Plant Science JRF Question Paper 2019

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Plant Science

Plant Science JRF Question Paper 2019

Plant Science JRF Question Paper 2019

Q.1 When a disease becomes prevalent throughout the country continent or the world in a severe form, it is referred to as?

  1. Epidemic
  2. Sporadic
  3. Endemic
  4. Pandemic


Q.2 Biologically, seed is a matured?

  1. ovary
  2. ovule
  3. fruit
  4. capsule


Q.3 EDVS’ are?

  1. Extant derived varieties
  2. Extinct derived varieties
  3. Expressed derived varieties
  4. Essentially derived varieties

Essentially derived varieties

Q.4 Common scale of potato is caused by?

  1. Synchytrium endobioticum
  2. Spongospora subterrana
  3. Rhizoctonia bataticola
  4. Streptomyces scabies

Streptomyces scabies

Q.5 Which bacterium is associated with preparation of Sauerkraut?

  1. Lactobacillus plantarum
  2. Clostridium butyricum
  3. Bacillus subtillis
  4. Bacillus megaterium

Lactobacillus plantarum

Q.6 Tifton A cytoplasm is found in?

  1. Sorghum
  2. Rice
  3. Pearl millet
  4. Pigeon pea

Pearl millet

Q.7 The organic compound glucosinolates are present in members of the family?

  1. Caryophyllaceae
  2. Chenopodiaceae
  3. Euphorbiaceae
  4. Brassicaceae


Q.8 In term of ploidy, trisomy is a form of?

  1. hypoploidy
  2. hyperploidy
  3. polyploidy
  4. diploidy


Q.9 In which direction, do the 5-3 phosphodiester bonds run, in Watson and Crick DNA model?

  1. Parallel
  2. Antiparallel
  3. Forward
  4. Alternate


Q.10 The genetic gain under selection is more rapid if?

  1. the character is polygenic
  2. there is non-additive gene
  3. the alleles are rare
  4. the heritability is 100 per cent

the heritability is 100 per cent

Q.11 According to the dominance hypothesis of heterosis, which one of the following is a false statement?

  1. Open pollinated populations are highly heterozygous.
  2. In breeding, depression is due to the harmful effects of dominant alleles.
  3. Heterosis is due to the masking of harmful effects of recessive alleles by their dominant alleles.
  4. Each locus of dominant alleles has a favourable effect.

In breeding, depression is due to the harmful effects of dominant alleles.

Q.12 The tetrazolium chloride tests activity of?

  1. peroxidase
  2. superoxide dismutase
  3. oxidase
  4. dehydrogenase


Q.13 The unit of radiation dose is called Gray (Gy) and 1 Gray equals?

  1. One Jule/gram of the irradiated object
  2. One Jule/kg of the irradiated object
  3. 100 J/kg of the iradiated object
  4. 1000 JIkg of the iradiated object

One Jule/kg of the irradiated object

Q.14 During the process of lint development in cotton, how many days after fertilization does the lint gain maturity?

  1. 45-50 days
  2. 70-75 days
  3. 100-105 days
  4. 75-80 days

45-50 days

Q.15 Which of the following bacterium is used as a biocontrol agent for the control of Meloidogyne species?

  1. Agrobacterium
  2. Rhizobium
  3. Pasteuria
  4. Erwinia


Q.16 Sclerotinia sclerotiorum produces ascocarp named?

  1. Apothecium
  2. Pseudothecium
  3. Cleistothecium
  4. Perithecium


Q.17 The type of germination in which seeds germinate by keeping cotyledons below the soil surface due to rapid elongation of epicotyle, is referred to as?

  1. Epigeal
  2. Hypogeal
  3. Hypo-epigeal
  4. Epi-hypogeal


Q.18 Pink boll worm is a serious pest of?

  1. Gram
  2. Cotton
  3. Mustard
  4. Ladysfinger


Q.19 In 1965, which famous rose breeder was appointed as First Director Gen eral of ICAR was?

  1. B. P. Pal
  2. M. S. Swaminath an
  3. Har Bhajan Singh
  4. S. A. Hydari

B. P. Pal

Q.20 Total no. of nuclei involved in double fertilization in normal diploid plant is?

  1. 1.3
  2. 2.9
  3. 3.5
  4. 4


Q.21 How many types of gametes will be formed in F1 in a trihybrid cross?

