Soil Science One Liners For All Agricultural Exams
Subject:- Soil Science
Special 30 One Liner Questions
Questions | Answer | |
1 | Kandic and Arfullic origin found in which order? | Alfisol |
2 | maximum damaging effect in one of the following soils? | Alfisols |
3 | The order that have not been observed in India? | Gelisols |
4 | The soil having more than 30% organic matter is placed in? | Histosol |
5 | Which soil formed under water saturated condition is? | Histosols |
6 | Which soil order occupies least area in India? | Histosols |
7 | Highly weather soil in the world? | Oxisols |
8 | The highest category in soil taxonomy? | Soil order |
9 | The soil under heath or pine vegetations developed into? | Spodosols |
10 | Soils with swell shrink type clays having 30% clay? | Vertisols |
11 | North Eastern Hill Region has which soil type? | Red laterite |
12 | High topographic positions soil formed? | Red soil |
13 | The characteristics feature of soil crusting observed in? | Red soil |
14 | Kankar nodules are found mostly in? | Red soils |
15 | If organic matter content in soil more than 20% then soil classified as? | Organic soil |
Soil Science One Liners
Questions | Answer | |
16 | More than 95% of total sulphur in soil is present as? | Organic Sulphur |
17 | The main reservoir of available sulphur in soil is? (Soil Compaction) | Organic sulphur |
18 | Starter material in urban compost? | night soil |
19 | Soils in India are formed in depressions under submerged condition? | Peaty and marshy |
20 | Vascular Arboscular Mycorrhyza is used to? | P-solubilizing in plant roots |
21 | If pH <8.5, EC >4 (ds/m). ESP <15% the soil will be? | Saline |
22 | If pH >8.5. EC >4 (ds/m). ESP >15% the soil will be? | Saline alkali |
23 | Leaching is used for the treatment of? | Saline soils |
24 | Soils which are unsuitable for sugarcane are? | Saline soils |
25 | Electrical conductivity is used to express? | Salinity of the soil |
26 | Saline soils are also called? | White alkali |
27 | Mostly plants absorbed micro-nutrients in? | reduced form (Fe+2, Mn+2 etc) |
28 | Albedo also called? | Reflected radiation |
29 | Kaolin is a type of anti-transpirants? | Reflecting type |
Soil Science One Liners
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