Rajasthan Pre Pg Old Question Paper 2020

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Rajasthan Pre Pg Old Question Paper 2020

Rajasthan Pre Pg Old Question Paper 2019

Rajasthan Pre Pg Agriculture

Q.1 Which phylum in Animal Kingdom is represented by Snails and Slugs?

  1. Proto
  2. Coelenterata
  3. Mollusca
  4. Arthropoda


Q.2 The minimum wind velocity required to initiate movement of soil particles is known as ?

  1. Critical velocity
  2. Threshold velocity
  3. Dynamic threshold velocity
  4. Intrinsic velocity

Threshold velocity

Q.3 Powdery mildew disease of mango is caused by?

  1. Leveilula sp
  2. Oidium sp
  3. Erysiphe sp
  4. Uncinula sp

Oidium sp

Q.4 Which is first evidenced ornamental plant?

  1. Kadamba
  2. Sal
  3. Nagkesar
  4. Pipal


Q.5 Basipetal movement in plant is shown by the fungicide?

  1. Bavistin
  2. Metalaxyl
  3. Etaconazole
  4. Fosetyl Al

Fosetyl Al

Q.6 The discharge rates of drip emitters usually ranges from?

  1. 2 10 litres/day
  2. 2 10 litres/hr
  3. 2 10 litres/min
  4. 2 10 litres/sec

2 10 litres/h

Q.7 The muscles used to operate appendages in insect are?

  1. Abductor muscles
  2. Dorsal muscles
  3. Basalar muscles
  4. Axillary muscles

Abductor muscles

Q.8 Negative income effoct is stronger than positive substitution effect for?

  1. Giffen goods
  2. Capital goods
  3. Normal goods
  4. Economic goods

Giffen goods

Q.9 Which cell organelle is surrounded by single membrane?

  1. Peroxisome
  2. Chloroplast
  3. Mitochondria
  4. Nucleus


Q.10 In the ultra-structure of mitochondrix, the inner membrane has series of inside folds is known as?

  1. Matrix
  2. Grannlamellae
  3. Cristae
  4. Stroma lamelle


Q.11 Match series A with series and select correct answer?

Serie A Series B
Soybean Rhizobium spp
Cowpea Rhizobium meliori
Berseem Rhizobium japonicum
Luceme Rhizobium trifolii
  1. (i) (a) (ii) (d) (iii) (b) (iv) (c)
  2. (i) (a) (ii) (d) (iii) (c) (iv) (b)
  3. (i) (c) (ii) (b) (iii) (a) (iv) (d)
  4. (i) (c) (ii) (a) (iii) (d) (iv) (b)

(i) (c) (ii) (a) (iii) (d) (iv) (b)

Q.12 What is the simple arithmetic mean 16,9,13,20, 16, 17, 21,19?

  1. 15.5
  2. 16.5
  3. 16.4
  4. 17.5


Q.13 Exoskeleton, functional wings, small size and hexapod locomotion are……… adaptations for insect dominance in nature?

  1. Developmental
  2. Specificity of food
  3. Structural
  4. Defence mechanism


Q.14 When MP> AP, AP is?

  1. Maximu
  2. Increasing
  3. Decreasing
  4. Constant


Q.15 Papaya Ring Spot virus is having genetic material as?

  1. ssRNA
  2. ssDNA
  3. dsRNA
  4. dsDNA


Q.16 Which ratio shows the relationship between total assets and total liabilities?

  1. Leverage ratio
  2. Current ratio
  3. Net capital ratio
  4. Acid test ratio

Net capital ratio

Q.17 Who proposed the first basic persuasive communication model?

  1. Aristotle
  2. Lasswell
  3. Schramm
  4. Berlo


Q.18 Which of the following crap is believed to have China as the secondary center of origin?

  1. Soybean
  2. Maize
  3. Radish
  4. Brinjal


Q.19 Trade name of bispyribac Na herbicide is?

  1. Laudis
  2. Axial
  3. Sempre
  4. Nominee gold

Nominee gold

Q.20 The garden architect Repton is associated with?

  1. Italian Garden
  2. French Garden
  3. English Garden
  4. Persian Garden

English Garden

Q.21 Hand collection of insect is a?

  1. Biological method
  2. Chemical method
  3. Mechanical method
  4. Physical method

Mechanical method

Q.22 The book “Extension Education is written by?

  1. A.S. Sandhu
  2. A. Adivi Reddy
  3. G.L. Ready
  4. S.V.Supe

A. Adivi Reddy

Q.23 Major insect pest of teak (Tectona grandis) is?

  1. Hoplocerambyx spinicornis
  2. Hyblata pura
  3. Hypsipyla robusta
  4. Atteva fabriciella

Hyblata pura

Q.24 Based on temporal arrangement of agroforestry system, Home garden is an example of?

