Social Science MCQ – 20

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Social Science MCQ – 20

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Social Science MCQ Study


Agriexam Daily Quiz


Q.1: Kasturba Gandhi Education Scheme was started in?

  1. 1983
  2. 1997
  3. 1998
  4. 1999

Answer: 2

Q.2: Keystoning effect is experienced in which kind of projector?

  1. Overhead
  2. Opaque
  3. Slide
  4. All of the above

Answer: 1

Q.3: Land holding of either 10 or more hectares have been classified as ?

  1. Semi-large
  2. Medium
  3. Semi-medium
  4. Large

Answer: 4

Q.4: Land reforms have been equated with total of which of the following developments?

  1. Industrial
  2. Agrarian
  3. Urban
  4. Education

Answer: 2

Q.5: Law of demand states when ?

  1. Price increases, demand decreases
  2. Price decreases, demand does not change
  3. Price decreases, demand decreases
  4. Price increases, demand increases

Answer: 1

Q.6: Leaders who used to listen considerably to the follower’s opinion before making any decision but the final decision is taken as their own, are?

  1. Participtive Leaders
  2. Benevolent Autocrats
  3. Supportive Leaders
  4. Free Rein leaders

Answer: 2

Q.7: Liberalisation, Privatisation and Globalisation are the aims of ?

  1. Land reforms
  2. Socialistic pattern of society
  3. Economic planning
  4. Economic reforms

Answer: 4

Q.8: Linguistic theory is associated with ?

  1. Mass system for symbolisation in common
  2. Behaviour of individual in the use of language
  3. Leadership Quotient
  4. Communication IQ

Answer: 1

Q.9: Liquidity preference implies ?

  1. Showing preference to hold capital assets
  2. Desire of the public to hold cash
  3. Refraining from consumption
  4. Showing preference to hold bonds and securities

Answer: 2

Q.10: Mahila Samriddhi Yojana was started in?.

  1. 1993
  2. 1997
  3. 1998
  4. 1999

Answer: 1

Social Science MCQ – 20

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