Soil Science One Liners For Competitive Exams

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Soil Science One Liners

Soil Science One Liners

Soil Science One Liners For Agriculture Competitive Exams CWC, FCI, & National Seed Corporation 

Question Answer
Beneficial elements are ? Co, Si, Na, Ni, Va
Silicon is essential for? Rice, Maize
Special kinds of alkaline soils? Takyr and Lunettes
Azotobacter is used for the crops like?   Rice, Cotton and Sugarcane
Black soils found in? Maharashtra
Water help up to the tension about 31 atm is known as?    Hygroscopic coefficient.
Nif: gene responsible for? N-fixation
Black soils are best suitable for? Dry land agriculture
According to USDA, soils have been divided into? 10 orders
The red soils are red in colour due to presence of? Iron oxide
Botanical name of Gladiolus? Gladiolus grandiflorus
Soils having pH value <7.0?     Acid soil
Most dominant mineral on earth crust? Feldspars (48%)
Mechanical analysis of soils separation is done by?     Hydrometric method
In red soils the dominant clay mineral is? Kaolinite
One cm of surface soil over one ha of land weight is? 150 tones
Total pore space are highest in? Clay soils
The weight of furrow slice of soil is?

2.25 x 106 Kg/ha

Wood is mainly decomposed by? Actinomycetes
Population of actinomycetes is higher in? Alkaline soils
In addition of organic matter bulk density? Decreases
Soils having more than 20% organic matter known as? Organic soils
The soils which have pH <4.0 are known as? Cat soils
Canker nodules are mostly found in? Red soils

Chlorites are type of mineral?

2:1:1 type mineral
Veriniculate is a type of mineral? 2:1 limited expanding
Montmorillonite is a type of mineral ? 2:1 expanding type
Kaolinite is a typc of mincral? 1:1 non expanding
Particle density of most of the soil is? 2.65 g/cc
Bulk density of general soil ? 1.33 g/cc

Question Answer
N% in Thio urea? 36.8%
Organic carbon is determined by? 1. Walkey or Black method 2. Morgan’s method
N percentage in “Kisan khad” (CAN)? 28% N
N percentage in urea? 46% N
K20% in murate of potash (KCl)? 60% 
N% in ammonium sulphate? 20.6% N
Highest N percentage in fertilizer? Aqueous ammonia (80%) N
N percentage in cotton cake?  6.5% N
Major source of Mo? Olivine
Least resistant to weathering? Calcite
N% in sodium nitrate? 16% N
Ca % in Gypsum (CaSo4.2H2O) ? 29.2% Ca
P205% in single super phosphate ? 16-20% P205
N2 and P205% in DAP? 16% N 48% P205
Major source of Mg? Dalomite
Chief constituent of sandy fraction? Quartz
Granite and Basalt are type of rocks? Igneous rocks
Fastest N fixing plant? Sesbania rostrata
K20% in potassium sulphate? 48-52% 
Diameter of silt particle is?    0.02-0.002 mm.
Diameter of fine sand particle is? 0.02-0.2 mm
‘O’ Horizon is absent in? Arable soils.
Top most mineral horizon is? A’ Horizon
Diameter of clay particle is? Less than 0.002 mm
Most outstanding green manure crop?  Sun hemp
Weight of soil Furrow slice? 2.25 x106 kg/ha
Which Soil structure is best for cultivation is? Crumby structure.
“Law of minimum” was proposed by? J.V. Liebig (1840)
Limestone, Dolomite, Sandstone, which type of rock? Sedimentary rocks
Most of the exchange of gases in soil is due to? Diffusion


Soil Science One Liners

Question Answer
Soil type vertisol is related to? Black soil
Kaolinite is a type of mineral? 1:1 type
Major source of Mn? Pirolusic
Soil have highest cation exchange capacity?     Black clayey soil

Pascal (Pa) is the SI unit of?