  1. 27
  2. 4
  3. 8
  4. 16


Q.22 If fertilty of the pollen is determined by the genotype of the pollen itself in F1, then it is?

  1. sporophytic male sterility
  2. gametophytic male sterility
  3. cytoplasmic male sterility
  4. apomictic plants

Q.23 Etiology is the study of?

  1. cause of disease
  2. symptoms of disease
  3. predisposing factors for disease
  4. management of disease

cause of disease

Q.24 Which is the single most important factor affecting drift?

  1. Spray volume
  2. Spray drop size
  3. Kind of sprayer
  4. Kind of solvent

Spray volume

Q.25 Single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) is?

  1. biallelic
  2. triallelic
  3. monoallelic
  4. null allele


Q.26 Heterostyly is observed in?

  1. Linseed
  2. Orchids
  3. Maize
  4. Pearlmillet


Q.27 Complex corrin ring system and cobalt is present in?

  1. Vit B2
  2. Vit B6
  3. Vit B1
  4. Vit B12

Vit B12

Q.28 Cell wall of a bacteria is made up of?

  1. cellulose
  2. chitin
  3. peptidoglycan
  4. dextran


Q.29 In recombinant DNA technology, which enzyme is used to join fragments that have been cut by restriction enzymes?

  1. Eco RI
  2. DNA polymerase
  3. DNA methylase
  4. DNA ligase

DNA ligase

Q.30 The hybrid progeny between a single cross and an inbred line is referred to as?

  1. Three way cross hybrid
  2. Double top cross hybrid
  3. Double cross hybrid
  4. Two way cross hybrid

Three way cross hybrid

Q.31 In a crop plant, if the percentage of cross pollination exceeds 5 per cent and may reach up to 30 per cent, then the pollination behavior of such crop species is refered as?

  1. cross pollinated
  2. self-pollin ated
  3. often cross pollinated
  4. open pollinated

often cross pollinated

Q.32 Which one of the following is an example of a bacteria which in an insecticidal?

  1. Bacillus polymyxa
  2. Yersina pestis
  3. Bacillus thurinegiensis
  4. Klebsiella oxytocha

Bacillus thurinegiensis

Q.33 ICAR-India Institute of Pulses Research is located at?

  1. Varanasi
  2. Mau
  3. Kanpur
  4. Lucknow


Q.34 Which of the following is a simple interest disease?

  1. Powdery mildew of mango
  2. Downy mildew of grapes
  3. Rust of pea
  4. Loose smut of wheat

Loose smut of wheat

Q.35 In tRNA molecule, the D arm is named for the presence of the base?

  1. Dihydrouridine
  2. Thymidine
  3. Pseudouridine
  4. Uridine


Q.36 Which of the following amino acids are aromatic in nature?

  1. Aspartic acid and glutamic acid
  2. Proline and histidine
  3. Lysine and arginine
  4. Phenyl alanine and tyrosine

Phenyl alanine and tyrosine

Q.37 Green ear disease of Pearl millet is caused by?

  1. Tolyposporium penicillariae
  2. Sclerospora graminicola
  3. Claviceps microcephala
  4. Curvulania penniseti

Sclerospora graminicola

Q.38 The inner layer of ovary wall of an angiospermnis?

  1. Exocarp
  2. Endocarp
  3. Mesocarp
  4. Polycarp


Q.39 Bulked segregant analysis’ was proposed by?

  1. Vos et al.
  2. Williams et al.
  3. Botstein et al.
  4. Michelmore et al.

Michelmore et al.

Q.40 Heterobeltios is is the superiority of F1 over?

  1. mean parent
  2. popular check
  3. better parents
  4. commercial hybrids

better parents

Q.41 Identfy the common step between aerobic and anaerobic respiration?

  1. glycolysis
  2. citric acid cycle
  3. ETC
  4. glycolysis, citric acid cycle, and ETC


Q.42 Bioassay of cytokinin is done by conducting?

  1. Dwarf maize test
  2. Cotyledonary expansion test
  3. Avena coleoptile test
  4. Rice tip test

Cotyledonary expansion test

Q.43 ldentify the Fungi which grow on dung?

  1. Corticolous
  2. Epixylic
  3. Coprophillaus
  4. Xyllophilous


Q.44 Gir National Park is known for conservation of?

  1. Tiger
  2. Rhino
  3. Asiatic Lion
  4. Pelican

Asiatic Lion

Q.45 If total no. of ‘n’ inbred lines are involved, then the total no. of possible synthetics is?

