Weedicides & Weeds Important Table-1

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Weedicides & Weeds Important Study Point

Weedicides & Weeds Important Study Point

Subject:- Weed Science

Weedicides & Weeds Important Study Point

 1.Quality parameters for irrigation water 

Class EC (dsm-1) RSC (meq/l) SAR
Good <2.0 <2.5 <10
Normal 2-4 <2.5 <10
Sodic 4 >2.5 >10
Poor >4 >2.5 >10

 2.Differences between Dry Farming and Rainfed Farming 

Dry Farming Rainfed Farming
Rainfall less than 750 mm Rain fall more than 750 mm
Rainfall distribution is erratic Rainfall is well distributed
PET (Potential Evapo Transpiration) exceeds rainfall Rainfall is more than PET
Arid and semiarid climate Humid and temperate climate
Crops are subjected to severe moisture stress Crops don’t face moisture stress
Soil moisture conservation are important Runoff and erosion control are important

 3.Weeds act as host for insect pest and disease 

Weeds Insect pest/disease Crop affected
Echinochola colonum Stem borer Rice
Chenopodium album Gram caterpillar Cotton, pea and tomato
Agropyron portulaca Wilt Tomato
Cenchurus ciliaris Ergot Pearl millet
Leersia oryzoides Bacterial leaf blight Rice
Saccharum spontaneum Downy mildew Maize
Agropyroit repens Rust Wheat

 4.Vegetative propagation of weeds 

Weed Propagation
Bermuda grass Rhizome/runners/stolons
Tiger grass Rhizome
Johanson grass Rhizome
Purple nut sedge Tubers
Water hyacinth offsets


Weed species Agent
Salvinia molesta (water fern) Curculinoid weevil, Crytobagus singularis
Tribulus terrestris Microlarinus lypriformis, M. lareynil
Opuntia dilleni Cochineal scale insect- Dactylopius tomentosus
Lantana camara Crocidosema lantana, Teleonemia scrupulosa
Parthenium hysterophorus Zygogramma bicolarata
  • Bio-herbicies:- The bio-herbicide approach involves spray of specific fungal spores or its fermentation products against the target weed. These preparations are called Mycoherbicides’.
  • Non-specific agents:- White amur feeds several weed species Lemna, Hydrilla, Potamogeton. Besides silver carp, common carp also feed large amount of algae.

 6.Mycoherbicides and target weed 

Product Content Target weed
Devine Phytophthora palmivora Strangle vine, Morrenia odorate in citrus
Bipolaris Bipolaris sorghicola Jhonson grass- Sorghum halepens
Bilophos hygoscopius Steptomyces general vegetation Non-specific
Collego WP of fungal spores of Colletotrichunm gleosporiodes. It cause stem & leaf blight.


Term Definition
Isobar Imaginary lines connecting points of equal atmospheric pressures.
Isohytes Imaginary lines connecting points of equal amounts of rainfall.
Isochrone Imaginary lines connecting points of same times.
Isobath Imaginary lines connecting points of equal water table elevations.
Isohels Imaginary lines connecting points of equal sunshine hours.
Isopleuth Imaginary lines connecting points of equal evaporation values.
Isostere Imaginary lines connecting points of constant moisture contents.
Isogonals Imaginary lines connecting points of same magnetic destination.
Isophene Imaginary lines connecting points of similar seasonal phenomenon.
Isoseismals Imaginary lines connecting points of equal seismic activities.
Isotherm Imaginary lines connecting points of equal temperatures.
Isotach Imaginary lines connecting points of equal wind velocities.
Contour Lines joining point of equal elevations
Isopleths Line joining uniform values of any phenomena
Isopluvial Lines joining equal depth of rainfall
Isotope Elements having equal number of neutrons
Isodemic Lines which join the places of similar disease severity
Isoclines A curve connecting the least cost combinations of input for all output

 8.ICAR Awards 

Award Name Field Periodicity
Hari Om Ashram Trust Award Published research in Crop Science, Horticulture and Animal sciences Biannual
Vasantrao Naik Award Water Conservation & Dry land farming Annual
Outstanding Women Agricultural Scientist Award To encourage ICAR woman scientists Annual
Jawaharlal Nehru Award Best Ph.D. in the field of Agricultural & Allied Sciences Annual
Rafi Ahmed Kidwai Memorial Award Agriculture, Animal Husbandry and Allied Sciences Two years
Fakruddin Ali Ahmed Award Agricultural Research in Tribal area Two years
ICAR Young Scientist In the field of Agricultural & Allied Sciences Two years
Outstanding Teacher Award (for 8 personalities) Agricultural & Allied fields Two years
ICAR Team Award For disciplinary research work in Agricultural & Allied fields Three years

 9.Weedicides in Field and Horticultural crops 

Weedicide Rate Kg/ha (a.1.) Time of Application
2,4-D 1.2 Post-emergence
Pendimethlin 0.5 Pre-emergence
Atrazine 2.0 Pre-emergence
Metribuzin 1.5 Pre-emergence
Simazine 4.5 Pre-emergence
2,4-D 2.0 Post-emergence
Paraquat 2.5 Post-emergence
Metribuzine 1.0 Pre-emergence
Pendimethalin 1.0 Pre-emergence
Fluchloralin 1.0 Pre-planting
Butachlor 1.5 Pre-emergence
Siramet 4.0 Pre-planting
Atrazine 1.0 Pre-emergence
Simazine 1.0 Pre-emergence
Oxyflurofen 0.24 Pre-emergence
Fluchloralin 1.5 Pre-planting
Pendimethalin 0.75 Pre-emergence
Benthiocarb 1.0 Pre-emergence
Pendimethalin 1.0 Pre-emergence
Oxidizon, Diuron 1.0 Pre-emergence
Fluchloralin 2.0 Pre-planting
Oxyflurofen 0.24 Pre-emergence
Oxadiazon 0.75 Pre-emergence
Fluchloralin 0.90 Pre-planting
Metribuzine 0.7 Pre-emergence
Aptec 4.5 Pre-planting
Fluchloralin 2.0 Pre-planting
Decathal 2.0 Pre-planting
2,4-D 1.5 Post-emergence

Weedicides & Weeds Important Study Point

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4 thoughts on “Weedicides & Weeds Important Table-1”

  1. Thanks you for providing us such a great excellent knowledge.
    I’ve a question about post emg.. herbiside for other monocot in bajra.

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