  1. Interpolated
  2. Concomitant
  3. Coincident
  4. Intermittent


Q.25 Which one of the following is inorganic sulphur compound used as fungicide?

  1. Thiram
  2. Lime Sulphar
  3. Ferbam
  4. Maneb

Lime Sulphar

Q.26 In Arachnids, cephalothorax consists of four pairs of?

  1. Wings
  2. Walking legs
  3. Antenne
  4. Compound eyes

Walking legs

Q.27 In ideal surface soil, solid, liquid and gaseous phase exist in the following proportion?

  1. Solid (50%): liquid (25%) : gaseous (25%)
  2. Solid (25%): liquid (50%): gaseous (25%)
  3. Solid (25%): liquid (25%): gaseous (50%)
  4. Solid (70%): liquid (15%): gaseous (15%)

Solid (50%): liquid (25%) : gaseous (25%)

Q.28 Who wrote the book “Principles of population in 1798?

  1. Alfred Marshall
  2. Thomas Robert Maltes
  3. Adam Smith
  4. David Ricardo

Thomas Robert Maltes

Q.29 Which one of the following is Simple interest disease?

  1. Lute blight of potato
  2. Set rust of what
  3. Vascular wilt
  4. Powdery mildew

Vascular wilt

Q.30 The prosthetic group of alcohol dehydrogenase enzyme is?

  1. Iron
  2. Calcium
  3. Copper
  4. Zinc


Q.31 Which part of the plant has horizontal growth habit?

  1. Offset
  2. Crown
  3. Sucker
  4. Runner


Q.32 What is the name of the part of flower where stigmas emerge from the terminal end of cob?

  1. Tassel
  2. Fluff
  3. Fuzz
  4. Silk


Q.33 ……..is the value of retum sacrificed or foregone from the next best alternative activity?

  1. Real Cost
  2. Nominal Cosi
  3. Opportunity Cost
  4. Economic Cost

Opportunity Cost

Q.34 As per F1 2019 report, total forest and tree cover of India is?

  1. 19.09
  2. 2.29%
  3. 2.56%
  4. 25.80%


Q.35 Who suggested convergent improvement method for improving inbred lines without altering their proven combining ability?

  1. Jenkins (1995)
  2. Richey (1927)
  3. Einset (1943)
  4. Johnson (1939)

Richey (1927)

Q.36 The highly wind erosion affected state (India) is?

  1. M.P.
  2. AP
  3. Gujarat
  4. Rajasthan


Q.37 Horizon which is formed as a result of pedogenic processes and having distinct properties that can be described in terms of measurable oil properties is called?

  1. C horizon
  2. Diagnostic horizon
  3. A-horizon
  4. O-horizon

Diagnostic horizon

Q.38 Example of Ketose sugar is?

  1. Glucose
  2. Fructose
  3. Ribose
  4. Galactose


Q.39 Reaction of rock phosphate with phosphoric acid results in?

  1. Single super phosphate
  2. Phosphorus rich organic manure
  3. Triple super phosphate
  4. Rhenania phosphate

Single super phosphate

Q.40 The heavy mortality in Khair & Sissco is due to root rot caused by?

  1. Fomes annosus
  2. Corricium samnicolor
  3. Pseudomonas salonaceum
  4. Ganoderma lacidum

Ganoderma lacidum

Q.41 Biotic components, producers, consumers and decomposers are structural components of?

  1. Habitat
  2. Community Ecology
  3. Population Ecology
  4. Ecosystem


Q.42. Removal of a thin and fairly uniform layer of the soil from the land surface by runoff water is called as?

  1. Torrent erosion
  2. Sheet erosion
  3. Glacial erosion
  4. Geologic erosion

Sheet erosion

Q.43 In Griffith (1928) experiment, which form of virulent bacteria D. pneumonia that secretes polysaccharide covering capsule and cause pneumonia in mice?

  1. Globular
  2. Dull
  3. Ringh
  4. Smooth


Q.44 Unit of pH is?

  1. Percent
  2. Molar litre-1
  3. dS m-1
  4. Unit less rt

Unit less

Q.45 India is having…… water resources of the world?

  1. 2%
  2. 4%
  3. 3.6%
  4. 16.5%


Q.46 Which is culture technique is used to obtain virus free plants?

  1. Ovale culture
  2. Meristem culture
  3. Anther culture
  4. ALL

Meristem culture

Q.47 Which one of the following is ICAR’s research repition for research management?

  4. ARYA


Q.48 Factors affecting water crosion is expressed as?

(where Ew, c, t, v and s are crosion due to action of water, climate, topography, vegetation and soils respectively)

  • Ew=f(c,t,v,s)


Q.49 The flower colour of Dillenia indica is?

  1. Purple
  2. Red
  3. Yellow
  4. White


Q.50 The bug Telenemis scrupulosa is employed as a bio-control agent against?