Plant Science JRF Question Paper 2019

4. N=2n-n-1

Q.46 Monocot seed sowing epigeal germination is found in?

  1. rice
  2. wheat
  3. onion
  4. maize


Q.47 The conversion of fixed forms of nitrogen to molecular nitrogen is called?

  1. Ammonification
  2. Nitrogen fixation
  3. Denitrification
  4. Nitrification


Q.48 The enzyme GOGAT stands for?

  1. Glutamine 2-oxoglutarate aminotransferase
  2. Glutamate oxoglutarate aminotransferase
  3. Glutamine oxoglutarate aldolase
  4. Glutamine 2-oxoglutarate

Glutamine 2-oxoglutarate aminotransferase

Q.49 In which of the following situations, the enzyme RUBISCO plays dual function during photosynthesis, and produces either 3 phosphoglyceric acid or glycolic acid?

  1. In C3 plants when the CO2 concentration is higher than that of oxygen
  2. In C3 plants when the oxygen concentration is higher than that of CO2
  3. In C4 plants when oxygen concentration is higher than that of CO2
  4. In CAM plants

In C3 plants when the oxygen concentration is higher than that of CO2


Q.50 The recent molecular technology which is used to determine the exact order of the bases in a genome is?

  1. RNAi technology
  2. PCR technique
  3. DNA sequencing technique
  4. DNA walking

DNA sequencing technique

Q.51 Which of the following represents genome and chromosome number of the oilseed Brassica napus sub. sp. Napus?

  1. AACC, 38
  2. BBCC, 34
  3. CC, 18
  4. AA, 20

AACC, 38

Q.52 The process of breeding food crops that are rich in bioavailable micronutrients is referred to as?

  1. Molecular breeding
  2. Speed breeding
  3. Quality breeding
  4. Biofortification


Q.53 Die back dis ease is caused by the?

  1. virus
  2. fungi
  3. deficiency of 'Cu'
  4. deficiency of Zn'

Q.54 In the seeds of most flowering plants, a triploid albuminous tissue is found which is botanically described as?

  1. Seed coat
  2. Cotyledon
  3. Endosperm
  4. Embryo


Q.55 Who proposed the concept of 'Gene Pool'?

  1. Vavilov
  2. Barbara McClintock
  3. Harlan and de Wet.
  4. Mather and Jink

Harlan and de Wet.

Q.56 If the sequence of bases in a section of DNA is TAGGCTAA,what are the corres ponding sequenced bases in mRNA?



Q.57 The seed replacement rate of hybrid seeds is?

  1. 40%
  2. 50%
  3. 100%
  4. 75%


Q.58 Peach leaf curl is caused by?

  1. Fungi
  2. Bacteria
  3. Virus
  4. Phytoplasma


Q.59 Which of the following is an example of hesperidium?

  1. Apple
  2. Orange
  3. Pear
  4. Pomegranate


Plant Science JRF Question Paper 2019

Q.60 XYZ system for hybrid production was proposed for?

  1. wheat
  2. barley
  3. triticale
  4. rice


Q.61 Sheath rot disease in paddy is caused by?

  1. Pyricularia enyzae
  2. Sarocladium oryzae
  3. Rhizoctonia oryzae
  4. Helminthosporium oryzae

Sarocladium oryzae

Q.62 A set of germplasm accession derived from base collection to represent the genetic diversity in the whole collection is?

  1. Active collection
  2. Reference set
  3. Working collection
  4. Core collection

Core collection

Q.63 Which of the following belongs to the imperfect fungi?

  1. Puccinina
  2. Phytophthora
  3. Ustilago
  4. Rhizoctonia


Q.64 Biological nitrogen fixation is the conversion of?

  1. N2 to NH3
  2. N3 to Urea
  3. N2 to N
  4. N2 to NO3

N2 to NH3

Q.65 Sphacelia phase is the characteristic of?

  1. Penicillium
  2. Aspergillus
  3. Claviceps
  4. Curvularia


Q.66 Castor oil falls under which of the following category of fixed oils?

  1. Drying oil
  2. Semidrying oil
  3. Non-drying oil
  4. Fats

Non-drying oil

Q.67 What is the total no. of anthers found in a rice floret?

  1. 3
  2. 4
  3. 3.5
  4. 6


Q.68 The temperature, pressure and time combination usually employed in autoclaving is?

