1 White leaf
2 Grassy shoot

Plant Disease List Pathogen

Disease Pathogen
1 Late blight Phytophthora infestans
2 Early blight Alternaria solani
3 Black scurf Rhyzoctonia solani
4 Wart Synchytrium endobioticum
5 Black heart Due to oxygen starvation
6 Scab Streptomyces scabies

Disease Pathogen
1 Phyllody Mycoplasma

Disease Pathogen
1 Bacterial blight/ angular leaf spot/ black arm Xanthomonas malvacearum
2 Tirak/bad opening of bolls Physiological disorder
3 Fusarium wilt Fusarium moniliform sp. vasinectum
4 Leaf blight Alternaria macrospora
5 Stenosis/ small leaf Virus

Disease Pathogen
1 Early blight Alternaria solani
2 Late blight Phytophthora infestans
3 leaf curl Viral
4 Blossom end rot Ca deficiency
5 Fruit cracking  Boron deficiency

Disease Pathogen
1 Phomopsis blight/fruit rot Phomopsis vexans
2 Little leaf of brinjal Mycoplasma
3 Damping off Pithium sp
4 Bacterial Wilt Psedomonas solancearum

Disease Pathogen
1 Damping off Pythium Aphanidermatum /phytophora sp.
2 Anthracnose/ripe rot die back Collectotrichum capsici
3 Leaf curl Viral

Disease Pathogen
1 White Rust Blister Aldugo Candida
2 Browning of cauliflower Boron deficiency
3 Whiptail of cauliflower Mo deficiency
4 Club-root (finger & toe disease) Plasmodiphora brassicae

Disease Pathogen
1 Malformation Fusarium monilliformae
2 Black tip/Mango necrosis Boron deficiency

Disease Pathogen
1 Panama wilt Fusarium oxysporium
2 Bunchy top Virus
3 Vector is aphid Pentalonia Nigronervosa

Disease Pathogen
1 Citrus canker Xanthomonas compestris
2 Die-back / wither tip Collectotrichum gloeosporiodides
3 Gummosis Phytophthora palmivora
4 Greening Caused mycoplasma
5 Tristeza Viral
Other Crops
Disease Pathogen
1 Powdery mildew of cucurbits is caused by? cichoracearum
2 Downy mildew of cucurbits is caused by Pseudopernospora cubensis
3 White blister of cabbage is caused by Albugo candida
4 Black rot of cabbage is caused by Xanthomonas compestris
5 Club root of cauliflower is caused by? Plasmodiosphora brassicae
6 Damping off of tobacco is caused by Pythium aphanidermaum
7 Tobacco Mosaic disease is caused by Nicotiana Virus-1
8 Alternaria blight or leaf spot of sunflower is caused by Alternaria helianthi
9 Root and collar rot of sunflower is caused by Sclerotium rolfssi
10 The causal organism of Phyllody disease of sesame? MLO
Disease Pathogen
1 Ring rust of Aonla is caused by? Ravenellia emblica var. fructoidae
2 Scab disease in apple is caused by?  Venturia inaequalis
3 Peach leaf curl is caused by fungus:  Taphrina deformens
4 Anthracnose of guava is caused by?  Collectotrichum psidii

11 thoughts on “Plant Disease List Pathogen”

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