  1. Parthenicom
  2. Alligator weed
  3. Lantana
  4. Opuntia


Rajasthan Pre Pg Old Question Paper 2020

Q.51 Which one is not correctly matched?

  1. Juglone Black walnut
  2. Marasmin Higher plants
  3. Choline-Sesbania
  4. Sesquiterpene Parthenium


Q.52 Which one of the following is total root parasite of plants?

  1. Striga
  2. Orobanche
  3. Cuscuta
  4. Loranthus


Q.53. Pusa Anupam variety of brinjal has been developed by?

  1. Crossing Pusa Kranti ×PPC rt
  2. Crossing Arka Sheel x Arka Shirish
  3. Crossing Japanese Long XR 34
  4. Selection

Crossing Pusa Kranti ×PPC

Q.54 In balanced fertilization, nutrient toxicity, environment pollution, dererioration of soil health, low nutrient use efficiency can be managed by?

  1. Crop rotation
  2. Use of high yielding varieties
  3. Adopting nutrient recommendation
  4. Inter-cropping

Adopting nutrient recommendation

Q.55 The usual diameter classes used in India are?

  1. 5, 10, 15cm
  2. 1,3,5cm
  3. 2,5, 10cm
  4. 10,20,30cm

2,5, 10cm

Q.56 In the rotation of double helix, which groove allows binding to non-histone proteins?

  1. Major groove
  2. Split groove
  3. Ligase groove
  4. Minor groove

Major groove

Q.57 Entrepreneurship Development Institution of India is located at?

  1. Guwahati
  2. Ahmedabad
  3. New Delhi
  4. Bengaluru


Q.58 Govt, of Indio launched this programme in 1986 to increase the production of oilseed and to reduce import and achieve self-sufficiency in edible oils?

  1. IAAP
  3. IADP
  4. TMO


Q.59 Which is a gynodioscious variety of papaya?

  1. Surya
  2. Pusa Dwarf
  3. Pusa Giant
  4. Punjab Sweet


Q.60 Which is an indeterminate variety of tomato?

  1. Pusa Ruby
  2. Pusa Gaurav
  3. Pusa Early Dwarf
  4. Pusa Sheetal

Pusa Ruby

Q.61 Monoclimax theory of plant succession was proposed by?

  1. Whittaker
  2. Odum
  3. Clements
  4. Aubreville


Q.62 In pomology, the word pomum is derived from?

  1. French term
  2. Spanish term
  3. Latin term
  4. Greek term

Latin term

Q.63 Calculate the harvest index of maize, il grain yield is 5. dha and shelling percentage is 75 and Stover yield is 10.5 t/ha?

  1. 0.29
  2. 0.32
  3. 0.36
  4. 0.47


Q.64 White leghorn breed of poultry belongs to?

  1. English class
  2. Asiatic class
  3. American class
  4. Mediterranean class

Mediterranean class

Q.65 Which of the following is not a part of P.K. Nair agroforestry classification?

  1. Structural basis
  2. Ecological basis
  3. Physiognomic basis
  4. Functional basis

Physiognomic basis

Q.66 It is the definise outline of procedure or activities for solving different problems of Extension Programme?

  1. Mission
  2. Vision
  3. Plan of work
  4. Calendar of operation

Plan of work

Q.67 Soil application of Phovate 10G @ 20kg/ha is done for the control of?

  1. Paddy grasshopper
  2. Painted bug
  3. Blister beetle
  4. White grub

White grub

Q.68 Clamp connection is found in the member of fungi belonging to class?

  1. Oomycetes
  2. Ascomycetes
  3. Basidiomycetes
  4. Zygomycetes


Q.69 Gene-for-gene hypothesis was given by?

  1. EJ. Butler
  2. H.H. Flor
  3. Gierer and Schramm
  4. M.A. Farlow

H.H. Flor

Q.70 In which of the following crops, acclimatization is more rapid?

  1. Self-pollinated
  2. Cross pollinated
  3. Often cross pollinated
  4. Vegetatively propagated

Cross pollinated

Q.71 Amount of food piven to animal at a time or in portions intervals in 24 hours is called?

  1. Diet
  2. Feed
  3. Ration
  4. Steaming up


Q.72 Soil textural class having highly desirable properties for most uses is?

  1. sand
  2. Silty clay
  3. Loam
  4. Sandy loam


Q.73 Which one of the following machines is not suitable for zero till planting of crops under surface residue condition ?

  1. Turbo happy seeder
  2. Rotary disc drill
  3. Double disc drill
  4. Tyne opener zero till drill

Tyne opener zero till drill

Q.74 These wet customary ways of behaving in society in which the society exerts some force for conformity?

  1. Customers
  2. Mores
  3. Folkways
  4. Traditions


Q.75 ……… is a water soluble fix type wood preservative?