  1. 125 oC, 15 Ibs, 10-15 min
  2. 128o C, 20 lbs, 10-15 min
  3. 125 oC, 20 Ibs, 15-20 min
  4. 121o C, 15 ibs, 15-20 min

121o C, 15 ibs, 15-20 min

Q.69 Use of light traps for the management of pest is an example of?

  1. Chemical control
  2. Mechanical control
  3. Cultural control
  4. Biological control

Mechanical control

Q.70 Red leaf of cotton is caused due to deficiency of?

  1. Nitrogen
  2. Boron
  3. Calcium
  4. Silicon


Q.71 Which of the following is a polysaccharide?

  1. Sucrose
  2. Maltose
  3. Starch
  4. Lactose


Q.72 Which of the following is NOT free living Ne fixers?

  1. Clostridium
  2. Rhizobium
  3. Rhodospirillum
  4. Azotobacter


Q.73 Use of juvenile hormone and sex attractant comes under?

  1. 1st generation insecticides
  2. 2nd generation insecticides
  3. 3rd generation insecticides
  4. 4th generation insecticides

3rd generation insecticides

Q.74 In India, domestic quarantine is in force for which of the following banana diseases?

  1. Moko disease
  2. Panama wilt
  3. Bunchy top
  4. Sigatoka

Bunchy top

Q.75 Actinomycetes have characters of both?

  1. bacteria and algae
  2. fungi and algae
  3. fungi and viruses
  4. bacteria and fungi

bacteria and fungi

Q.76 The tag colour of breeder seed is?

  1. opel green
  2. white
  3. blue
  4. golden yellow

golden yellow

Q.77 The viable gametes produced by a translocation heterozygote is in?

  1. Adjacent
  2. Alternate
  3. Adjacent II
  4. Adjacent I &II


Q.78 What is the source of D genome of wheat?

  1. Aegilops tauschii
  2. T. monococcum
  3. Aegilops speltoides
  4. Aegilops squarosa

Q.79 germinating mustard seed converts its lipid into sugar by?

  1. TCA
  2. Calvin cycle
  3. Glycolate pathway
  4. Glyoxalate cycle

Glyoxalate cycle

Q.80 While analyzing the structural variation in DNA, the 'B' form of DNA consists of how many base pairs per helical turn?

  1. 11
  2. 10.5
  3. 12
  4. 4.8.5


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Q.81 ICAR- National Bureau of Agriculturally Important Micro organisms is located at?

  1. Ludhiana
  2. Shimla
  3. Mau
  4. Bangalore


Q.82 Which of the following is NOT a gram +ve bacterial plant pathogenic genus?

  1. Rathayibacter
  2. Streptomyces
  3. Xanthomonas
  4. Clavibacter


Q.83 Minimum population size required for recombination of all F1 gametes at random is?

  1. 2n
  2. 3n
  3. 4n
  4. n2


Plant Science JRF Question Paper 2019

Q.84 Scientific name of maize used to make popcorn is?

  1. Zea mays indurata
  2. Zea mays saccharata
  3. Zea mays amylacea
  4. Zea mays everta

Zea mays everta

Q.85 Which of the following checks the untimely sprouting of potato tubers?

  1. Abscisic acid
  2. Ethylene
  3. Gibberelin
  4. Maleic hydrazide

Maleic hydrazide

Q.86 Which element is a part of chlorophyll?

  1. Ca
  2. Mg
  3. K
  4. Cl


Q.87 Assuming Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium, if the frequency of the two alleles at the gene being studied are 0.6 and 0.4, the genotypic frequency of heterozygotes will be?

  1. 0.80
  2. 0.48
  3. 0.64
  4. 0.16


Q.88 Okazaki fragment is related to?

  1. DNA synthesis
  2. Protein synthesis
  3. mRNA formation
  4. tRNA formation

DNA synthesis

Q.89 Presence of flagella all around the cell of bacteria is referred to as?

  1. Peritrichous
  2. Monotrichous
  3. Lophotrichous
  4. A trichous


Q.90 Il-stage of Purccinia graminis tritici produces?

  1. Teleutospores
  2. Uredospores
  3. Aeciospores
  4. Pycniospores


Q.91 Which of the following plant diseases are by caused Deuteromycetes?