The soils which are most suitable for the most of the crops are? Sandy loam
Diameter of coarse sand particle is? 0.2-2 mm.
The word ‘Zero tillage’ was termed by? Jethro Tull
First country to introduce zero tillage? U.S.A
Microorganism have highest biomass in soil? Fungi
Block Delivery Scheme (BDS) for fertilizer was launched in? 1980-81
Indian Institute of Soil Science (IISS) is situated in? Bhopal
Nutrient essential for energy transformation  ?. Phosphorus
Loss of N2 in the form of NH3 in alkaline medium? Volatilization
Highest production of F.Y.M. in state? Karnataka
C:N ratio for normal soils are? 10:1 ratio
C:N ratio of micro organism? 4:1 to 9: 1
Rose is commonly propagated by? T’ or shield budding
Acid soils are mainly found in the state? Kerela state
Nitrate fertilizers should be applied in? Oxidized zone
C: N ratio of farm yard manure? 25:1 to 30:1
Ammonical fertilizers should be applied in? Reduced zone
Study of soils in relation to higher plants is called? Edaphology
C:N ratio of leguminous? 20:1 to 30 1
E. C. of humus? 150-300 C mol (P kg soil]
Excess of Ca in soil than availability of P?      Decreases
Particle more than 250 mm in diameter is known as? Stone
Rose is propageted by? T-budding.
Alluvial horizon is? B’ horizon.
Gladiolus is propagated by?   Corn
Maximum Eluviation horizon is? ‘E’ horizon

Soil Science One Liners

Question Answer
Optimum temperature and pH for nitrifying bacteria is ? Temperature 30-35°C, pH 6.5-7.5.
Particle density of most of the soils is? 65 g/cm
Chlorites are which type of mineral? 2:1:1 type mineral
Recently formed soil order is?   Entisols
Bulk density of general soils is? 1.33 mg/cm3
Micas are type of mineral? Non expending type mineral
Vermiculate is a type of mineral? limited expending 2: 1 type mineral.
Organic matter content in Indian soils is generally? <0.5%
C.E.C. of montmorillonite? 86-100 c mol (P+)/kg soil
C.E.C. of vermiculate?  80-150 c mol (P +)/kg soil
N% in cotton cake ? 6,5%
C:N ratio of humus?     10: I
High lime requirement crops are? Soybean or Sugar beet
Fertilizer Control Act (FCA) was introduced in year? 1957
Central fertilizer pool was started in year?     1944
Classification of soils by ICAR in? 8 groups.
Black cotton soils are found in? Maharashtra, MP
Thornless variety of rose is? Chitra
Major source of P? Apatite.
Native of Marigold?         Mexico
Problems of soils are highest in? U.P
Permissible soil loss by water is? 12 t/ha
No. of soils orders according to 7th approximation classifications are?    11 orders
Major source of K? Orthoclase
Acid tolerant crop is? Rice
Highly salt tolerant crops are? Barley, sugar-beet.
Urea is considered as type of fertilizer? Organic fertilizer
Major source of B? Tourmaline
Excess vegetative growth is duet? High supply of nitrogen.
Alluvial soils are dominant in?    U.P

Soil Science One Liners

Question Answer
The term ‘Colloids was given by? Grahm (1861)
Azolla is widely used as a bio fertilizer in? Rice crop
Formula of castic soda is? NaOH
Black cotton soils are deficient in? Nitrogen & O.M
Urea in the presence of enzyme urease converted in to? Ammonium Carbamat
Formula of backing soda is? NaHCO
In black soils the dominant clay mineral is? Montmorillonite
soil particles <0.001mm diameter have? Colloidal property
Organic matter content in Indian soils is generally? Less than 0.5%
In which state red soils are dominant? Tamil Nadu
Fine texture soils are more sensitive to? Water erosion
Highest SSP producer plants are in state? Rajasthan
Process of mixing of soils is known as?      Pedoturbation
Highest No. of nitrogenous fertilizer plants are in state? U.P. and Gujarat

‘O’ horizon is absent in which soils?