  1. Anenic copper chromate
  2. Copper sulphate
  3. Zine chloride
  4. Sodium pentachlorphenate

Anenic copper chromate

Q.76 Proponent of “Marthandam” Rural Development Programme is?

  1. Spencer Hatch
  2. Daniel Hamiltion
  3. A.T. Mosher
  4. M.K. Gandhi

Spencer Hatch

Q.77 The firing order of a stroke 4-cylinder engine is given as?

  1. 1-2-3-4
  2. 1-3-2-4
  3. 1-3-4-2
  4. 1-4-3-2


Q.78.Which of the following is believed to be a primary center of origin of sorghum?

  1. North-East Africa
  2. Central America
  3. South-East America
  4. Northern Europe

North-East Africa

Q.79 German system “Waldfeldban” is similar to the system?

  1. Shifting cultivation
  2. Home garden
  3. Taungya
  4. Alley cropping


Q.80 The science that deals with the influmce of soils on living things, particularly ples including human being use of land for plant growth is known as?

  1. Agronomy
  2. Crop science
  3. Edaphology
  4. Crop geometry


Q.81 Act of giving birth to young ones after completion of gestation period is known as?

  1. Parturition
  2. Weaning
  3. Micturition
  4. Calving interval


Q.82 Example of day-neutral plant is?

  1. Phaseolus vulgaris (Kidney bean)
  2. Chrysanthemum
  3. Clover
  4. Bryophyllum

Phaseolus vulgaris (Kidney bean)

Q.83 The artificial sweetener known as Aspartame or NutraSweet is a?

  1. Sugar
  2. Dipeptide
  3. Tripeptide
  4. Purine


Q.84 The first regulated market, Karanjia cotton market, was established in the yea?

  1. 1806
  2. 1826
  3. 1876
  4. 1886


Q.85 It is the largest phylum of Animal Kingdom?

  1. Arthropod
  2. Porifera
  3. Annelida
  4. Echinodermata


Q.86 In the structural changes in chrorxosome, which type of change is not included?

  1. Deletion
  2. Nullisomics
  3. Translocation
  4. Inversion


Q.87 Recorded forest area in Rajasthan as per FSI, 2019………… % of total geographical area of state?

  1. 9.57%
  2. 6.80%
  3. 8.6%
  4. 19.05


Q.88 Closed floorspace requirement for a cow is?

  1. 0m2
  2. 3.5 m2
  3. 7.0m2
  4. 10m2

3.5 m2

Q.89 Which of the following climate classification was modified by ICRISAT?

  1. Troll
  2. Thornthwaite
  3. Lang
  4. Martnees


Q.90 Which of the following molecular marker is non-PCR based?

  1. RAPD
  2. AFLP
  3. RFLP
  4. CAPS


Q.91 Which variety of chilli is suitable for extraction of Capsaicin?

  1. PasaJwala
  2. Andhra Jyoti
  3. Punjab lal
  4. G-4

Punjab lal

Q.92 These are series of illustrated cards which when flashed or presented in a proper sequence tell a complete story?

  1. Elash cards
  2. Flannel graph
  3. Bulletin board
  4. Posters

Elash cards

Q.93 In which of the following method, computerized control holding pipette is used for introduction of foreign DNA?

  1. Particle Bombardment
  2. Micro-projectiles
  3. Micro-injection
  4. Laser beam


Q.94 Which one of the following millets can withstand drought and waterlogging both?

  1. Finger millet
  2. Little millet
  3. Foxtail millet
  4. Kodo millet

Little millet

Q.95 Which plant hormone causes plant tropism?

  1. Cytokinin
  2. Auxin
  3. Ethylene
  4. GA3


Q.96 Lactic acid bacteria, useful for pickling, are most active at?

  1. 20°C
  2. 35°C
  3. 41°C
  4. 30°C


Q.97 Which one of the following is known as Foliar nematode?

  1. Aphelenchoides sp.
  2. Trichodorus sp.
  3. Belonolaimus sp.
  4. Radopholus sp.

Aphelenchoides sp

Q.98 ………….tonnes of seed cane are required to raise settings for transplanting in 1 ha area of sugarcane (Transplanting Technique)?

  1. 1
  2. 2
  3. 4
  4. 10


Q.99 Fire blight of pears and apples is caused by?

  1. Ralstonia amylovora
  2. Erwinia amylovora
  3. Clavibacter michiganensis
  4. Venturia inaequalis

Erwinia amylovora

Q.100 Chlorosis, necrosis, reddening, stunting, new growth cessation etc. of plants are characterized as?

  1. Visual nutrient toxicity symptoms
  2. Visual nutrient deficiency symptoms
  3. Visual frost injury symptoms
  4. Visual water stress symptoms

Visual nutrient deficiency symptoms

Rajasthan Pre Pg Old Question Paper 2020

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