  1. Powdery mildews
  2. Ergots
  3. Downy mildews
  4. Wilts


Q.92 The multiple replicates of same chromosome holding together in a parallel fashion is called?

  1. Endomitosis
  2. Polyteny
  3. Balbiani
  4. Puffing


Q.93 While explain ing cell organelles, in ribosomes, the suffix 's' in ribosome unit indicates?

  1. Sedimentation area
  2. Sedimentation coefficient
  3. Surface area
  4. Structural protein

Sedimentation coefficient

Q.94 Which one of the following is a polyphagous pest?

  1. Termite
  2. Mango hopper
  3. Mango nut weevil
  4. Rice stem borer


Q.95 Entry of the pollen tube through micropyle is known as?

  1. Mesogamy
  2. Microgamy
  3. Porogamy
  4. Chalazogamy


Q.96 In germination test, what is the minimum number of replication as per ISTA?

  1. one
  2. three
  3. two
  4. four


Q.97 Which of the following is ssDNA plant virus?

  1. Cauliflower mosaic virus
  2. Banana bunchy top virus
  3. Bacilliform DNA virus
  4. Rice dwarf virus

Banana bunchy top virus

Q.98 Grey mould of chick-pea is caused by

  1. Sclerotium rolfsii
  2. Ascochyta rabiei
  3. Botrytis cinerea
  4. Sclerotinia sclerotiorum

Botrytis cinerea

Q.99 Which of the following comes under nutria-cereals?

  1. Rice
  2. Wheat
  3. Maize
  4. Millets



Q.100 Which of the following is a surface fibre?

  1. Jute
  2. Cotton
  3. Flax
  4. Sisal


Q.101 Staggered sowing is practiced for?

  1. good field establishment
  2. uniform flowering
  3. tolerance to pests
  4. easy harvesting

uniform flowering

Plant Science JRF Question Paper 2019

Q.102 What is the primary acceptor of CO2 in Hatch-Slack cycle?

  1. Phosphoenol pyruvic acid
  2. Ribulose biphosphate
  3. Phosphoglyceric acid
  4. Diphosphoglyceric acid

Phosphoenol pyruvic acid

Q.103 The epidermal hair on the stem are referred to as?

  1. epiblema
  2. trichomes
  3. periderm
  4. endarch


Q.104 The enzyme reverse transcriptase was discovered by?

  1. Watson and Crick
  2. Kary Mullis
  3. Gilbert
  4. Temin and Baltimore

Temin and Baltimore

Q.105 Soybean rust is caused by?

  1. Puccinia glycines
  2. Puccinia graminis
  3. Phakospora pachyrokiz
  4. Macrophomina phaseolina

Phakospora pachyrokiz

Q.106 The isolation distance to be maintained for retaining the genetic purity of parental lines of maize hybrids while producing foundation seed is?

  1. 400 meters
  2. 1000 meters
  3. 100 meters
  4. 200 meters

400 meters

Q.107 In a type of apomixis known as adventive embryony, the embryos develop directly from?

  1. zygote
  2. synergids or antipodals in an embryo sac
  3. nucleus and integuments
  4. accessory embryo sacs in the ovule

nucleus and integuments

Q.108 Pore-size of filter used for laminar flow air chamber is?

  1. 0.30 um
  2. 1.25 um
  3. 1.75 um
  4. 2.00 um

0.30 um

Plant Science JRF Question Paper 2019

Q.109 The technology that prevents farmers from harvesting a crop by saving seed from the current year's crop to plant the next season's crop is termed as?

  1. Apomixis technology
  2. Synthetic technology
  3. Transgenic technology
  4. Terminator technology

Terminator technology

Q.110 A cell contains 40 chromatids at the beginning of meiosis.After the completion of meiosis, the cells would contain?

  1. 20 chromosomes
  2. 10 chromosomes
  3. 40 chromos omes
  4. 80 chromosomes

10 chromosomes

Q.111 If the mRNA (AUG CUA GCU AAA UAA) is translated into protein, how many amino acids would it contain?

  1. 2
  2. 3
  3. 4
  4. 5


Q.112 The uredia are arranged in rows on leaves in?

  1. black rust of wheat
  2. brown rust of wheat
  3. yellow rust of wheat
  4. rust of pea

yellow rust of wheat

Q.113 Ecdysone is a/an?

  1. chemo-sterilant
  2. pheromones
  3. repellents
  4. insect growth regulator

insect growth regulator

Q.114 Which order of insects is commonly used as a biological control agent?