Arable soils
Which pulse crop docs not fix N from the atmosphere?  Rajma
Die back of citrus occurs due to? Cu deficiency
Sickle leaf disease occur due to? P deficiency
Failure of terminal bud or root tip due to?  Ca deficiency
Tea yellow disease occurs due to? S deficiency
Top sickness of tobacco occurs due to? B deficiency
Chlorosis in between the veins and veins? Mg Deficiency
Interveinal chlorosis occurs due to? Mg and Fe deficiency
Tip burn, margin scorching shows the deficiency of? K+
Brittle loaf occurs due to? Ca deficiency
Little leaf of cotton occurs due to ? Zn deficiency
White tip or white bud of maize occurs due to?  Zn deficiency
Complete interveinal chlorosis occurs due to? Mn deficiency
Pollen sterility in wheat is due to? Boron-deficiency
Grey speck of oat, First blight of sugarcane caused by?  Mn deficiency
Rosetting and excess gumming occurs due to? Cu deficiency
Excess vegetative growth is due to the supply of? High supply of N
Whip-tail of cauliflower occurs due to the deficiency of? Mo deficiency
Major constituent of chlorophyll is? Mg


Soil Science One Liners

Question Answer
Deficiency symptoms of N, P, K, Mg and Mo appear in?  Older leaves
New leaves show deficiency symptoms of?  Fe, Mn, Cu, S
Old and new leaves show deficiency symptoms of? Zn
Deficiency symptoms of Ca and B appear in?  Terminal buds
Cereal crops show ‘V’ shaped pale yellowing at lower leaf tips due to deficiency of? N
Deficiency appears as short inter-nodes in plant? N
Purple coloration appeared in leaves due to?  P deficiency
Scorching and burning on margins of bottom leaves and irregular fruit development of plant are most common symptoms of?  K deficiency
Downward cupping of leaves in Tobacco and Tea shows?  S deficiency
Whip like structure appeared in terminal bud?  B deficiency
Burning quality of Tobacco decreased due to? Chloride
Upper leaves will s how chlorosis on midrib, veins green and dead spots occur in all parts of leaf (veins, tips and margins) show?  Zn deficiency
Translucent spots of irregular shape between veins shows? Mo deficiency
Inter-veinal yellowing of younger leaves shows Mn deficiency
Zn toxicity is reduced by addition of? Super phosphate
A situation in which a crop needs more of a given nutrient yet has shown no deficiency symptoms?  Hidden Hunger
Luxury consumed nutrient by plants i.e. maize? K
Excess of N, P and K causes deficiency of?  Cu
Excess of Ca causes deficiency of? P
Deficiency of N indicated by plant? Cauliflower
Deficiency of Bo indicated by plant? Sugar beet

Soil Science One Liners

Question Answer
Soils having at least 20% Organic Matter are known as? Organic soil
Sulphur percentage in ammonium sulphate? 24%
N% in ammonium sulphate nitrate? 26% N
Substances added to soils for the improvement of their condition known as? Amendments
Equivalent acidity of NaNO3? 29
Equivalent acidity of ammonium nirate? 60
Equivalent acidity of NH4CI?    128
Equivalent acidity of DAP? 77
Equivalent acidity of Urea? 80-85
Equivalent acidity of (NH4)2S04? 110
Equivalent acidity of Ca(NO3 )2?  21
Wood is mainly decomposed by? Actinomycetes
Laterite soils are dominant in? Karnataka and Kerala
N.Р.К. % in F.Y.M?  0.5% N, 0.2% P205, 0.5 K20
The fertilizer having less than 25% of the primary nutrient known as? Low analysis fertilizers
Apical bud dominance is caused by which hormone? Auxin
Most outstanding green manure crop is? Sunhemp (Crotalaria juncea)
Queen of flowers?  Roses.
Bioret should be according to fertilizer control order? <1.5

Rhizobium trifolii is used for?