  1. Coleoptera
  2. Hemiptera
  3. Diptera
  4. Hymenoptera


Q.114 Which of the following is a systemic fungicide?

  1. Zineb
  2. Mancozeb
  3. Thiram
  4. Carbendazim


Q.116 The concentration of copper sulphate in 2:2:200 Bordeaux mixture is?

  1. 1.0%
  2. 1.2%
  3. 0.8%
  4. 1.4%


Q.117 Genetic purity of nucleus seed is?

  1. 99%
  2. 98%
  3. 99.5%
  4. 100%


Q.118 Which bacteria converts nitrite into nitrate form?

  1. Nitrosomonas
  2. Nitrosococcous
  3. Nitrobacter
  4. Rhizobium


Q.119 If a male sterile line is crossed with heterozygous male fertile plant and the progeny segregated as 1:1 male fertile and male sterile plants, respectively then the male sterility is termed as?

  1. cytoplasmic male sterility
  2. genic male sterility
  3. cytoplasmic genic male sterility
  4. environment sensitive male sterility

genic male sterility

Q.120 Apomictic seed is seed produced?

  1. by fertilization
  2. by vegetative nuclei
  3. without fertilization
  4. produced inside thalamus

without fertilization

Q.121 Anthropochory is?

  1. wind dispersal of pathogens
  2. human dispersal of pathogens
  3. water dispersal of pathogens
  4. insect dispersal of pathogens

human dispersal of pathogens

Q.122 Centre of origin of pigeon pea is?

  1. the Mediterran ean centre
  2. the Chinese centre
  3. the South American centre
  4. Peninsular India

Peninsular India

Q.123 Multi Parent Advanced Generation Intercross Population (MAGIC) generally requires how many members in crossing?

  1. 100 parents
  2. 8 parents
  3. 2 parents
  4. All members of minicore

8 parents

Q.124 ldentify the best suited stage of cell division for in situ hybridization in species where chromosome length is very short (eg. pulses)?

  1. Metaphase
  2. Pachytene
  3. Telophase
  4. Diakinesis


Q.125 Cephaleuros species cause?

  1. White rust
  2. Yellow rust
  3. Black rust
  4. Red rust

Red rust

Q.126 Vit B1 is also known as?

  1. Thiamine
  2. Riboflavin
  3. Niacin
  4. Biotin


Q.127 Which of the following is present in a prokaryotic cell?

  1. Nucleoid
  2. Nuclear membrane
  3. Mitochondria
  4. 80 S ribosomes


Q.128 The phenomenon of wobble hypothesis DOES NOT comply with which one of the following?

  1. the multiple codes for a given amino acid
  2. possible suppression of point mutations in the third base of the codons
  3. more easily removed deacylated RNA during protein synthesis
  4. fewer mRNA molecules than expected

fewer mRNA molecules than expected

Q.129 Triticale is a man-made cereal produced by crossing?

  1. T. aestivum x Secale cereal
  2. T. monococcum x T. speltoides
  3. T. bacticumx x T. turgidum
  4. Einkom x Emmer

T. aestivum x Secale cereal

Plant Science JRF Question Paper 2019

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Q.130 Pollination by bats is found in?

  1. Rafflesia
  2. Colocasia
  3. Anthocephalus
  4. Ceratophyllum


Q.131 Vertical resistance is also known as?

  1. Partial resistance
  2. Field resistance
  3. Dilatory resistance
  4. Major gene resistance

Major gene resistance

Q.132 Which variety of pigeon pea was used for whole genome sequencing?

  1. Pusa 992
  2. BSMR 736
  3. TJT 501
  4. Asha


Q.133 Pahala blight of sugarcane is caused due to deficiency of?

  1. Mn
  2. Mo
  3. Cu
  4. S


Q.134 Which of the following is a pleomorphic fungus?

  1. Sclerospora
  2. Erysiphe
  3. Ustilago
  4. Puccinia


Q.135 L-DOPA, useful as a drug for Parkinson's disease has been isolated from?

  1. Coptis japonica
  2. Thalictrum spp.
  3. Phellodendron amurense
  4. Vina faba

Vina faba

Q.136 Root nodules contain?

  1. haploid cells
  2. diploid cells
  3. triploid cells
  4. tetraploid cells

tetraploid cells

Q.137 French bean seeds are produced by?

  1. self-pollination
  2. often cross polination
  3. cross pollination
  4. self-incompatibility


Q.138 The appendages on cleis tothecium are coiled in the genus?

  1. Erysiphe
  2. Phyllactinia
  3. Microsphaera
  4. Uncinula


Q.139 Phenomenon of transduction in bacteria was discovered by?

  1. Griffith
  2. Tatum
  3. Lederberg
  4. Zinder& Lederberg

Zinder& Lederberg

Q.140 The cell organelles that act as factories which translate the genetic information from nucleus into usable protein molecules is?

  1. mRNA
  2. endoplasmic reticulum
  3. ribosomes
  4. vesicles



Q.141 Inner integument of the seed is called?

  1. Testa
  2. Micropyle
  3. Tegmen
  4. Epithelium


Q.142 In which kingdom is Oomycota included?

  1. Fungi
  2. Chromista
  3. Protozoa
  4. Protista


Q.143 The first enzyme to be purified and crystallized was?

  1. urease
  2. diastase
  3. insulin
  4. Zymase


Q.144 Which of the following is asexual spores in fungi?

  1. Ascospore
  2. Basidiospore
  3. Oospore
  4. Chlamydospore


Q.145 The apomixis that occurs commonly in Citrus species is?

  1. Gametophytic apomixis
  2. Sprophytic apomixis
  3. Diplospony
  4. Apogamy

Sprophytic apomixis

Q.146 In cereals, phytin is stored in?

  1. Aleuron layer
  2. Endosperm
  3. Scutellum
  4. Embryo

Aleuron layer

Q.147 "Which of the following is NOT a physiological disease?

  1. Black heart of potato
  2. Tip burn of paddy
  3. Dieback of linseed
  4. Marsh spot of peas

Dieback of linseed

Q.148 Which stain is generally used for staining mitochondria?

  1. Acetocarmine
  2. Acetoorcein
  3. Potassium iodide
  4. Janus green B

Janus green B

Q.149 The fungi in which parasitic habit is weakly developed is called?

  1. Perthotrophs
  2. Facultative parasites
  3. Necrotrophs
  4. Facultative saprophytes

Facultative parasites

Q.150 Seven characters of Mendel's experiment were located on how many chromosomes?

  1. 7
  2. 4
  3. 5
  4. 6


Plant Science JRF Question Paper 2019

Q.151 The classical work of Beadle and Tatum on Neurospera carsa has proved that?

  1. Replication of DNA is semiconservative
  2. Viruses have genetic material
  3. One gene is responsible for synthesis of one enzyme
  4. Plant cells contain prokaryotic genome

One gene is responsible for synthesis of one enzyme

Q.152 The tendency of genes to remain together in the same gamete during segregation and not show independent segregation is found in?

  1. QTLS
  2. Epistatic genes
  3. Linked genes
  4. Multiple alleles

Linked genes

Q.153 Scientific name of pulse beetle' is?

  1. Tribolium castaneum
  2. Rhizopertha dominica
  3. Callosobruchus chineusis
  4. Plodia interpunctella

Callosobruchus chineusis

Q.154 In a self-pollinated crop variety, if a mechanical mixture was caused during threshing, then which breeding method would you adopt to purify the variety?

  1. Recurrent selection
  2. Bulk selection
  3. Mass selection
  4. Pure line selection

Pure line selection

Q.155 Which plant is used for making cricket bat?

  1. Morus
  2. Salix
  3. Adina
  4. Juglans


Q.156 Nonsense codon opal is?

  1. UGA
  2. UAG
  3. UAA
  4. AUU


Q.157 The three-nucleotide combination, adenine-uracil-guanine codes for?

  1. Methionine
  2. Leucine
  3. Alanine
  4. Guanine


Q.158 Histone proteins found in the nucleus are rich in?

  1. Lysine and arginine
  2. Lysine and threon ine
  3. Arginine and threonine
  4. Methionine and threonine

Lysine and arginine

Q.159 Which of the following is a soft fibre?

  1. Jute
  2. Cotton
  3. Sisal
  4. Manilla hemp


Q.160 In butterflies and moths, the sex determination system is?

  1. XX-XY, heterogametic male
  2. XX-XO, heterogametic male
  3. ZW-ZZ, heterogametic female
  4. ZO-ZZ, heterogametic female
ZW-ZZ, heterogametic female

Plant Science JRF Question Paper 2019

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