Trifoliem (Clover)
 Ballast elements are? Al and Silicon
First manufactured fertilizer in India is? SSP
Electrical conductivity is used to express? Salinity of the soil
The soils which are most suitable for most of the crops are? Sandy loams.
Total fertilizer plants in operation in India are? 141 plants
Process of moving out of sesquioxide is known as?     Podzolization
Cankar nodule are found mostly in? Red soils
Nitrogen %  in ammonium nitrate? 33-35% N



Soil Science One Liners

Question Answer
Zn, Fe, are? Micro nutrients
Functional nutrients are in number? 20
Analyzing process for determination of available N:? Alkaline permanganate method.
Citrate and water insoluble P fertilizer?
  • Rock phosphate
  • raw bone meal
  • steamed bone meal
Major source of nitrogen absorption by plants is?  Nitrate (NO3-) form
Secondary nutrients are? Ca, Mg, S
Portion of capillary water lying between field Capacity (1/3atm) and wilting co-efficient (15 atm)is known as? Available water
Sulphur percentage in ammonium sulphate nitrate? 15%
N percentage in ammonium chloride? 26%
AM & N serve are? Nitrification inhibitors

The smallest volume of soil is called as?

Azotobacter is used for the crops like? Rice, Cotton and Sugarcane
Major constituent of chlorophyll is?  Mg
Zn, Fe, are? Rice, Maize
Application of clay to sandy soils is known as? Marling
Leaching is used for the treatment of? Saline soils
Gneiss and Marble are type of rocks? Metamorphic rocks
Physical property which can't be changed?  Soil texture
Red soils are dominant in? Tamil Nadu
Indian soils are deficient in? Zinc
S% in Gypsum ? 18.6%S
P205% in double super phosphate (D.S.P.) ? 32%P205
If pH < 8.5, EC > 4 (ds/m). ESP < 15% the soil will be?  Saline
Rhizobium melilots is used for the crops?

Madicago (Alfaalfa),

Trigonella (Fenugreek)

Sulphur % in potassium sulphate?  17.5%

leguminosarum is used for?

Pisum (Pea), Lens (Lentil)
N percentage in calcium cyanamide? 20.6 %
Major constituent of chlorophyll is? Mg
The form of N is preferable for saline soils? Nitrate form
Citrate soluble P fertilizer? 

Di calcium phosphate,

Basic slag,

Rhemania phosphate

Soil Science One Liners

Question Answer
The adverse effect of salinity on plants is due to increased ? Osmotic pressure
The crops which absorb the nitrogen in amnonical form directly are? Paddy & Potato
Crop having the highest tolerance to boron is? Sugar beet
Rice can tolerate very low level even complete ....of oxygen in the soil? absence
Desired size of the soil sample for soil testing? 0.5-1.0 kg
Lowering of the bulk density of a soil indicates? Better physical property
ppm-per cent/ 10000 or ppm equal to? 0.0001 %
The soils which have organic matter + Na are known as? Black alkali soils
Osmotic regulation is maintained by?  K+
Co is the structural component of?  Vit. B12
Total urea production plant in operation in India are ? 29 plants
If pH > 8.5, EC-4 (ds/m), ESP > 15% the soil will be? Aline alkali
If pH < 8.5. EC > 4 (ds/m). ESP > 15% the soil will be ?  Saline alkali
Sivaraman Committee was constituted for? Fertilizer
Gypsum is used for the reclamation of?   Alkali soils
Lime stone is used for the reclamation of? Acidic soils

Bulk density formula for soils is? B.D.= Weight of oven dry soil / Volume of soil (Solid + Pores)


Important Table - 1 Cl;ick
Important Table - 2 Cl;ick
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Fertilizers classification Cl;ick

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